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    1. The dull thwack of a rifle butt in a stomach

    2. He brought his staff down with a resounding thwack across her shoulder

    3. Grey hooked the fish out onto the bank where it landed with a wet thwack, flipping its body in urgent arcs as it tried to re-enter the water

    4. "How could those two idiots have been so stupid as to leave him out there like that?" Grindel slapped his paw on the ground, the sound reverberating from the walls with a sharp thwack

    5. The thwack of steel biting into wood echoed around the farmyard and I tentatively opened one eye to take a peek

    6. It hit the floor with a thwack, the contents spilling out

    7. A mindless ball of agony, he hung on for an eternity until shrieks of fury accompanied by a resounding thwack on the railing abruptly terminated the kicking and muttered curses

    8. The Rakai ran his sword into the Lycan Lord’s gaping mouth, exiting the back of his head with a thwack

    9. Joshua never saw the arrow until it landed with a loud thwack in his left shoulder

    10. Your mother’d give you such a thwack it’d break your nose

    11. Thwack! My tape-wrapped fist connects with Brett’s blocking elbow, giving a satisfying smack

    12. It slammed into the back wall with a loud THWACK

    13. „Dad's delight,' Roy said smirking and the Prof slapped his thigh with a loud thwack and

    14. One of those who supported it, leaving the burden to his comrades, advanced to meet him, flourishing a forked stick that he had for propping up the stand when resting, and with this he caught a mighty cut Don Quixote made at him that severed it in two; but with the portion that remained in his hand he dealt such a thwack on the shoulder of Don Quixote's sword arm (which the buckler could not protect against the clownish assault) that poor Don Quixote came to the ground in a sad plight

    15. That business consisted in fetching the Commodore's craft such a thwack, that with all his pumps going he made straight for the nearest port to heave down and repair

    1. And thirty or so would be thwacked to death by a pull of the wire held in the hidden hand of the trapper

    2. He quickly hurried up the wide hall as another rasping barrage of knocks thwacked the entryway

    3. Graham looked at Sebastian smugly, as if Danny had just thwacked a tennis ball into his face

    4. Zoe, unconcerned for the men being thwacked about by lances, had wailed for the sweat-dripping horses

    5. ‘Nobody has trapped me, mom,’ I said as I thwacked a bhindi on the table

    1. The silence was broken by the sound of Smiler’s boot cap thwacking into the plastic water bottle

    2. Several times a day incompetent women teachers at Clackmannan Primary, where I taught next, would send boys to the headmaster to be punished and the ghastly old Victorian structure echoed to sadistic thwacking

    3. Ralf could not resist, just once, thwacking his scepter against the man’s skull---not enough to relieve the poor bastard of consciousness but enough to feel a meaty thud vibrate through the shaft clenched in his fist

    1. Shouts and cries had been going on for ages and then the house echoed with the thwacks and whimpers of his mother’s punishment

    2. Dull thwacks of something soft but heavy, and a short yelp leaked

    3. "I did not fall," said Sancho Panza, "but from the shock I got at seeing my master fall, my body aches so that I feel as if I had had a thousand thwacks

    4. Don Quixote, when he heard such blasphemies uttered against his lady Dulcinea, could not endure it, and lifting his pike, without saying anything to Sancho or uttering a word, he gave him two such thwacks that he brought him to the ground; and had it not been that Dorothea cried out to him to spare him he would have no doubt taken his life on the spot

    5. "If I were to try to forget the thwacks they gave me," said Sancho, "my weals would not let me, for they are still fresh on my ribs

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    Синонимы для "thwack"

    thwack smack