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    top up

    1. He had his full pack on once again, such as it was now with tent and blanket stuffed strategically to stop up the holes

    2. ’ He finished, offering me a top up to my cup

    3. Enthusiastically, I follow him over to where he is busily setting the laptop up

    4. I was thinking that I need to be back at the house tonight – with Mum and Dad coming for dinner tomorrow, I’ll need to do a bit of tidying up and top up the old food stores

    5. As he walks back to the girls, signalling to the barman to top up their drinks, he wonders whether Ted really has the balls

    6. They had a flip up top; if you lifted the top up, there was enough room in there to store a lot of stuff

    7. Doc danced over with the bottle and tried to top up his coffee

    8. “My antenna! It's melted down to nothing! I no longer have an antenna! I'm putting the top up!”

    9. "Sit down and I'll bring you a top up

    10. then we were accused of being the ones to stop up their sewer lines

    11. Using my strong arms to move the ancient hand-operated pumps, I had to physically push the petrol up from the underground storage tank into the truck, to top up whenever possible

    12. I’ll top up the water level, keeping emerging roots wet up to the rounded bottom of the bulb

    13. You’ve got to turn off the old system, or at least stop updating it

    14. agreed to flip the switch, stop updating the old systems (she still gave her employees

    15. 29 Presents and gifts blind the eyes of the wise, and stop up his mouth that he cannot reprove

    16. 20 When you were thirsty, did I not stop up the rock, and waters flowed out to

    17. they're JV’ing? Start an ad list, and be prepared to have to top up often from the un-

    18. 40 And he taught them on the Sabbaths; And they wondered because of his doctrine for his word was as if it were authoritative; And there was in the synagogue a man with an unclean devil and he cried out with a loud voice and said Let me alone; what have I to do with you you Jesus of Nazarethe are you come for our destructione I know you who you are you Holy One of God; And Jesus rebuked him and said Stop up your mouth and come out of him; And the demon threw him in the midst and came out of him having done him no harm; And great amaze- ment took hold on every man; And they talked one with another and said What is this word that orders the unclean spirits with power and authority and they come oute And the news of him spread abroad in all the region which was around them

    19. top up, he thought to himself, giving his his depleted can a

    20. Stop up here a ways

    21. His mouth lowered to mine and then his hand inched my top up until he was able to

    22. As always I needed to top up the treasury, having spent most of my nest egg on the winter holiday in Austria, theatre tickets and weekends away like the trip to Stonehenge with André

    23. It was evening and the temperature was a little cool so he put the convertible top up and went looking for a restaurant

    24. shoes on and leaving the laces untied he pulled the hood of the track top up to

    25. Steve pulled the hood of his track top up over his head to hide the handle of the

    26. Whatever leaked out, the top up tanks would replace straight away

    27. It takes a lot to stop up Millie's yappin', but

    28. ‘’Yes, sir! I will need to top up on ammunition and will also need some local maps

    29. Kern had even been able to go back to 3386 ‘A’ at least once, to buy there much needed advanced medical supplies and to top up their reserves of isotopic fuel for their ships

    30. Note: You can top up each glass with cream prior to serving

    31. “I sold him,” she says, shrugging nonchalantly, testing the waters of his rage, as she stands to top up her coffee, thinking, that if he threatens her further, he will get it full blast in the face

    32. He asked for another top up of wine and changed the subject to the beauty of the dying sunset

    33. The pump was a small capacity type, designed to slowly top up the large water tanks in the roof of the house

    34. 4 billion top up I have just negotiated with private investors, to develop more sites

    35. They rode non-stop up to the 42nd floor

    36. lifted the laptop up and passed her the poem

    37. did stop up-on the top,

    38. come,” she said and picked the laptop up, walking to the

    39. I sit here upon the floor of the friend of my Al, without friend or family, my laptop upon my knee

    40. The role of another top UPA minister in the 2G Spectrum Scam is coming under

    41. have been, I will stop up my ears with cotton, so that, let them make as much

    42. This was a most economical way to get over it, because it made it unnecessary to stop up the joints beforehand - the whitewash filled up all the cracks: and it also filled up the hollow parts, the crevices and interstices of the ornament, destroying the sharp outlines of the beautiful designs and reducing the whole to a lumpy, formless mass

    43. It was so clear to Anna that there was nothing for anyone to be glad of, that this laughter irritated her agonizingly, and she would have liked to stop up her ears not to hear it

    44. 00 as a potential breakout level, many traders would move their stop up to $50

    45. If you include too much detail, you may create an onerous task and eventually stop updating these records every day

    46. Normally I would top up on this company in the legacy portfolio but this story is too shaggy to go big on

    47. I’m also trying not to top up on it as I already have enough

    48. The workmen, when they come to-morrow to stop up that hole, would certainly have found the stiff abandoned there, and it might have been possible, thread by thread, straw by straw, to pick up the scent and reach you

    49. " A pile of Cassandras, Harlequins and Columbines, jolted along high above the passers-by, all possible grotesquenesses, from the Turk to the savage, Hercules supporting Marquises, fishwives who would have made Rabelais stop up his ears just as the Maenads made Aristophanes drop his eyes, tow wigs, pink tights, dandified

    50. I wanted to stop up the past and destroy Papa’s preserved memory forever, if it was going to be played with by feeble-minded children like these

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