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varicoloured примеры предложений
1. From time to time traders from the coastal lowlands would arrive with such exotic goods as cotton, coffee beans, rubber for the balls used in the hoop game, cacao, vanilla, slateback mirrors and feathers of every colour imaginable, pottery with strange colourful designs delicately worked by some foreign tradesman, small intricately worked statues of the whole pantheon of the gods, and sometimes traders from the far mountains to the south would arrive with long necked animals laden with unattainable treasures, all of these wonders were laid out on matting and the whole square was taken up by these vendors, it was a splendid and exciting sight for a youngster to listen to the haggling over every conceivable commodity, the noise mixed with the varicoloured goods and clothing, the exotic accents of people from a dozen different tribes had a young boy’s mind in a permanent spin