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    viii примеры предложений


    1. By the 37th of Henry VIII

    2. The statute of Henry VIII

    3. Since the time of Henry VIII

    4. viii (Francis pg 109)

    5. xviii The Church hasn’t always been a thing of glory throughout

    6. Another example is King Henry VIII of England, the

    7. The marine of France was considerable, according to the notions of the times, before the expedition of Charles VIII

    8. Before the invasion of Charles VIII

    9. That he should go so far, though he went no further, gave some satisfaction to the patrons of the reformation, who, having got possession of the government in the reign of his son and successor completed, without any difficulty, the work which Henry VIII

    10. In the end of the reign of Henry VIII

    11. From conflict over clerical taxation, between King Philip IV and Pope Boniface VIII (r 1294–1303), culminating in the latter’s capture at Angani (1303), relations passed to Papal capitulation at the Council of Vienne (1311–1312) to the monarch’s demand for the suppression of the Order of Templars

    12. VIII - to appreciate and to submit in General Meeting the

    13. VIII - to verify the products and services that are rendered

    14. VIII - the eventual balances of the closed accounting periods,

    15. The Constitution’s only mention of the Indians rested with Article I, Section VIII’s provision that “Congress shall regulate commerce with foreign nations, and among the several states and with the Indian tribes

    16. Thus, they secured for history the remembrance of the Spanish presence in the XVIII century in that dazzling section of the American continent, after the Russians, but before the English, the French and the Scandinavians

    17. Crossing the English Channel, we note that Henry VIII also followed the lead of the

    18. The year 1500 saw Henry VIII on the throne of

    19. Henry VIII probably thought he was separating from Rome because of a messy divorce; he was

    20. Now, with the nobility stripped of real power, and the English Church in his control, Henry VIII was truly the supreme ruler of England

    21. But Joseph also took a page from that heretic Henry VIII of England and shut down the monasteries

    22. 22 Joseph reimbursed the Church in the same manner as Henry VIII had, i


    24. He escorted us in where he and James introduced us to King Henry VIII himself

    25. Henry VIII was famous for being a charming flirt; in this moment he did not disappoint

    26. Henry VIII, it seemed, had opened the door for interpretation on the validity of a marriage if a woman did not produce an heir

    27. Approximately eleven days later, Henry VIII married Jane Seymour

    28. The antics of Henry VIII and his many children from different marriages left a wake of disaster for his kingdom

    29. When Mary I, Henry VIII’s first child, took the throne, it seemed that James had made the right decision

    30. The Andromeda is running a double layer of Type VIII; sure it technically can absorb more force but there are ways around it if you know what you're doing and you have a little information

    31. ) Bhagawad Gitā, XVIII

    32. found in Chapter viii of this book, in The Inner Life, under the heading “Lost Souls,” and in Talks on the Path of Occultism, pp

    33. I think all we need to do to verify the accuracy and reliability of these quatrains is to wait and see what happens to the wives of King Henry VIII!‖

    34. ‖ Nostradamus raised his glass, trying to muster up cheeriness: ―To the future wives of Henry VIII-- may they be prepared to lose their head for love!‖

    35. That obviously is a reference to Henry VIII, who declared himself to be supreme to the Pope

    36. " (Hooker, Book viii

    37. The reference concerning the lawfulness of Henry VIII

    38. The tube side of the condenser is ASME Code stamped per Section VIII, Division 1, for Unfired

    39. Each pressure vessel shall be constructed in accordance with Section VIII, Division 1, of the

    40. started standing with the students of Class VIII and the problem got

    41. viii)Node 8 gets killed as all its children represent board configurations that cannot lead to answer

    42. “The last time was during the reign of Henry VIII

    43. Henry VIII plotted to murder two of his wives and when foul deeds are afoot I am summoned,” Herne paused and drank from the goblet, Ceri had the impression that he wished it was something stronger than water, “This is difficult to explain, in order to fulfill what mankind expects from the Hunter, I have to commit murder, thus continuing the circle

    44. King Henry VIII had a court of over one thousand

    45. Over the centuries is has of course been shaped and reshaped, first by Henry VIII, then by Elizabeth I, followed by James I and finally and most significantly by Charles II

    46. {190-1} For the life of Díaz Garcés, see page xviii of the Introduction

    47. In Book xviii of the Antiquities, chap

    48. Book xviii of the Antiquities, cap

    49. the Antiquities of the Jews, book xviii

    50. And, although xlviiin the old romances the half-

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