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    1. Thimble Downers also liked to talk while eating, causing the volume in the little shop to reach deafening levels as Rufus Lickspittle answered their many questions, all the while being peppered with flying bits of cake, pie, and cobbler from the yammering village folk

    2. “Greetings to the good folk of Thimble Down,” announced Rufus, standing near the rear of the shop and gesturing with his arms in a most welcoming way

    3. To make things worse, others were beginning to say how good the school would be for Thimble Down, and inquire why Dorro hadn’t thought of it first

    4. And the girl had been right—it was delicious and there was nothing like it in Thimble Down

    5. Not twenty minutes later, in the middle of Thimble Down the pair strode through the doors of the Bumbling Badger, gasping for water from the parching heat outside

    6. This isn’t unusual—she’s an inquisitive child of four and is inclined to explore with her siblings the alleys of Thimble Down, as well as the fields and pastures that surround us

    7. So we dispatched the children to the far points of Thimble Down to find her—as we’ve done before—but by dark, she still hadn’t come home

    8. An hour later, the door to Lickspittle’s Books & Antiquaria, LLC, creaked open, and the bookmaster of Thimble Down stepped inside

    9. Lickspittle have come to Thimble Down

    10. In return, the two Thimble Downers brought their friend up to date on the goings-on back in their village, the search for the missing children, and the news of Rufus Lickspittle’s new school

    11. After more than a few days away from his desk, Dorro Fox Winderiver was finally back where he belonged in the Thimble Down library

    12. Longleaf told the tale of the missing younglings from Thimble Down, the request from the Mayor and Sheriff to assist the deputy named Bosco, and his subsequent investigations

    13. “What is it, little one? No harm has come to the Thimble Downers, I pray

    14. Granted, the Winderiver family is one of means and resources, which we’ve always used to fund the library for the betterment of Thimble Down and its denizens

    15. And frankly, you can pay me back when you want! Just remind everyone that ours is a generous family and one committed to the betterment of Thimble Down, and do tell the gossipmongers to stop bringing down the name of Winderiver!”

    16. Sitting around the table were Bosco, Porge, Longleaf, Coal, and, newly returned from Thimble Down, Dumpus, who’d brought a note from Sheriff Forgo with him

    17. Apparently, he likes Thimble Down so much, he’s rented a pasture on the far side of town and intends to keep a herd of goats there

    18. I reeled in this monster, he mused, but there’s another monster in Thimble Down that needs to be caught

    19. He’s a loyal Thimble Downer and said we could count on him for anything!”

    20. (Indeed, there were few things more terrifying in Thimble Down than the sight of the Sheriff flippin’ his lid and employing that formidable voice of his

    21. He’d been propping up the lousy Mayor for years, mostly because of his sense of duty to the Halflings of Thimble Down

    22. But he knew something more important had just happened—the hunt for the lost younglings of Thimble Down had begun

    23. Those remaining were securing the younglings, while the rest were on the trail of a certain Miss Cheeryup Tunbridge, the fastest girl in all Thimble Down

    24. And Porge and Dumpus were homesick for Thimble Down—the wonders of Water-Down had evaporated long ago

    25. “I do—he said, if he were us, he would get the children, return to Thimble Down, and move with our lives as best we could,” noted Bosco

    26. Behind them was a wagon driven by Dorro, with Nutylla Parfinn next to him, while about twenty more Thimble Downers followed in their wake on pony, wagon, and foot

    27. None of the Thimble Downers could believe who it was

    28. There was one Halfling, however, who wasn’t going back to Thimble Down as directed

    29. At that, the army of Thimble Downers lurched down the road, each step getting closer and closer to the pirates and the inevitable clash of violence

    30. This was no longer the jovial Bosco, a Thimble Down lad who used to tease Forgo in public

    31. The Thimble Down deputy chimed in

    32. Timmo of Thimble Down

    33. There were shouts, around the entire area and the Thimble Downers observed figures running towards the dock area

    34. “They’re escaping! They’re escaping!” From his vantage point at the far end of the vast encampment, Dorro and Minty could see everything, including about two dozen children running for the woods, accompanied by some sword-wielding Thimble Downers led by Sheriff Forgo

    35. “It’s Thimble Down, if you don’t mind, dear-y,” peeped Minty Pinter, but a pirate kicked him in the ribs and he fell silent after that

    36. This troupe included Rufus Lickspittle, Nutylla Parfinn, and many of his best archers, all of them expert hunters from Thimble Down

    37. This is truly the last charge of the Thimble Downers

    38. Thanks to efforts of the Thimble Down fighters and the brother bears, the pirate army had been utterly destroyed, and thanks to Carl and Frumple, in many cases devoured

    39. Forgo and Dorro both swore they saw Dalbo in the midst of the fighting, yelling commands to the two giant bears who were, unbelievably, targeting pirates and leaving the Thimble Down combatants alone

    40. Among them was the valiant Amanda Toade, who had always been first in line to fight for Thimble Down and its denizens

    41. Forgo said nothing, but simply clasped his friend on the shoulder and then walked off to begin awakening villagers for the long march back to Thimble Down

    42. “Then what happens?” asked the Thimble Down deputy, who had never been to sea before and was not accustomed to the constant rocking of the ship, something reflected in his slightly green pallor

    43. Bosco’s entire nautical experience rested on fishing in the River Thimble, sometimes from a raft or small skiff

    44. They were in a small sailing craft they had chartered in Water-Down; the price had been right, and it came with a crew of three expert sailors, as neither of the Thimble Downers could manage anything more complicated than a canoe

    45. The two Halflings from Thimble Down did not share their glee

    46. One thing only she had to buy--a thimble, and that she bought for a

    47. He wrote another letter to Longleaf, this one thanking him profusely for his aid in recovering the children and saying that his name would never be forgotten in Thimble Down

    48. Many hours later, Dorro and Forgo ambled across the borders of Thimble Down in the settling dusk, leading their ponies, which were as tired as their owners

    49. The Mayor knew that the Sheriff really ran Thimble Down, but was too vain to say it out loud

    50. “You’ll always be a friend to Thimble Down

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