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    tired out

    1. Hipolyta turned to our mother and said that her sister could walk circles around the Tahoe and not be tired out, it didn't make any sense that she should let Jameson walk while she rode

    2. The lads were full of questions asking us what had happened but we told them that we were tired out and needed some rest this did not stop them however from bringing us mugs of tea and giving us fags with the hope we could be persuaded to tell them the story

    3. “Did you get a good sleep or were you to busy for that I hope you’re not tired out?” A smile played over her lips and I looked askance at her as I realised that she knew all about what me and Helen had been up to

    4. I was tired out with biking up to Pike Hill House but at least I knew I could roll downhill most of the way home

    5. As a matter of fact, when our master Solomon had tired out the horse, his noble spirit introverted shy and ashamed for he slightly overworked it

    6. Max was feeling quite tired out by the steep climb up the narrow cobbled streets and stone steps, in the heat

    7. By the time the children had eaten their tea of microwaved frozen asagne, Annie was tired out, but she still had to decide who should have the computer and for how long before she could put her own feet up with a cup of tea and watch her favourite soap for an hour until the children’s bed time

    8. So what I've observed with people, and I found it happens with me too, when I was starting out, I'd pray, and after about five minutes I'm a bit tired out of praying in tongues - five minutes, that was about it

    9. Must surely have tired out,

    10. Indeed, the Messenger’s worry and sorrow for creatures were so great so that they overburdened him and tired out his back, so, this verse denotes: “have We not released you from this weighty burden when We acquainted you with the way of indication?”

    11. It will become encircled after being surrounding which requires making effort, labor, and seeking after the body's needs and its material necessities that which the noble verse means by God's saying: "…Never come near this tree in order not to be of the unjust": to yourselves, when you shall be tired out of labor

    12. If you've ever been so tired out that you had to reread the same

    13. Miles, at odds with himself, miserable that he should be forced into duplicity, hungry and tired out, leant against the wall and tried to raise himself above his situation by lifting up his heart in prayer, while Manby, below, cleared her throat

    14. 'My soul is tired--tired out utterly by that woman

    15. you have tired out during the day

    16. The girls, tired out of their minds, looked around Sammi's new room

    17. tired out, Garock would have him

    18. he was tired out and should take it easy, that he should "act his age

    19. He had been days upon his journey in France alone, when he went to bed tired out, in a little town on the high road, still a long way from Paris

    20. The niece said the same, and, more: "You must know, Master Nicholas"--for that was the name of the barber--"it was often my uncle's way to stay two days and nights together poring over these unholy books of misventures, after which he would fling the book away and snatch up his sword and fall to slashing the walls; and when he was tired out he would say he had killed four giants like four towers; and the sweat that flowed from him when he was weary he said was the blood of the wounds he had received in battle; and then he would drink a great jug of cold water and become calm and quiet, saying that this water was a most precious potion which the sage Esquife, a great magician and friend of his, had brought him

    21. He seemed to have thrown himself back in his chair, tired out, and sat there with his eyes shut till the clock struck two, when he jumped up, put his books in his pocket, as if ready for another lesson, and taking little Tina who had fallen asleep on the sofa in his arms, he carried her quietly away

    22. The next day Don Antonio thought he might as well make trial of the enchanted head, and with Don Quixote, Sancho, and two others, friends of his, besides the two ladies that had tired out Don Quixote at the ball, who had remained for the night with Don Antonio's wife, he locked himself up in the chamber where the head was

    23. evening, they arrived, all tired out, at the inn of The Red Craw-Fish

    24. Most of them were by this time quite tired out, so after some supper the party broke up

    25. The kind of submission or resignation that he showed was that of a man who was tired out

    26. So there I had to stick plumb until daylight this morning; and I never see a nigger that was a better nuss or faithfuller, and yet he was risking his freedom to do it, and was all tired out, too, and I see plain enough he'd been worked main hard lately

    27. When Hazel had said that they were all tired out, he had meant that they were feeling the strain of prolonged insecurity and fear

    28. At last, cold, hungry, and tired out, he sought the shelter of a hollow tree, where with branches and dead leaves he made himself as comfortable a bed as he could, and slept soundly till the morning

    29. He looked tired out, but as soon as he saw the other rabbits he came on faster and made his way to Bigwig

    30. They were all tired out when they reached the shore at last and stepped off upon the pretty green grass, and they also knew that the stream had carried them a long way past the road of yellow brick that led to the Emerald City

    31. "They're tired out, Kehaar

    32. The invalid sank back upon his cushions, tired out by this long recital, while his nurse poured him out a glass of some stimulating medicine

    33. Charles would be tired out after a day at the mine, and so I——It would be good to have him to myself for one evening on our return to this house I love

    34. 'Yes,' said Pippin, 'very: tired out with idleness and waiting

    35. At length, tired out, they

    36. His arms felt numb, his legs almost gave way, it seemed to him that he was tired out

    37. The countess, tired out and already dressed in shawl and bonnet for her journey, was pacing up and down the drawing room, waiting for the household to assemble for the usual silent prayer with closed doors before starting

    38. And presently, tired out, she made a pillow of her palm- leaf bag and lay

    39. And he led them a great pace over rough and smooth and through thick and thin, till the horses of all the courtiers were tired out and these four were still following

    40. Maria Alexandrovna saw that her work was done: the prince was tired out with love and emotion

    41. This was why she decided at once to go when Shatov came to fetch her, though she was tired out, as she had been hard at work at a confinement all the night before

    42. The foreman insisted that she was guilty of both the poisoning and robbery; the merchant, colonel, clerk and laborer opposed this view, while the others hesitated, but the opinion of the foreman began to predominate, principally because the jury were tired out, and they willingly joined the side which promised to prevail the sooner, and consequently release them quicker

    43. The verdict was reached not because the majority of the jury agreed to it, but first because the justiciary had so drawn out his speech that he failed to properly instruct the jury; second, because the colonel's story about his brother-in-law's wife was tedious; third, because Nekhludoff was so excited that he did not notice the omission of the clause limiting the intent in the answer, and thought that the words "without intent to rob" negatively answered the question; fourth, because Peter Gerasimovich was not in the room when the foreman read the questions and answers, and chiefly because the jury were tired out and were anxious to get away, and therefore agreed to the verdict which it was easiest to reach

    44. The odor of camphor still hung in the air through all the rooms, and Agrippina, Petrovna and Kornei seemed tired out and dissatisfied, and even quarreled about the packing of the things, the use of which seemed to consist chiefly in being hung out, dried and packed away again

    45. The Englishman distributed his Bibles, and, being tired out, he walked through the rooms saying "All right" to whatever the superintendent told him concerning the prisons

    46. When I had tired out my wife and had squandered everything I could lay my hands on, and had become unbearable, a protector turned up for her

    47. She had nothing to say in reply, because it certainly was impossible to ask her friend, tired out from her recent journey, to begin to unpack right away and take out all her things just to show her her new dress

    48. Trevanion was as unwearied as Cornish patience, but Richards was not trying to tired out Trevanion—physically

    49. Used to little petulant exhibitions of temper whose pricks he had felt with no serious wound, tired out and rendered indifferent by the unremitting brain and nerve tension of his life, Warrener yielded passively, and, going into the other room with a sigh of fatigue, sought his deserted bed

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