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    take from

    1. Maths honours was a stupid course to take from an economic

    2. 24And he said unto them that stood by, Take from him the pound, and give it to him

    3. VIA had a message box where you could send them a message so I sent them a message saying I will be hosting an exchange student at my house and I would really appreciate if you could tell me the bus route the student would take from my house on Bluffridge to Incarnate Word University

    4. The person who lends money gets nearly as much interest from the former as he dares to take from the latter, and his money is much safer in the hands of the one set of people than in those of the other

    5. As a result of the previous repetitive predicament, Denise would sometimes have to spend several hours weaving and ambling about the streets—asking for directions and seemingly understanding which route to take from the instructions received—but often ending up farther away from her destination than when she had first sought out assistance

    6. During 1964"s presidential campaign, Johnson told us that he was going to “take from the „haves" and give to the have-nots”

    7. Recall that during the 1964 presidential campaign, Lyndon Johnson said that we"re (the government) going to take from the haves and give to the have-nots

    8. Quite frankly, back then, I was more interested in chasing them through the yard with sticks in my hands, just to see how high that they could fly, than I was about any sort of life lesson that I could possibly take from those experiences (like, don’t chase the chickens, because, eventually, one day, one might just chase you, instead)

    9. was reluctant to take from the thousand I had stashed in my sock, but I was able to

    10. take from his head the royal crown, all set with precious stones, and

    11. Holy of Holies, and take from there the veil, and holy Ark, and the mercy seat, and the two tables, and the holy raiment of the priests,

    12. This will take from 20 minutes to half an hour

    13. this world by the actions that you take from the hear-

    14. 2 So all that remained in the city of Tapnach came out to fight with the sons of Jacob, and they thought to retake from them the booty and the spoil which they had captured from Chazar and Sarton

    15. “What happened when you removed the stake from Zachary’s chest?” I ask after a moment of silence

    16. 2 So all that remained in the city of Tapnach came out to fight with the sons of Jacob and they thought to retake from them the booty and the spoil which they had captured from Chazar and Sarton

    17. Take from stove and add all other ingredient to the cooled mixture

    18. ' 7 And I saw him descend into the Holy of Holies and take from there the veil and holy Ark and the mercy seat and the two tables and the holy raiment of the priests and the altar of incense and the forty eight precious stones with which the priest was adorned and all the holy vessels of the tabernacle; 8 And he spoke to the Earth with a loud voice: 'Earth Earth Earth hear the word of the mighty God; And receive what I commit to you and guard them until the last times so that when you are ordered you may restore them so that strangers may not get possession of them; 9 For the time comes when Jerusalem also will be delivered for a time until it is said so that it is again restored forever

    19. You knew that I am a hard man and take what I did not leave and reap what I did not sow: why did you not put my money at usury and so I might come and seek it with its gainse And he said to those who were standing in front of him Take from him the share and give it to him that has 50 ten shares

    20. Tobias was the only strength he couldn't take from her

    21. have nothing those are the ones that will be rewarded in heaven, but if you take and take from all

    22. I insisted on paying in advance, in case we decided to leave early, added fifty dollars to cover anything we might take from the fridge, told the young man he could keep any change, and offered MacFife"s passport, open at his name, as proof of identity

    23. When the plane was airborne and Bridget had opened her eyes again after takeoff, much to Joe’s amusement, she asked him how long the flight would take from

    24. Ironically the one piece of advice I didn"t take from my friend Tony was not to trust this other really close mate I had and I should have

    25. receives its water intake from the prey animals it eats

    26. The important thing to take from all this is that you have a view of the world

    27. And that’s what I hope you take from this

    28. They take from the very rich and from the poor

    29. In the Slums you made do with whatever you could steal, or take from the refuse of people who were better off than you were, especially in Sector Seven, one of the roughest of them

    30. Beware what you take from this life into the

    31. logging his take from the poker game

    32. I really don’t like to absorb magic from my surroundings because it kills the plant and animal life that I take from, plus it feels weird

    33. “How long will that take from where we are? You can’t fly anymore

    34. There are a few lessons to take from this story: 1) keep track of your receipts, 2) if you are returning something under warranty, don't wait until the last minute, and 3) persistence often pays off when trying to return something

    35. Guilt ran through her at the thought of how much pleasure she would take from this, her final act of therapeutic healing

    36. All you're seeking to do is look out for yourself, and I'll take from you what you had, that opportunity that you had, and it'll be taken from you, given to the one who had five

    37. One thing I take from the myth on this is that we were far ahead of the chimpanzees we see as our closest genetic relative

    38. “I will take from your non-response that it’s true

    39. The most important message to take from this scene is that

    40. We must be willing to deny those who will try to take from us our peace

    41. Ghastly Beggars Gang traveled the mortal realm to take from the rich but it will

    42. The Ghastly Beggars have never take from the

    43. A combined intake from food and supplements

    44. The way we take from the Earth is how we give to the Earth

    45. Anna braced herself for the difficult task of removing the embedded stake from Sage’s chest

    46. Sage took out the silver stake from under her arm

    47. Sage winced, dropping the stake from her hand

    48. away from Sebastian, Madame Button would find her and take from her everything that she had

    49. Should he take from you a chunk,

    50. ” He waved an arm to include the small group, “As you well know, our take from this planet continues to dwindle

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