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    vote in

    1. discussions or a vote in the decisions

    2. My trawl round the bungalows next morning results in an overwhelming vote in favour of a party on New Year’s Eve

    3. A vote in our favour, I think

    4. 'I can vote in that election,' she

    5. to vote in their elected leader and his 2IC,

    6. Frequently a man of great, sometimes even a man of small fortune, is willing to purchase a thousand pounds share in India stock, merely for the influence which he expects to aquire by a vote in the court of proprietors

    7. Now note please that I am not saying the Afrikaner Judges acted outside of the law, but you only have to read about the fiasco surrounding the Coloured vote in the early 1950s (Harris case) to realise how the Nationalists changed the laws to suit themselves with the purpose obtaining absolute power

    8. The community often provided the swing vote in Florida

    9. Five of these island peoples live under colonialism, with their resources controlled by outsiders and four of them unable to vote in national elections

    10. He cast that “no” vote, just one week after he had declared in a program on television that “it would be irresponsible not to vote in favor”

    11. besides the ordinary vote, it will practice the quality vote in

    12. • All new laws would have to be presented at the local or state level for pre-approval before a vote in congress could be taken

    13. The Italian party, at one time the largest in Western Europe, frequently obtained the highest percentage of the popular vote in Italy’s parliamentary elections and continuously governed a number of Italian municipalities (Bologna

    14. the recount vote in Palm Beach described a scene of chaos and ut-

    15. He presented his plea about undervote in civil

    16. President, the men of the Court who might sometimes vote in favor

    17. row inmates and then, moments later, to vote in favor of expanding them

    18. Accordingly, I propose that anyone who has been on public assistance in the calendar year of a given election cycle may not vote in federal elections in that calendar year

    19. “The Chieftain of Pinatupa is an independent monarch with his own vote in the Assembly of The Just Alliance

    20. his vote into, but the gathering crowd obscured him view

    21. Every member in good standing of the Michael Toney Legal Defense Fund is entitled to vote in all elections and on all questions submitted to the Michael Toney Legal Defense Fund board

    22. He was a calming presence in every crisis, the deciding vote in every

    23. You are encouraged to vote in November and vote Constitutional

    24. having been allowed to vote in support of its reinstatement

    25. 4 Should I have ill feelings if I do not vote in political elections?

    26. With 150% of the vote in, the government is ready to declare a winner

    27. This is just a conceptual way to allow voters to see their vote in the final tally so that all voters could do this and ensure that their vote counted

    28. Some combination of their access code and address with their intended vote on a piece of paper would be their proof of the change needed to fix that vote in the tally for a regular polling and elections

    29. I would push for voter visibility of his vote in the final count, and simple software for vote counting that can be approved and double locked before the election and installed and checked out with all concerned parties in view, the day of, to ensure a fair count of the voters’ votes

    30. Stokely Carmichael was the third person of the group who risked his life registering African-Americans to vote in the deep South

    31. government we vote in as a country are not fully in control

    32. I’d love to have a unanimous vote in favor of my project,

    33. The letter of invitation clearly stated that if he did not attend the summit the vote in his absence and the decision would be taken out of his hands

    34. which an individual’s vote in one state is equal to three votes in other states; and a man can be elected president even though he received less popular votes than his opponent, as happened when George W

    35. ago, when the Majority Leader crossed her own party and voted in favor of the nomination of Matt Suba, casting the deciding vote in Suba‘s favor, after a heated debate this week in the Senate

    36. And then it said that the legislators would quickly vote in replacements

    37. Blake had put his vote in a week ago, he voted for

    38. “On one condition, Mister Prime Minister: that the government prepares quickly and puts to a vote in the Commons a constitutional amendment abolishing all links between the Throne of England and the Church of England

    39. dissenting vote in the General Assembly conferred on it from the outset an

    40. devote in order to fix the problem

    41. As those words echoed on TV I felt quite sure that while the Trinamool seemed to be pandering to its Muslim vote in Bengal, a few more fence-sitter votes might just have been lost nationally

    42. ‘Shahrukh Khan has come to vote in Mumbai—should we cut to him?’ she asked

    43. Came third in 65 Got less than 15% vote in 35 of these

    44. Came fourth in 117 Got less than 5% vote in 70 of these

    45. (b) The next point which demands our attention, if we want to raise the laity of the Church to a scriptural position, is the absolute necessity of giving every parish and congregation some voice and vote in the appointment of its ministers

    46. For example, black people could not vote in parliamentary elections, and until 1990 many public facilities and institutions were restricted to the use of one race only

    47. and dutifully vote in the next generation of evil managers of men

    48. * Nehru Report was approved by a majority vote in the annual session of the Congress held in Calcutta on 2 December 1928, an ultimatum was served on the British government to accept the Report by 31 December 1929

    49. The Morning Star, a newspaper that describes itself as “socialist”, claimed that this result was “an overwhelming strike vote in support of Scott Lewis, who RMT claims had been unfairly dismissed for trying to help a passenger buy the correct ticket

    50. candidate and will vote in November, I tremble because I know NO MATTER WHO IS

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