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verisimilitude примеры предложений
1. So renowned was he throughout the country, indeed throughout the world, that many famous and influential people came to visit the him at his London home, from where the man worked so hard to forge his shrine to political verisimilitude
2. "Surely not?" he responded, though with little in the way of verisimilitude
3. When the issue is important or interesting, and the verisimilitude is either unknown or
4. Although he did not know it, he was in a new verisimilitude unlike any of those previously virtualized
5. Every choice aborted a future and she was damn sure some unsolicited caretaker role was not going to survive this serendipitous verisimilitude
6. If truth to natural appearances is carried far in the figures, the same truth will be expected in the background; but if only certain truths are selected in the figures, and the treatment does not approach the naturalistic, much more liberty can be taken with the background without loss of verisimilitude
7. Plots in fiction should be wedded to the understanding of the reader, and be constructed in such a way that, reconciling impossibilities, smoothing over difficulties, keeping the mind on the alert, they may surprise, interest, divert, and entertain, so that wonder and delight joined may keep pace one with the other; all which he will fail to effect who shuns verisimilitude and truth to nature, wherein lies the perfection of writing
8. The verisimilitude which is given to the pilgrimage of a thousand years, by the intimation that Ardiaeus had lived a thousand years before; the coincidence of Er coming to life on the twelfth day after he was supposed to have been dead with the seven days which the pilgrims passed in the meadow, and the four days during which they journeyed to the column of light; the precision with which the soul is mentioned who chose the twentieth lot; the passing remarks that there was no definite character among the souls, and that the souls which had chosen ill blamed any one rather than themselves; or that some of the souls drank more than was necessary of the waters of Forgetfulness, while Er himself was hindered from drinking; the desire of Odysseus to rest at last, unlike the conception of him in Dante and Tennyson; the feigned ignorance of how Er returned to the body, when the other souls went shooting like stars to their birth,--add greatly to the probability of the narrative
9. This picture may have had some verisimilitude in bygone days, but it is hard to identify it with financial developments since 1949
10. Eaton's account of the regions he has explored, has every mark of verisimilitude; and we commend his efforts to diffuse geological information, by short courses of lectures, in different towns
11. At its northern side, sloping towards the wall, was visible what looked like an ordinary terrace, rather low, and ornamented with small shrubs and grotto-work; but which, on nearer approach, proved to be a veritable village in miniature, constructed with a verisimilitude of design, and a fidelity to detail, which was at once in the highest degree amazing and amusing
12. The features have been modelled with extraordinary verisimilitude; the eyes are of some glassy material, in black and white; the hair was modelled independently, and afterwards fitted to the plaster head; the painting is in simple colours--various shades of red for the skin, and black or brown for the hair