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1. influence and almost unequalled power
2. We visited hundreds of dwellings and small villages as well as the main centres of Tulancingo, Santaros, Vincoso and everywhere there were signs of a people who were slowly being ground down by taxes and overwork, after three weeks we finally neared Xocanti, the followers now numbered in the thousands, but Wedon the high priest and all the villagers, man, woman and child, came out to escort us into the village, carrying food and drink for as many as wanted it, I began to worry that this selflessness would seriously leave Xocanti short of food but Wedon assured me that was not the case, it was a joyous reunion for me and Coatl, when Jodas and his troop of warriors marched up and as one knelt in front of us, I told them to rise and we all hugged and punched and rolled about in the dirt, even Coatl joined in the fun, not a very dignified entrance for the Most High chief of all the Tolteca, but knowing these people like we did no-one took exception to their chief wrestling on the ground and having a bit of fun, mother hearing about it later congratulated me and called it a stroke of political statesmanship unequalled ever, it was only later that I realised how right she was, that one bit of fooling around had endeared me to all who witnessed it, it had achieved more maybe than all the pomp and ceremony of our long march, I didn’t have the heart to tell her it was impromptu, trust mother to immediately sort the maize from the chaff
3. I am unequalled in this
4. The walls hide achievements, joy, defeats, and cries, concealed by time emotions highlighted by the unequalled repainted blue and the golden and pearl frame pictures
5. and they mistakenly believe that they are unequalled
6. “And, O the unequalled among Bharat, be it known to you that
7. in his chest in a new unequalled agony
8. The air was thick with the unequalled stench of decomposition which burned his nose and made his eyes water
9. is unequalled among all other types of bliss and is therefore
10. He did not tell her she had become a sister; he merely rearranged his life on these new lines; and he did, as the doctor had predicted, throw himself into his work with more zeal than ever, and very soon was once again being pervaded by the blessed calms, the serenities, the unequalled harmonies that are the portion of him who diligently does what he is interested in
11. understood that a great event, unequalled since the
12. That is the body of Chrysostom, who was unrivalled in wit, unequalled in courtesy, unapproached in gentle bearing, a phoenix in friendship, generous without limit, grave without arrogance, gay without vulgarity, and, in short, first in all that constitutes goodness and second to none in all that makes up misfortune
13. "That is the truth," replied Anselmo, "and relying upon that I will tell thee, friend Lothario, that the desire which harasses me is that of knowing whether my wife Camilla is as good and as perfect as I think her to be; and I cannot satisfy myself of the truth on this point except by testing her in such a way that the trial may prove the purity of her virtue as the fire proves that of gold; because I am persuaded, my friend, that a woman is virtuous only in proportion as she is or is not tempted; and that she alone is strong who does not yield to the promises, gifts, tears, and importunities of earnest lovers; for what thanks does a woman deserve for being good if no one urges her to be bad, and what wonder is it that she is reserved and circumspect to whom no opportunity is given of going wrong and who knows she has a husband that will take her life the first time he detects her in an impropriety? I do not therefore hold her who is virtuous through fear or want of opportunity in the same estimation as her who comes out of temptation and trial with a crown of victory; and so, for these reasons and many others that I could give thee to justify and support the opinion I hold, I am desirous that my wife Camilla should pass this crisis, and be refined and tested by the fire of finding herself wooed and by one worthy to set his affections upon her; and if she comes out, as I know she will, victorious from this struggle, I shall look upon my good fortune as unequalled, I shall be able to say that the cup of my desire is full, and that the virtuous woman of whom the sage says 'Who shall find her?' has fallen to my lot
14. He did not remove Rocinante's saddle, as his master's express orders were, that so long as they were in the field or not sleeping under a roof Rocinante was not to be stripped--the ancient usage established and observed by knights-errant being to take off the bridle and hang it on the saddle-bow, but to remove the saddle from the horse--never! Sancho acted accordingly, and gave him the same liberty he had given Dapple, between whom and Rocinante there was a friendship so unequalled and so strong, that it is handed down by tradition from father to son, that the author of this veracious history devoted some special chapters to it, which, in order to preserve the propriety and decorum due to a history so heroic, he did not insert therein; although at times he forgets this resolution of his and describes how eagerly the two beasts would scratch one another when they were together and how, when they were tired or full, Rocinante would lay his neck across Dapple's, stretching half a yard or more on the other side, and the pair would stand thus, gazing thoughtfully on the ground, for three days, or at least so long as they were left alone, or hunger did not drive them to go and look for food
15. I could perhaps remember here and there among the shadows of my sea-life a more daring man, or a more agile man, or a man more expert in some special branch of his calling--such as wire splicing, for instance; but for all-round competence, he was unequalled
16. head, the originals of beauty, of nature's unequalled composition, above
17. Her face, therefore, like that of the gentleman, was perfectly unknown to the two concierges, who were perhaps unequalled throughout the capital for discretion
18. There, in the coffin lay no longer the foul Thing that we had so dreaded and grown to hate that the work of her destruction was yielded as a privilege to the one best entitled to it, but Lucy as we had seen her in life, with her face of unequalled sweetness and purity
19. When she did understand it, however, and found herself expected to believe that she had created sensations which his heart had never known before, and that everything he had done for William was to be placed to the account of his excessive and unequalled attachment to her, she was exceedingly distressed, and for some moments unable to speak
20. Private fortunes have been accumulated with unequalled ease and rapidity; commerce has prospered beyond example; agriculture has flourished; and the revenue abundant, beyond the wants of the Government
21. He says: "Necropoli of unequalled richness have been discovered in the Great Caucasus and on several points of Transcaucasia