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    Используйте «two-sided» в предложении

    two-sided примеры предложений


    1. because I still didn’t trust Grace, who’d proven that she could be two-sided

    2. They were also four-sided and not two-sided as she had first told me

    3. ” Urit walked towards the wall behind the two-sided AS, which was a blank staring at his passing

    4. This is US two-sided, poly-headed pedophilia – making youth the ideal, then sexualizing the youth, and then finally fencing them off

    5. The ratio is two-sided income and

    6. But not a four-sided structure, or a three-sided on, or a two-sided one or a one-sided one

    7. But the artificial whitewashing humans do is not two-sided

    8. A relationship is always two-sided and God also

    9. tions have two-sided effect

    10. The difference of opinion and two-sided trading in these spots can lead to unusual activity, but the strongest trends will continue past this level, extending into another leg

    11. If our alternative hypothesis is nondirectional and two-sided, θA ≠ θB, the test will have a Type I error of 100% − 90% = 10%

    12. 12: In each of the following instances, would you use a one-sided or a two-sided test?

    13. We have 14 observations, which is a sufficient number to apply the one-sample, two-sided t-test

    14. As a result, we need to double the resulting count in order to obtain a two-sided p-value

    15. 04? Hint: What was the principle alternative? Was it one-sided or two-sided?

    16. You should also decide at the same time as you formulate your hypothe­ses whether the alternatives of interest are one-sided or two-sided, ordered or unordered

    17. 3 The Two-Sided Test

    18. Of course, we would! In determining the significance level in this example, we must perform a two-sided test and add together the total number of tables that lie in either of the two extremes or tails of the permutation distribution

    19. Will this alternative hypothesis lead to a one-sided or a two-sided test?) Yet, for reasons that have to do solely with the limitations of statistical procedures, your primary hypothesis will normally be a null hypothesis of no effect

    20. Remember, one-sided hypotheses lead to one-sided tests and two-sided hypotheses to two-sided tests

    21. The MACD divergence switches the review from two-sided to the upside

    22. , the critical value of a two-sided 5% significance level is 1

    23. In particular, they can sell short, lever up their positions, and use derivatives more freely than long-only managers (even if the latter have acquired flexibility on all fronts, as part of the two-sided convergence between long-only and absolute return managers)

    24. Karamazov is just such a two-sided nature, fluctuating between two extremes, that even when moved by the most violent craving for riotous gayety, he can pull himself up, if something strikes him on the other side

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