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    upstream примеры предложений


    1. He was held up for a good fraction of an hour in a big rope-snarl across the whole canal coming from the upstream lock

    2. The channels and sandbars upstream and the configuration of the swamp itself were constantly changing

    3. This branch of the river was about a third of a mile wide here, the plots on the far side were visible, the ships passing by were close enough to shout to each other and moving so slow upstream with the barely perceptible tide that it was hardly worth the effort to sail at all

    4. He had moved steadily upstream from where he first waded in; it wasn't until Kaitlyn came searching for him and found him, that he realized it might be near time for supper

    5. began to fight the current upstream

    6. This bridge was supported in the center way up on the farthest upstream of the great chimneys that dominate the lower Hyadrain valley

    7. "I don't think they know anything, I just think they found some stuff, some pocket-prophet gadget that Alan ran away with but threw into the Lhar six hundred miles upstream

    8. We have it moored just upstream from the

    9. Upstream to the north the river meandered lazily through the countryside, flanked by green trees and other vegetation

    10. He had to find a way to cross the river upstream without drawing attention

    11. William lowered himself on all fours at the water’s edge, now upstream from the horse that he was certain saved his life

    12. ” Steve said, and I heard the faint but characteristic sound of music spreading upstream the river, wading in the night sky

    13. Pull up anchor and head back upstream

    14. The Swede was waving goodbye as he and the boy turned the boat around and headed upstream, when Yenkele started the engine with a powerful rev that blanked out everything for a few seconds

    15. Owen was swimming upstream

    16. The vegetation changed from scrub to marsh to jungle to forest to grassland as we followed the river upstream first south then southeast, then south again, finally reaching Tamalameque on the sixth day

    17. My tumen swept the riverbank upstream until dusk, then turned back

    18. East of the lake, the road followed a river that joined its draining river upstream to its headwaters

    19. We were about one hundred eighty li upstream from Khanbalikh at this point

    20. We followed the Khanate River upstream west for most of the first day, until it turned south; then we continued west and slightly north, keeping the mountains to our southwest

    21. We went down to the river and turned upstream

    22. The small rivers flowing into the main one were not as dangerous to cross, but all required a bit of a detour upstream to find a still-frozen patch and, yes, I misjudged the strength of the ice more than once

    23. We scrambled across the stream below the fork (an excellent spot to catch the oil fish) and followed the western fork upstream

    24. I had been cautioned that it was a popular hunting ground for the Tzinama-a near the mouth and for their neighbors the Kuweveka paiya farther upstream

    25. The next morning we followed the canyon upstream

    26. Meanwhile three tumen rushed across the ford upstream and swept down on the enemy position from the north

    27. Our road was now about thirty-six li upstream from the mouth of the river, and the area on the far side of the river appeared rather flat

    28. I explained my plan to him and he told me how far upstream the swimmer would have to enter the river to get across it near where we wanted him

    29. The barge delivered us to the river barge, which was towed upstream by the horses

    30. We tied up at the extensive river front quay, and the emperor sent his secretary to find us a ship heading upstream toward Baden

    31. We soon came upon the Oos and followed it upstream along a parallel path for a short time and before long could just see a castle on the east bank of the Oos

    32. You own the peak and it’s slopes down to the bottom of the valleys to the north and southeast, and to the edge of the river that runs in the valley to the southwest, which may be polluted by eruptions upstream

    33. The challenges were massive, and having worked with my father before, I knew that I would be swimming upstream

    34. All this put me in the tenuous position of swimming upstream

    35. upstream that there was a crop-type plant that grew in clumps in

    36. further upstream, where I could then travel along its banks and

    37. upstream for a few days, but this would mean leaving the raven

    38. I looked upstream

    39. After some heavy work with sail and steering we turned west, easily spying the entrance to the main channel by all the boats and ships clustered before it, waiting their turns to head upstream in single file

    40. You'll come across a little rill trickling over moss and rocks, thinking it's pristine, but sure as anything there's some shepherd upstream who's squatted down next to it

    41. Apparently this was used to ship loads of material out by barge along the river to a warehouse upstream of the town of Lawrence

    42. With me on the phone she walked upstream to a specific boulder and documented her journey using the cellphone's camera so I could see what she was seeing

    43. dream of steps, overlooks, and trails that covered miles upstream of the Fox Hills wildlife

    44. would start there, and pointing to a bridge about two miles upstream, he announced to

    45. We peer at the future upstream and, because there’s so much less visibility in that direction, we declare that it hasn’t happened yet

    46. The river upstream, where Dra-oo lives, is full of fish and crocodiles

    47. The motors and paddles were enough to propel the shuttle through the water and upstream at about a kilometer a day

    48. A few thousand yards or so upstream, Hatch’s squadron of three US destroyers and one mine sweeper lay moored amongst a plethora of smaller naval craft

    49. The water released from the lake that had formed upstream would flood the town and an area the wolves prized as a place to raise their young

    50. As they negotiated their way further upstream, she commented,

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    upstream upriver