The life support is the only fail safe, and it had proven effective against all rogue silicon takeover efforts to date when Lula was launched
There was no unity among the Anglos to counter the takeover, even democratically
be the entrance of Union soldiers and their takeover of the city, and this began quietly at nightfall
Eating, he made plans for the completion of his takeover of Boddaert's Realm
It was in effect a second attempt for the first takeover bid for the "Rand Daily Mail" failed
Even before that, the Confederacy had already attacked the US dozens of times, by its takeover of federal forts, customs houses, courthouses, and other federal buildings
When news hit the US of the insurgents' call for a US takeover of Texas, many Americans were outraged
It was President John Tyler who pushed for the US takeover of Texas from Mexico
The prior president, Van Buren, opposed the takeover because he saw correctly that it would lead to a prolonged and divisive war with Mexico
Polk had taken advantage of the Texas takeover passed by Tyler
A third possible candidate, John Calhoun as Secretary of State under Tyler, had devised the takeover plan on Texas
Had he run and won, then the takeover proceeds, just a year later
takeover by the government we have contributed $111 billion and the CBO estimates that those two will
consume around $380 billion between the takeover in 2008 through 2020
Jason, as a sophomore, was not eligible to belong to the History Club, nor would he be a welcome addition, he correctly perceived after his near takeover of Mr
would be a fast, simple takeover
A seizure was literally the takeover of this process from a point source or focus—an electrical storm that seized the brain
historical precision it described the Ottoman takeover of Constantinople, when Mehmet II defeated Constantine XI, who gallantly died at the wall
Inside were the details of a corporate takeover
“I didn’t kill everyone associated in a takeover by Itam
They could be planning another type of takeover of your planet
The result was to ignite a Civil War that after some four and one-half decades has culminated in a Marxist inspired takeover in Washington
When that happens usually bankruptcy, or a takeover, or some other calamity follows
Then it is time to ask some serious questions? Is the business worth it? Is there a reason to continue and if so who will be the ideal candidate to takeover?
The next stage in the ongoing Revolution was the sweeping away of the civil privileges of the nobility (August 4, 1789), followed by the takeover of Church property on December 2, 1789
Building on the sailors’ revolt, the Spartacists attempted a takeover of the state in Berlin and other cities
It was followed in early April, 1919 by a takeover by “a strange band of tribunes… the
immediate consequence of the confusion was the takeover of the government by a
catapulted the Jewish Left to the very nerve center of the body politic at the very time that the academy launched its takeover of nation
the country to escape the VC takeover at the end of the
By scanning the minds of the individuals we caught red-handed and their associates, we learned that Marishka and the former Chief of Security planned the takeover
I can’t wait for you to join me, and takeover the internet
5 billion takeover bid
Little did he or the rest of the City know, this was just the beginning? This was just the start of the biggest takeover the East Coast ever seen
“Yeah, It’s to do with the takeover,” said Mark
directed takeover of the city of Montreal
With his new demon army Daljoth attempted a final takeover of the continent
That census and political takeover are significant events in the Bible
“I thought that you would have brought your own staff for this official takeover ceremony, miss
takeover in Cuba
� ��Ladies and gentlemen of the High Council, to continue at the point where Mister Bartok interrupted me, I helped during nearly a year the British to counter the invasion projects of the Germans, who were trying to complete their takeover of Europe
‘’Ah? That will definitely interest him, then: Wolf is presently discussing with some egg-head ‘expert’ what the Japanese response to the Chinese takeover could be
debt on the books will limit takeover attempts because prospective buyers do not want
Having ‘entertained’ Nick Durante a few times already and having made him tell her through her spells much about his affairs, Jennifer could only see one group that could possibly dare try a takeover of a cabaret owned by Durante’s cousin: the Carmines
Yesterday late afternoon, the Carmines apparently attempted a violent takeover of the Gambino family’s assets in and around Los Angeles
He plots his takeover wickedly
From this point he would maneuver Hurd into accepting his takeover
Myra once again lost interest in their conversation and drifted into thinking about ways to stop Thorne's takeover, but she already knew that since it was happening on Ar there was no possible way for her to stop it
By the time Dahms was eighteen her father anticipated the tyrannical takeover by Hurd
"A hostile takeover of the holidays is just good business," added Louie, ignoring Vin
That takeover usually has three stages
Penta-soft has already put in a hostile takeover bid to snap them up
Whatever, their plight is for the real at the bewildering development about which their political leadership too maintains its studied silence! Why not, for the despots of the Sunni-Arab heartland, who are ever wary of the growing clout of the non-Arab Shia Iran, their fidayeen are only stopping the adversary’s democratic takeover of Iraq
Not only do humans as consumers feed the corporate heart, but they also accelerate the corporate mind's takeover of the global brain
When the Indo-Pakistani hunger wars began, it precipitated the collapse of local-minded farms and the eventual takeover of Vermont's agricultural infrastructure, turning the Transition State into the land of Emerald Serfdom
their hosts in various stages of takeover
There I was in the middle of an Independence Day alien takeover, but I was all smiles inside
The guards stood at various positions around the room, unarmed so the inmates couldn’t arm themselves in a takeover
Three hours into the prison takeover, the nine humans left alive pondered their fate locked up in guard pod three with no way to escape
“Governor Tate has requested assistance from the Federal government to assist with the takeover of the prison
“There is an escape hatch built into every pod in case of a prison riot or takeover, just like this
“Did you ever find out what caused this takeover in the first place?” Brian asked
White House situation room briefed him on the native takeover of the hydro facility
President,” they stated that their takeover of the facilities was a pre-emptive
investigations and the Mohawk takeover of the Cornwall power dam?”
“One other thing, Devon,” the vice-president, interjected, “Is the Mohawk takeover of
One of the vets attending stood up and said, “This is absolute bullshit, just like Jeff said, it’s a takeover and its all because of Smith,” and he slammed his chair into the table and walked out
Each company was privately controlled by a wealthy and strong-minded individual, which eliminated any possibility of a takeover attempt
After numerous takeover and various attempts at workers buy-outs, redundancies were soon the order of the day
with the news of the takeover leaked, Po now a million quid
takeover, and next year all was finished
he was forced to accept his company’s takeover
The troops support him, and the warriors would back his takeover
Nor did he fight the Pentagon’s takeover of the federal budget
Americans ignored the corporate takeover of power in Washington and bought the crappy cars and crappy houses and thought they were getting a good deal for their money
Except for his takeover of the running of the war, Hitler was a figurehead and a fraud
In the same day, an entire group of electronic retailers, including Currys, Richer Sounds and Bang & Olufsen, is given an ultimatum: they can accept a takeover by the state or cease trading within a year
With the alternative of rapidly losing custom, each of the companies who resisted now decides to accept the takeover
As news reaches Steve Johnson regarding the state takeover of businesses he knows that he cannot cover up what he is doing any more
This unconstitutional takeover of the US monetary system finally
I had no knowledge of this Code’s takeover of the world, until members of this agency came to visit me
The message behind the Code may be a simple one, but it was so complex in its means of accomplishing the intent of its masters, as to completely boggle the imagination in terms of the amount of preparation that it had taken to pull the takeover of the world off, so successfully
"I don't get it--doesn't everyone in the region know by now that Woodward Cambridge is attempting a takeover?"
She’s in the middle of a hostile takeover
He went to visit the DC at his official residence and found him hosting what appeared to be a celebration of the Taliban takeover
Because this proposed takeover wasn’t a national issue, I didn’t have to worry about the Republican majority in the House
AAPL survived its near-death experience in 2003, when its battered stock was rumored to be a takeover candidate, and grew to become the highest-capitalized, publicly traded company in the world, before collapsing from that top in 2012
Imagine selling calls on a stock that becomes a takeover play and opens $50 higher the next morning—you still have to deliver
Private Equity takeover on the way…
Conversely, if a share suddenly takes off to the moon during the day and there is no RNS, chances are a rumour has hit the market; something like a false takeover story
I’m interested in Petrofac as I have it down as a takeover candidate but whenever I dip my toe into it, I take a loss
Now the Pharma takeover circus has begun, it’s interesting to note the company’s underlying trend is bearish, even though the price action doesn’t show that
Clearly it is felt that the takeover of the company by Pfizer is on
For stocks, these events might include such things as takeover rumors or large revisions in a company’s earning estimates; for futures, events such as weather changes or an OPEC agreement can cause volatility changes
In many cases, the implied increases dramatically when there are rumors in the market — for stocks these might include takeover rumors, rumors of a dramatic change in earnings, or the supposed announcement of a new product discovery or approval
There cannot be a takeover attempt on an index nor can an individual earnings report, for example, cause the index to move a great distance as it can for a stock
If trading in the shares has been suspended – say because the company is being reorganized, or there are questions about the figures, or because it is subject to a takeover – the price listed is the last one before suspension, with # next to it