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    1. }, the annual importation of the precious metals into Spain, at an average of six years, viz

    2. from 1748 to 1753, both inclusive, and into Portugal, at an average of seven years, viz

    3. According to the eloquent, and sometimes well-informed, author of the Philosophical and Political History of the Establishment of the Europeans in the two Indies, the annual importation of registered gold and silver into Spain, at an average of eleven years, viz

    4. Fleetwood, however, from an account in 1425, between the prior of Burcester Oxford and one of his canons, gives us their price, at least as it was stated upon that particular occasion, viz

    5. the pound was imposed upon the importation of foreign brown linen yarn, instead of much higher duties, to which it had been subjected before, viz

    6. 3, which, without expressly taking away the penalties imposed by former statutes, imposes a new penalty, viz

    7. a-bushel, be added, viz 0 12 6 the bounty on each barrel would amount to £ 1 7 5¾

    8. as before £ 0 12 3¾ From which the shilling a barrel is to be deducted 0 1 0 £ 0 11 3¾ But to that there is to be added again, the duty of the foreign salt used curing a barrel of herring viz 0 12 6 So that the premium allowed for each barrel of her- rings entered for home consumption is £ 1 3 9¾

    9. stand as follows viz

    10. per bushel supposed to be the quantity, at a medium, used in curing each barrel, is added, viz 0 3 0 the premium for each barrel entered for home consumption will be £ 1 14 3¾

    11. and used to teach seemingly unlimited range of subjects viz

    12. ordained all the activities of Shri Maharaj viz

    13. Well I mentioned about three locations at the start of the chapter but there were only two viz

    14. "High scattered to broken clouds at 25 thousand; viz 8 to 10 in haze; temp 90 to 95; humidity the same; the usual late afternoon thunderstorms

    15. Whereas the Lords Spiritual and Temporal and Commons assembled at Westminster lawfully fully and freely representing all the estates of the people of this realm did on the thirteenth day of February in the year of our Lord one thousand six hundred eighty-eight present to their Majesties then called and known by the names and style of William and Mary prince and princess of Orange being present in their proper persons a certain declaration in writing made by the said Lords and Commons in the words following viz

    16. ' With this resolution of the master his son and friends were well pleased viz

    17. This shepherd accordingly was receiving the sheep from the young shepherd those viz

    18. " "And the stones sir" I said "which were taken out of the pit and fitted into the building: what are they?" "The first" he said "the ten viz that were placed as a foundation are the first generation and the twenty-five the second generation of righteous men; and the thirty-five are the prophets of God and His ministers; and the forty are the apostles and teachers of the preaching of the Son of God

    19. Basically attention can be of two types viz:

    20. calls them; but their particular forms are as follows; viz A king, having a scepter, riding on a lion

    21. The visibility labels are of two major types viz

    22. We had four houses in our school at that time, viz

    23. BENEFITS OF PRANAYAMA Perfection in Pranayama gives you the major eight Siddhis viz

    24. Attention is of two kinds viz

    25. There are again two other kinds of attention viz, voluntary attention and involuntary attention

    26. Drive the feeling of depression and bloom at once by enquiry, singing divine songs, prayers, chanting of OM, Pranayama a brisk walk in the open air, thinking of the opposite quality viz

    27. Samyama on the three kinds of changes viz

    28. 33 There are four states of consciousness viz

    29. This is the real truth viz

    30. Matter exists in different conditions or states viz

    31. Does it add to the value and usefulness of the Lord's Supper, or promote the edification of the communicants, to have the sacrament administrated with the following accompaniments, viz

    32. Let me now invite your attention to the special subject which calls us together this day, viz

    33. the Upholder of the Teachings and Dharma-King (viz

    34. Krishn remarks that this epithet of the Supreme Being, viz, sat, refers

    35. Yet this never happens except by the permission Provider, viz, none can witness and view except he whom God allows to do, and God gives permission only to those who have entered into the presence of their Provider and whose spirits have derived perfection from God so that they have appreciated Him in a deal equivalent to their direction and nearness

    36. But this awe arises in spirit only by the continuous remembering of Al’lah, viz, remembering His greatness and power, His boons and kindness, and all His supreme attributes

    37. If only they had responded to their Lord, viz

    38. Viz, have you heard the news of the destruction which hit the owners of great armies and their fate? Do you not fear lest you face the same disaster that had befallen them because of their opposition and denial to their Prophet?

    39. At that time, they will live in a heavy prison, viz their spirits will be confined to a hard state of smart and moral suffering and will draw away diffident before this Generous Provider, and hence they will find no resort for themselves better than fire

    40. He is obeyed, viz, his spirit is submissive to him in following the Godly Commands, and hence, he is faithful to his trust, that is he learns it carefully and never forgets it then he announces it exactly without any neglect

    41. The verse “and overflowing cup” denotes that they will get a cup, viz things containing all the sorts of luxuries and these luxuries are constantly flowing and presented

    42. Viz, at that hour: the hour of death, the unbeliever who was far from his Provider will say: “would that I was obeying my Creator, would that I was trodden by feet as they tread the dust, but never I was proudly refusing my Provider’s command or obeying His Messenger

    43. He clarified its safe and correct conditions saying that it must be performed exclusively on the upper part of the back, in the early morning, without having breakfast, in the spring season, and when the crescent decreases, viz, after the seventeenth day of the lunar month, for the moon has a pull of gravitation effect on the earth

    44. He clarified its safe and correct conditions, saying that it must be performed exclusively on the upper part of the back, in the early morning, without having breakfast, in the spring season, and when the crescent decreases, viz, after the seventeenth day of the lunar month, for the moon has a pull of gravitational effect on the earth

    45. Had they been dead, the address would have been reported in different wording for the word: 'wills to destroy' has come in the present tense, and had he (pth) been dead, it would have come in the past tense, viz, 'if He destroyed', and this is something as clear as the sun of the midday

    46. The Almighty willed, by such acquainting He had acquainted our Master Adam (cpth) with, to let him come back to Him and to drive away from him that shyness occupied his spirit, that is what we understand from that word: "then his Provider chose him…" Viz: He made him return to Him with his heart engaged wholly with Him, the Almighty

    47. He sends to them what makes their straying spirits return to Him to enjoy what He has prepared to them of the everlasting bliss, and that is what we understand from the statement "…He is the Repenter, the Compassioner": viz: He acts with so and so in such treatment or that so as to return to Him

    48. The human quest, the purpose for which every human is born, is a combination of three quests, viz

    49. But it would increase the fettling work on the casting viz

    50. It is only a size gradation Viz

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