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    1. The tension of the previous few days, the dread rigidity that fused every joint in my body and buried my conscious self under a raw tonnage of iron, was released in a single, long, low moan

    2. Port Hedland – named after its founder, Peter Hedland in 1863, now it supports a population of 14,000 and is the highest tonnage port in Australia

    3. The tonnage, accordingly, of all the European shipping employed in the East India trade, at any one time during the last century, was not, perhaps, much greater than that of the English East India company before the late reduction of their shipping

    4. It was, besides, a foreign manufacture, and must have paid some duty, the ancient custom of tonnage and

    5. Several of the other duties, too which were imposed either at the same time or subsequent to the old subsidy, what is called the additional duty, the new subsidy, the one-third and two-thirds subsidies, the impost 1692, the tonnage on wine, were allowed to be wholly drawn back upon exportation

    6. The tonnage bounties given to the white herring and whale fisheries may, perhaps, be considered as somewhat of this nature

    7. From the commencement of the winter fishing 1771, to the end of the winter fishing 1781, the tonnage bounty upon the herring-buss fishery has been at thirty shillings the ton

    8. During these eleven years, the tonnage bounties paid amounted to £155,463:11s

    9. Thirdly, The mode of fishing, for which this tonnage bounty in the white herring fishery has been given (by busses or decked vessels from twenry to eighty tons burden ), seems not so well adapted to the situation of Scotland, as to that of Holland, from the practice of which country it appears to have been borrowed

    10. 24), a joint stock company was erected, with a capital of £500,000, to which the subscribers (over and above all other encouragements, the tonnage bounty just now mentioned, the exportation bounty of 2s:8d

    11. APPENDIX TO BOOK IV The two following accounts are subjoined, in order to illustrate and confirm what is said in the fifth chapter of the fourth book, concerning the Tonnage Bounty to the Whit-herring Fishery

    12. proportion to their weight or their tonnage, they pay for the maintenance of those public works exactly in proportion to the wear and tear which they occasion of them

    13. In 1734, the company petitioned the king, that they might be allowed to dispose of the trade and tonnage of their annual ship, on account of the little profit which they made by it, and to accept of such equivalent as they could obtain from the king of Spain

    14. The other two branches were, first, a duty upon wine, which being imposed at so much a-ton, was called a tonnage; and, secondly, a duty upon all other goods, which being imposed at so much a-pound of their supposed value, was called a poundage

    15. The duties of tonnage and poundage were generally granted to the king by one and the same act of parliament, and were called the subsidy of tonnage and poundage

    16. In 1708, those duties were all (except the old subsidy of tonnage and poundage, of which one moiety only was made a part of this fund, and a duty upon the importation of Scotch linen, which had been taken off by the articles of union) still further continued, as a fund for new loans, to the first of August 1714, and were called the fourth general mortgage or fund

    17. In 1709, those duties were all ( except the old subsidy of tonnage and poundage, which was now left out of this fund altogether ) still further continued, for the same purpose, to the first of August 1716, and were called the fifth general mortgage or fund

    18. A precise record of the movements of all vessels over a certain tonnage was maintained in the harbormaster’s office

    19. in tonnage, despite the fact that winter ice closes the harbor for 3 months out of the year

    20. Tonnage: cubic capacity of a ship expressed in tons loaded and unloaded

    21. In terms of total tonnage in 2003, the Twin Ports of Duluth and Superior surpassed all of the other ports on the Great Lakes

    22. Created in 1954, the DSPA serves the largest Great Lakes port and is 16th in the nation in total tonnage

    23. The tonnage of the bombs dropped on Hanoi during the Christmas bombing in 1972 was greater than in all of World War II

    24. On top of that, with the Japanese naval blockade of the Philippines, any evacuation by sea of those American forces will be nearly impossible, while the actual air bridge with Australia has a strictly limited tonnage capacity

    25. Therefore, taking into consideration the total tonnage of bombs dropped and the horrendous toll inflicted on Bomber Command, was the return for such prohibitive losses disproportionate? To try and answer this, it is necessary to go back to the strategy adopted by Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain at the outbreak of World War Two in September 1939

    26. A greater tonnage of bombs was dropped and more civilians killed in this single attack than the Luftwaffe managed to inflict on Britain during the entire war

    27. deposits, and the highest tonnage of

    28. What you will lose in instant tonnage of bombs dropped on or close to the objective, you will gain in accuracy, especially if you bomb from just above the safe minimum altitude for those bombs

    29. �The tonnage of shipping at our port in 1837 was only 1,953,894

    30. tonnage with the available area

    31. Still not fully repaired from her last battle, the Nova Wind, although twice the tonnage of her attacker, could not afford to trade punches with the smaller ship

    32. tankers in 1968, so that the tonnage of his tankers alone amounted to 2,500,000

    33. of incoming and outgoing waves and send a tonnage of angry water up over the forward

    34. Marty braced for the impact which swept a tonnage of seawater over him with a forceful

    35. excess tonnage she had constantly carted around her house, Mrs

    36. The clatter of the presses has been worthy of the tonnage, of the preliminary paeans of triumph round that vanished hull, of the reckless statements, and elaborate descriptions of its ornate splendour

    37. The tonnage coming down, he later wrote, “seemed like a railroad carload

    38. Ahbaht loved his ship, and in any sort of wind her lofty rig made her fleet-footed and surprisingly handy for a vessel of her size and tonnage

    39. Bonds on mining properties invariably have a sinking fund, usually of substantial proportions and based upon the tonnage mined

    40. Operation of the mines supplied an important tonnage to the railroad division

    41. (In fact the claim was later made by the Jersey Central that the Lehigh Coal and Navigation was obligated in connection with the lease to supply a certain tonnage from its coal properties)

    42. In operation since 2005, the Costa Concordia has a gross tonnage (GT) – a measure of its total internal volume – of 125,814, and is 290

    43. MS Allure of the Seas is 362 m (1,187 ft) long, 66 m (215 ft) wide and has a gross tonnage (volume of its enclosed spaces) of 225,282

    44. The MV Solitaire has a deadweight tonnage of 127,435 tonnes (281 million lb)

    45. The SS Norway, which has a gross tonnage of 76,049, is 315

    46. It was an effort to lift the tonnage of his eyelashes

    47. , and there were sundry questions about tonnage and poundage and ship-money, which most of them appeared unable to answer; still, every little difficulty was solved instantly when it reached Burns: her memory seemed to have retained the substance of the whole lesson, and she was ready with answers on every point

    48. " The Titanic's tonnage was 45,000, for which the present requirements are altogether insufficient

    49. There were thirty-six ships of fair tonnage which were reported there during those months

    50. Compare their present situation with that which must have been the necessary consequence of the seizure of all the floating, registered tonnage of the United States, and which would have happened, but for the embargo

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