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    1. ” Harold answered with a smile, “Magic, of course!” The rest of their party laughed, and Mandy realized she had asked what he could not answer; like asking a tightrope artist how they got from one end of the high wire to the other

    2. She trotted over to the Professor and the three of them stared at it with the same sort of disbelief and wonder that would be engendered by the sight of the Pope juggling live piranhas whilst balancing on a flaming tightrope

    3. Even their rumpled clothing reflected their frantic condition, and the tension of knowing that they were walking a tightrope upon which the slightest misstep could well cost them their lives

    4. ‘Teaching’s a bit like walking a tightrope, isn’t it?’

    5. He would have to treat this one like he was walking a tightrope

    6. In those years he walked the tightrope between good busi-

    7. Belonging to a humble family, Shakuntala’s father was employed as a trapeze and tightrope performer and later on, as a human cannonball in a circus

    8. We naively attempt to tightrope walk invisible borders where multiple private sovereigns, personal, corporate, and governmental, tempt us with proffered rights if only we pledge allegiance to their state

    9. determined to walk her tightrope with extreme care

    10. A tightrope walker needs to be aware of his physical form and its strengths and limitations

    11. A tightrope walker needs to adjust to the prevailing conditions and to interact with them in order to negotiate the fluctuating frequencies set up by the natural environment

    12. What the tightrope walker needs is to maintain a state of creatively focused and appropriate interaction with the prevailing conditions on a moment by moment basis

    13. Focused attention to the tightrope stream of now-moments and the clear and open-minded walk along it bring about a profoundly liberating interaction with the world

    14. It was an often tricky tightrope, but Sahndhaim was well acquainted with the techniques Mother Church’s bureaucrats had evolved over the centuries to protect their own backs

    15. 52-m (24-ft 8-in) tightrope wearing a pair of shoes with 12-cm (4

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