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    vapid примеры предложений


    1. I was reduced to staring at all the unlikely tabloid nonsense, vapid autobiographies and visiting every nook and searching every cranny of the concourse in trying to while away the time

    2. Laws that are improperly enforced are vapid and unmanly and should be unceremoniously repealed!

    3. And the woman tended to maunder on, vapid, insipid, banal and trite

    4. She was weak, vapid, and quite stupid at times

    5. It doesn’t matter what ‘opinion’ you examine, when questioned, most people disintegrate into a bland and vapid statement of a ‘core belief’

    6. From afar I heard Leonardo’s’ voices scrubbing in my face his vapid reprimands; but my spirit intoxicated by the brandy ethyl fumes exalted my mood for the alcoholic beverage, and I could little elucidate the coherence of his words

    7. “Whose is it?” His tone was vapid, lifeless

    8. maybe torn-up pages of vapid

    9. A subscription to a magazine that rates cigars is the best way I know of to tell the world that you are a completely vapid, soulless douche

    10. For several minutes we listened to snatches of the usual vapid chatter that dancing seems to induce

    11. They had little to talk about, his wife still woozy from being knocked out; Silas hoped her vapid attempts at conversation were just side effects of being knocked out

    12. ' An expression of malicious spite hovered for a second on her vapid features

    13. Mass adulation of a few professional athletes by billions of unathletic lazy, sedentary, sick, weak, unhealthy, spoiled people who have nothing better to do with their lives because they have no purpose and no meaning in their lives except to gratify their lowest, most disgusting, oldest, most obsolete urges, instincts and appetites… This culture of consumer self-gratification not only dehumanizes billions of civilized babies, infants, children, adolescents, men and women… it desensitizes them, it makes them so empty inside, so vapid, so worthless, so useless; that without the weapons of mass distraction and mass entertainment which the sport of tennis is only a tiny part of… they would become so depressed, they would all commit suicide because their precious fucking entertainment spectacles would not be there for them so they can escape reality and not have to look at themselves and their life and what they are doing and ask themselves why they are doing it

    14. wealth on his vapid wife and pathetic children with vans delivering new goods they have purchased using

    15. Oh, confound the vapid thing! He's absorbed in drying his feet, and never looks at her---Linton!"

    16. And those women that chirp bright, vapid nonsense like “See you in Faery” will stop killing each other to lose their sanity in a monster’s bed

    17. Your eyes are as vapid as the glasseyes of your stuffed fox

    18. It was mostly vapid anyway: What a long winter it’s been! Heating oil’s spiking

    19. What led her particularly to desire horse-exercise was a visit from Captain Lydgate, the baronet's third son, who, I am sorry to say, was detested by our Tertius of that name as a vapid fop "parting his hair from brow to nape in a despicable fashion" (not followed by Tertius himself), and showing an ignorant security that he knew the proper thing to say on every topic

    20. I’d wait for Nick to leave for The Bar, or to go meet his mistress, the ever-texting, gum-chewing, vapid mistress with her acrylic nails and the sweatpants with logos across the butt (she isn’t like this, exactly, but she might as well be), and I’d pour some coffee or open a bottle of wine, pick one of my thirty-two different pens, and rewrite my life a little

    21. This is the vapid reasoning behind momentum investing

    22. Oh, confound the vapid thing! He’s absorbed in drying his feet, and never looks at her

    23. Buying a flashy car can be like dating a hot yet vapid girl: The hotness will wear off after a little while, and all you’ll be left with is the unsatisfying person beneath

    24. In that one, Marilyn’s character seems wide-eyed and vapid

    25. , John and his wife, Leah the housemaid, and Sophie the French nurse, were decent people; but in no respect remarkable; with Sophie I used to talk French, and sometimes I asked her questions about her native country; but she was not of a descriptive or narrative turn, and generally gave such vapid and confused answers as were calculated rather to check than encourage inquiry

    26. The appearance of the little country girl (whose very introduction into the romance the author had looked upon with misgivings) had afforded the first gleam of natural, refreshing, wholesome interest—in fact, the only relief to all that was vapid, irrational, and unreal—which the combined action of the characters in his romance had succeeded in producing

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    Синонимы для "vapid"

    vapid bland flat flavorless flavourless insipid savorless savourless