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    1. The first shopping trolley that she womanfully

    2. No worse that is until having found a trolley without a wonky wheel, having

    3. He edged a little closer along the trolley, brushing a

    4. He gently pushed the trolley away and she let

    5. shopping trolley back into position in front of her

    6. She pushed her trolley down the aisle and turned into the

    7. trolley at the lead woman of the pack, turned on her heel and marched out of the store

    8. At a serving trolley nearby, Mohammed pops a cork, winks at the princess, who nods slightly

    9. In a daze, I walk round the aisles pushing the trolley and putting items in it … reaching the pharmacy section, I stand before the display of condoms and pregnancy testing kits feeling very ignorant

    10. in the supermarket trolley,

    11. Clothes, of course, were something that Cyberia did know about and despite the unearthly hour of her rising and the wonky wheels on the shopping trolley that she had to use to transport her uncharitable apparel down to the local football club’s car park, she made a good fist of the first hour

    12. Her husband was not impressed when she eventually returned home minus the shopping trolley, without any money and too scared to make amends for her failings by popping down to the off-licence for him

    13. "Bugger me, but you're ugly", said the soldier, but he steeled himself and popped the dog into the shopping trolley

    14. He popped this second dog into his shopping trolley, entered the magic numbers on the cash machine's keypad and proceeded to stuff his trouser legs full of as many twenty-pound notes as he could

    15. After a few seconds the soldier started to feel really freaked out, so he popped the dog into the shopping trolley, pressed the buttons and built the biggest pile of fifty-pound notes he had ever seen by the door

    16. These he stuffed into the shopping trolley followed by the huge pile of fifty-pound notes

    17. "Right", said the soldier, "fill this tartan shopping trolley with fifty-pound notes

    18. on the shopping trolley that she had to use to transport her

    19. Pop him into the shopping trolley,

    20. Just pop him into the shopping trolley, key in the magic

    21. tree and found the hole, she passed the shopping trolley up to him

    22. himself and popped the dog into the shopping trolley

    23. He popped this second dog into his shopping trolley, entered the

    24. trolley, pressed the buttons and built the biggest pile of fifty-pound

    25. shopping trolley followed by the huge pile of fifty-pound notes

    26. was standing back out in the open air with a tartan shopping trolley

    27. "Right", said the soldier, "fill this tartan shopping trolley with

    28. trolley in front of him with his big, slobbery mouth

    29. few moments ticked by before the dog and the shopping trolley

    30. The shopping trolley was full to overflowing with

    31. recognising the symptoms, I hurriedly leave my trolley near the check out and, quickly mentioning to the girl that I will be back in a moment, I charge off to the ladies, just arriving in time

    32. Five minutes later, I retrieve my trolley and resume the shopping

    33. You can see her broomstick poking out of her shopping trolley

    34. The body has not yet been processed and is still on a trolley wrapped in a blue blanket

    35. The only thing that Billy can see is the body in the wings, Leona's body, laid out on a trolley in the main mortuary room, ready for inspection by the Coroner's Officer prior to Monday's autopsy

    36. In Billy’s field of vision, in the image of the world that he carries with him as he sinks onto his knees by the mortuary door, Leona waves to him from the trolley and starts to tap her left foot in time to the beat of the music that is thumping through his throbbing temples

    37. The small front garden is still choked with last summer's weeds, a tattered bag of rock hard cement and the frame, minus wire basket, of a super market trolley

    38. When the mortuary technician found him on his knees in the mortuary’s ante-room, he tried to help, making a sustained but weary effort to persuade Billy to sit down and have a cup of tea, assuming that he was related to the girl on the trolley, but there were no handles by which he could get a hold of the flaking singer

    39. His trunk waited on the trolley with Mr

    40. Off his trolley

    41. Mohamed got out and fetched a trolley for the cases

    42. trolley is just the first step in a long drawn out process

    43. Manson and Ronaldo had kitted up and she watched them, through her office window, as they pulled the trolley out of the gates and set off down the road

    44. could see him wholly now shoving his trolley as the two girls

    45. “We’ll talk about that in the taxi,” I said as I took his trolley and

    46. was carrying a trolley with all kinds of rubbish,

    47. Buses and trolley buses are very good and, more

    48. And now, as he re-assumes the helm behind the trolley and sets a course for the sophomore wing, there is a chorus of “Thank you Mr

    49. As he is entering the sophomore wing the closing door bangs against the side of the trolley

    50. Hendersen is sort-of marching along as he pilots the trolley toward the junior wing

    1. two trolleys strong, laden to the gunwales with Christmas crackers, wreaths of tinsel

    2. On Saturday and Sunday mornings for the rest of that summer you would have found Cyberia pushing shopping trolleys full of used clothing in the direction of car boot sales full of eager, budget priced consumers

    3. He spent every moment that he could collecting shopping trolleys full of ready cash and, when he finally had enough money to hand, he opened an account with the great and majestic bank that pulsed at the heart of London’s financial community

    4. shopping trolleys full of ready cash and, when he finally had

    5. The two detectives walk along empty corridors where the floor is scuffed and marked with black rubber skids from trolleys and wheelchairs

    6. Trolleys move slowly congealing meals along in front of care staff, and porters wheel the infirm and the damaged towards toilets and x-rays

    7. Two trolleys stand empty over by the far wall

    8. Allcock welcomed him by name, indicated the trolleys of luggage following them, then he led Harry to the Ticketing office at the far end of the inside of the station

    9. The pedestrians seemed hell bent on bashing their way to the front of the queue with their trolleys and elbows

    10. She wished the trolleys were running, but it was too late at night

    11. There was a knock at the door and five waiters with trolleys came in with stacks of food on

    12. trolleys meant to be used by the bellhops, then, when told by management not to use the

    13. trolleys anymore because it could damage them, decide to find a solution at the hospital? Yes,

    14. We filled shopping trolleys at Tesco’s, collected Green Stamps, and then I earned my supper by acting as porter

    15. He saw leaning against one of the maintenance trolleys one of the meter long steel chisels used by the cleaners to scrape off rubber deposits from floor spillages

    16. wheel the trolleys down the cabin aisle on their hind

    17. Lewis is bored, not having slept at all due to the infernal noise of steel trolleys being pushed past the ward all night he feels tired

    18. easily stifled by the banging of crates and the rumbling of cargo trolleys

    19. Dying people would be collected in trolleys around the streets of Calcutta

    20. Wyatt and Ben held the trolleys still while Jo and I climbed in, already loaded with our bags and the weapons we gathered from around the diner

    21. They pushed the trolleys forward, slamming us through the doors and out onto the street

    22. They gave the trolleys one last push before Ben climbed in alongside Jo and Wyatt jumped in with me

    23. Before anyone could answer, the trolleys hit the curb and toppled over, sending us all flying onto the hard concrete

    24. “I must have landed on one of the knives when we tipped the trolleys

    25. The whole place is littered with domestic waste, empty shopping trolleys, a few burnt out cars, and stray cats and dogs have set up permanent residence in the derelict stadiums

    26. The floor was very smooth and the wheels on the trolleys were well oiled, so friction was not great

    27. groaning trolleys full of top-class produce at the supermarket and

    28. Some beasts were working their asses out to raise the crop, when some other beasts were pulling loads of cargo on trolleys up and around the lanes

    29. His head was full of the noises of tram- gongs and swishing trolleys and his nose already sniffed the curling fumes punch

    30. All afternoon trolleys rattled down the bluff on the steep Poughkeepsie side of the Hudson, transporting fans to the waterside

    31. “In that case, I won’t pretend I wouldn’t like to get home while the trolleys are still running,” he admitted

    32. Then he showed them the wards one after another, the storeroom, the linen room, then the heating stove of a new pattern, then the trolleys, which would make no noise as they carried everything needed along the corridors, and many other things

    33. Now, at noon, the streets and sidewalks were filled with suited men and women from the courts carrying briefcases or pulling luggage trolleys, their heads bent to their iPhones

    34. Nothing but some alien people in a rocket, people who might shine his shoes and ride in the back of trolleys or sit far up in midnight theaters

    35. In recent years, the old stone bridge built by the Spaniards had been torn down, and in its stead was one made of brick and lined with streetlamps for the new mule-drawn trolleys

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