Используйте «titled» в предложении
titled примеры предложений
1. The article is titled, “One Hundred Years of Water Chlorination”, available from Whedon Young Productions, P
2. So, I corrected and sent them an old story of mine titled “Escape from the Tower of Eons”, and it was included in the issue of March! Certainly, this isn't a terrific success, but it is an unprecedented victory for me! I am on cloud nine!
3. recording is titled The Cause of Anger
4. She was reading a book titled, “Happy Horsies”, which had a big happy horse on the front, and a bright blue sky in the background, as the horse hopped along and through big green fields filled with whimsical flowers
5. In his verses titled, “The Need to Win,” (see Chapter 12) he describes how an archer who needs to win loses power, but one who shoots for nothing (is not-doing) conserves his power
6. In the 1980"s, Haynes Johnson of the Washington Post put pen to paper and came up with a book he titled „Sleepwalking Through History," an appraisal of the Reagan presidency
7. I remember reading a rather challenging book some years ago titled The Gagging of God
8. There is a strange irony in the fact that an avowedly Christian website titled “Christians Together” (an oxymoron?) over a period of months published a number of scathing and sometimes even poisonous comments about the Church of Scotland, mainly by members of other traditions or by discontents who have left the Kirk and want to claim a monopoly of the high moral, spiritual and Biblical ground for themselves
9. solved by passing HR 2655 titled, Separation of Powers Restoration Act which would restore the proper
10. 2009, titled “What Really Led to the Crusades?” p
11. John Paine was a prolific writer for the Revolution and his articles were titled, ―Common Sense‖
12. An example is the book of Carol Bowman titled ―Children‘s Past Lives‖
13. Recently, there was a movie that came out titled Limitless
14. This is a quote from the popular super-hero series titled Spider-Man
15. The lessons were worth Jason’s study, and he would next read Bennett’s history, titled in Lincoln’s phrase
16. Speaking about HOAXES, one of the books written on this subject is titled:
17. Why that relation is so long for being titled,
18. ” Jeannine then picked up the stack she had handed me and pulled out one titled, Gruesome Development on Chofsky Kidnapping
19. Standing next to me is Vladimir Torhan, the Executive Producer of Doberman’s Stub’s latest CD, which is not yet titled
20. The Daily Bell Newswire in an article titled, “The Fall of the House of Kennedy,” observes that Obama and the Democratic Party are caught in a trap of their own making from which they cannot escape
21. In my eBook titled "Who Am I?", I describe a wild story of federal interference in my life and my failure to overcome it
22. titled, righted itself, then was suddenly catapulted into the air
23. Cox further stated under the section titled ‘The Problem’,
24. This story was printed in an Eastern newspaper on 23 Mar 1997 and titled “Unarmed Robbery”: ‘An elderly woman
25. (Made sure means that legally Abraham had the titled deed to this piece of
26. Titled: THE NEXT ONE
27. I have titled „What The Bleep Do We
28. A book published by Princeton University Press and titled Revolution from Abroad: the Soviet Conquest of Poland’s Western Ukraine and Western Byelorussia, says that when the Soviet army
29. “Splice” movie has another movie advertised titled “LET THE
30. titled under his name, one of the banks secured a lien on the property, making it
31. `Pandemonium Prevents Rescue,' he titled his piece
32. property was titled under Gary Noble’s name, he spoke with Gary and he agreed to
33. As he left they gave him a book written in French by Jean Lart�guy titled Le Mal Jaune, loosely translated as The Yellow Sickness
34. I said, “I have a book titled Secrets of the Great Pyramid which describes various mathematical properties of the pyramid and how its dimensions relate to the size of our planet, and so on
35. titled An Illustrated History of Art, and had a man who’d been carved from white stone on the cover, staring serenely off to one
36. In 1883, a group of socialist doctrinaires in England founded a society titled the Fellowship of the New Life
37. In order to clarify his concepts of Capitalism and conservatism at that time, he wrote a brochure titled,
38. Then "right-click" out mouse and select the option titled "Export as groups to TXT"
39. To start, click on the button at the bottom of the screen titled "Start Tracking Conversions"
40. Click on the column heading titled "Searches" to sort the keywords in descending order, with the keyword being searched the most at the top
41. Hal titled his
42. We'll just enter a project name titled "keyword research" since that's the name of the main keyword we used to
43. Lastly, we'll click the column heading titled "Title" to sort it in descending order
44. Ryan barely titled his
45. David Brooks in an op-ed piece in the Wall Street Journal (May 15), titled his
46. You should include 1 image in your Post and it should be titled with your
47. He titled the page ‘How I Can Make a Million'
48. I grabbed bottled water from the cooler and titled my head to the left, trying to listen closer
49. All construction has been halted among reports that billionaire Jack Trom has decided to withdraw his support for the project titled DANDYWORLD that was announced earlier this year
50. He was an expert at playing with our ideas of perspective, his first print; titled