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    upper chamber

    1. 2 And Ahaziah fell down through a lattice in his upper chamber that was in Samaria, and was sick, and he sent messengers, and said

    2. 12 And the altars that were on the top of the upper chamber of Ahaz, which the kings of Judah had made, and the altars which

    3. treasuries of it, and of the upper chambers of it, and of the inner parlours of it, and of the place of the mercy seat, 12 And the pattern

    4. gold; And he overlaid the upper chambers with gold

    5. When he was come, they brought him into the upper chamber: and all the widows stood by him weeping, and shewing the coats and garments which Dorcas made, while she was with them

    6. 5 Now the upper chambers were shorter, for the galleries were higher

    7. The selfsame time came Tobit home and entered into his house and Sara the daughter of Raguel came down from her upper chamber

    8. Yet still, the cranks and clogs of my mind must have been set on overload that dreary Wednesday afternoon, for after a little times distance I scarcely heard the sound of what could only be described as the rapping and clapping of hoofs in the upper chambers

    9. Coming into an upper chamber, he halted only long enough to see that it was empty

    10. Among those dark or dimly lighted upper chambers he quickly lost all sense of direction, and it was not strange that he eventually blundered into a chamber into which his foes were just pouring

    11. 3 It was a little after midnight when Jesus came down from the upper chamber and stood among the twelve and their associates, numbering about thirty in all

    12. "All these upper chambers seem to be lighted," said Conan

    13. Returning from an aimless exploration of the upper chambers to find Valeria missing from the room where he had left her, he had followed the sounds of strife that burst on his dumbfounded ears

    14. 2 As the twelve entered this upper chamber, they noticed, just inside the door, the pitchers of water, the basins, and towels for laving their dusty feet; and since no servant had been provided to render this service, the apostles began to look at one another as soon as John Mark had left them, and each began to think within himself, Who shall wash our feet? And each likewise thought that it would not be he who would thus seem to act as the servant of the others

    15. 8 And this mighty occasion took place in the upper chamber of a friend

    16. The apostles all recalled these things while the Master talked to them this night in the upper chamber

    17. 5 As John Zebedee stood there in the upper chamber, the tears rolling down his cheeks, he looked into the Master's face and said: "And so I will, my Master, but how can I learn to love my brethren more?" And then answered Jesus: "You will learn to love your brethren more when you first learn to love their Father in heaven more, and after you have become truly more interested in their welfare in time and in eternity

    18. 3 When they failed to find Jesus in the upper chamber, Judas asked the captain of the guard to return to the temple

    19. 2 Late Saturday night, John Mark summoned the eleven apostles secretly to come to the home of his father, where, just before midnight, they all assembled in the same upper chamber where they had partaken of the Last Supper with their Master two nights previously

    20. 1 As we approach the time of the resurrection of Jesus on this early Sunday morning, it should be recalled that the ten apostles were sojourning at the home of Elijah and Mary Mark, where they were asleep in the upper chamber, resting on the very couches whereon they reclined during the last supper with their Master

    21. They thought at first that the women had seen a vision, but when Mary Magdalene repeated the words which Jesus had spoken to them, and when Peter heard his name, he rushed out of the upper chamber, followed closely by John, in great haste to reach the tomb and see these things for himself

    22. 3 From the tomb David and Joseph went immediately to the home of Elijah Mark, where they held a conference with the ten apostles in the upper chamber

    23. On his way from the upper chamber he dropped the bag of Judas, containing all the apostolic funds, in the lap of Matthew Levi

    24. 8 About nine o'clock that evening and just before the Master appeared to the ten, these two excited brothers broke in upon the apostles in the upper chamber, declaring that they had seen Jesus and talked with him

    25. 1 RESURRECTION Sunday was a terrible day in the lives of the apostles; ten of them spent the larger part of the day in the upper chamber behind barred doors

    26. 1 Shortly after nine o'clock that evening, after the departure of Cleopas and Jacob, while the Alpheus twins comforted Peter, and while Nathaniel remonstrated with Andrew, and as the ten apostles were there assembled in the upper chamber with all the doors bolted for fear of arrest, the Master, in morontia form, suddenly appeared in the midst of them, saying: "Peace be upon you

    27. All the next day they remained in quiet seclusion in this eventful upper chamber

    28. As the eleven apostles were about to sit down to breakfast in the upper chamber of Mary Mark's home, Jesus appeared to them and said:

    29. Not a word was spoken by any of them from the time they left the upper chamber until Jesus paused with them on the Mount of Olives

    30. 6 Just about noon the apostles returned to their brethren in the upper chamber and announced that Matthias had been chosen as the new apostle

    31. The one hundred and twenty men and women assembled in the upper chamber all received the new teacher, as did all the honest of heart throughout the whole world

    32. When the spirit came upon those assembled in the upper chamber, they were simply sitting there, having just been engaged in silent prayer

    33. “When the gas in the seabed under the pontoon is eventually exhausted, gas flows into the upper chamber, causing the pontoon to lift

    34. “The design of the seabed pontoons is such that if methane cannot be harvested, perhaps due to storms or a mass breakdown of shipping, or some other unimagined catastrophe, the upper chambers of the pontoons can store fourteen times more gas than in the lower chambers, which provides several weeks of buffering

    35. When the Jews were rebuilding the wall of Jerusalem after the return from Babylon, Sanballat and Tobiah scoffed at them, and said, "What do these feeble Jews?��When the Lord Jesus Christ left the world, only a hundred and twenty disciples met together in the upper chamber in Jerusalem, while the friends of the unbelieving Pharisees, and scribes, and priests were numbered by tens of thousands

    36. After ten or fifteen minutes, she climbed the rest of the way to her upper chamber where she had stored her food and rocks

    37. Lost in these thoughts, she had by this time reached the secluded path, having walked, with the grace which made her movements so agreeable to watch, the length of the broad herbaceous border beneath the shelter of the great grey wall, and two dons, who were arguing about Pythagoras in an upper chamber overlooking the garden, paused to observe her progress

    38. We climbed the stairs; here in the upper chamber we found a wide bed lain with cured and furred animal skins, sheets and bolsters

    39. "From the time of our alighting at the outer gate (which we found locked, and which one of the brothers had opened to admit us, and had relocked), I had heard cries proceeding from an upper chamber

    40. they betook themselves to rest: the Pilgrim they laid in a large upper chamber, whose window opened towards the

    41. Tess, who used the upper chamber, heard it and awoke

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