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    uncritical примеры предложений


    1. A nation‘s indifference to military preparedness and its uncritical assumptions regarding the inestimable intentions of hostile nations is consistent with the erstwhile requirements of a purposeful nation that has lost the Will to Lead by example

    2. which form of geometry is true of space and severing the uncritical

    3. These were men who were not uncritical of the Church of Scotland at various times, but their criticism was always balanced and came very much from within

    4. uncritical way that we believe them and then apply them to our actions

    5. A rote, unreflected, and uncritical mastery of an act makes us oblivious to its frame, trapped by the nature of the game and unable to transcend the language rules we are embedded in

    6. “As the conscious mind attends to the pyrotechnics of sight and sound, the brain is being subliminally rekeyed to accept new modes of uncritical abdication to an unwarranted nor understood feeling

    7. Positively cynical, Fanny had become--Fanny, who used to be such friends with life, so wholeheartedly uncritical of everybody and everything

    8. Quiescent and uncritical

    9. Corporations strive to make the consumer as uncritical, and as uneducated, and as lazy, and as spoiled as possible

    10. What does his reveal? It reveals a completely uncritical attitude towards authority figures

    11. We are completely uncritical about what we think is funny

    12. These ridiculous lies are gobbled up by unthinking uncritical tourists without a whimper of dissent or questioning

    13. Science’s idea of foregoing all human morality, and replacing the morality of supernatural entities with an amoral, non-moral inhuman uncritical idiocy which treats Nature as if all Nature is an omniscient god, and there is no GOOD and no evil within Nature, and that whatever happens; and especially everything that happened in the past was and is both natural and good form of ‘natural selection’, is another way these undead have programmed, brainwashed, and gulled the latest crop of modern humans into remaining unaware of their foul, destructive evil existence

    14. And this takes no account of that which ought not to be forgotten in describing the genesis of the opinion—the action of 'seducing spirits and the teaching of demons speaking lies in hypocrisy,’ which may nevertheless be believed to have been concerned in re-establishing that primeval philosophy whispered in the ear of Eve, 'You shall not surely die! ’ If a few energetic preachers, in our own generation, reckless in uncritical assertion, ruthless in their treatment of opponents, and moderately well convinced of the truth of the tremendous doctrine they have espoused, are able to persuade so many modern multitudes of its truth, with the printed Bible under their eyes, it is easy to understand that the few scattered protests of the Ante-Nicene ages were feebly matched against the influence of numberless Christian teachers, maddened by the cruelty of the Roman Emperors, and thirsting for some vengeful threatening of hell-torment which might perchance scare the heathen into silence or submission

    15. It need hardly be remarked that his use both of Greek and of Roman historians and of the sacred writings of the Jews is wholly uncritical

    16. The photographer Martin Parr cast a not uncritical eye on all of this in his photo essay The Last Resort, but I remember the place with the fondness of lost summer

    17. humiliating confessions—how much more by hearing in hard distinct syllables from the lips of a near observer, those confused murmurs which we try to call morbid, and strive against as if they were the oncoming of numbness! And this cruel outward accuser was there in the shape of a wife—nay, of a young bride, who, instead of observing his abundant penscratches and amplitude of paper with the uncritical awe of an elegantminded canary-bird, seemed to present herself as a spy watching everything with a malign power of inference

    18. Any idea of safety based on this uncritical approach was clearly illusory and replete with danger

    19. In this uncritical appraisal by the stock market, the idle asset was considered equivalent to a serious and permanent liability

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    Синонимы для "uncritical"

    uncritical noncritical undifferentiating indiscriminate promiscuous unselective imprudent uninformed imperceptive