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    walk on

    1. PCP includes the proper selection of the types of grasses for your area and the lawns use (are you going to play on it, walk on it a lot, or just enjoy its beauty)? Having a healthy lawn without harsh chemicals is really very easy to do

    2. He chuckles, reholsters his weapon and they walk on

    3. we have it all, walk on up and feel the thrill of danger,

    4. With a shudder, in this frozen moment, I walk on,

    5. There's a pedestrian plankwalk on the second floor of the pier and they went to that immediately

    6. Walk on your toes for a couple of steps to bring your knees nearer to your face and then, with your knees bent give a little hop off the ground with both legs

    7. 'Because men become blind and careless when they try to walk on water

    8. and faith in his own ability to walk on water began to

    9. fact that I could walk on air meant that I could do

    10. He shall not walk on that leg without limping

    11. When they had completely run out of fence, they resumed their walk on the roadway, with Harry calling 'Switch sides' at every odd moment or so

    12. Does that mean he’s gone? Obliterated, fragmented, non-existent? Are you alone, Sally? He’s gone, the physical David, the ‘David’ with the bristly chin, the one you could laugh with, the one you could see and speak to, the one who used to walk on the surface of this planet who is gone

    13. He would get to see more of her, hear more of her and just generally walk on air around her for that much longer

    14. Jacob, continued to walk on with her, and as they approached the truck, Jim stepped from the driver’s side and called a hardy hello, to the two of them

    15. It became hard to walk on deck as the ship pitched, rolled and yawed

    16. Peter had some understanding of this principle because he asked Jesus to tell him to come walk on the water

    17. The image of it made him wonder why he dared to walk on

    18. ventures to walk on heat

    19. Nerissa could do nothing but walk on

    20. Psa 82:5 They know not, neither will they understand; they walk on in darkness: all the foundations of the earth are out of course

    21. Jack watched the Gardaí walk on down the street

    22. Would it be that one day – in some unimaginable time in the future – they would be able to walk on the decontaminated terrafirma? The representative put forward the option of self-termination

    23. The captives were untied and allowed to walk on the deck for a few minutes, closely watched by a dozen men armed with swords and bows

    24. Lancelot swore never ever again to walk onto his paddock

    25. It was a bit difficult for them to walk on their own and at times, they had to support one another

    26. In the hotel restaurant, they devoured a pizza and salad and decided to walk on the beach

    27. Even so, it was agreed that they would go a walk on the Sunday and take Mister with them

    28. Her leg, she can't walk on her leg like it is

    29. I could walk on my own, but he offered his arm to steady me and I did not refuse it

    30. Hermann and Helga wanted to take one last walk on the beach, and Elizabeth said that she and Colling would go with them

    31. While walking down the sidewalk on Main Street in Downers Grove on the way to McCollum park, I must have had a car honk at me every five minutes

    32. Lilly did not walk on her own all of that day

    33. 8 The wicked walk on every side, when the vilest men are exalted

    34. 5 They know not, neither will they understand; they walk on in darkness: all the foundations of the Earth are out of course

    35. Whether to walk on the brink of a cliff

    36. Don’t always walk on others suggestion and ideas

    37. Walk on the right path

    38. 18 Because of the mountain of Zion, which is desolate, the foxes walk on it

    39. lest he take away your life presently, remember that you go in the midst of snares, and that you walk on the battlements of the city

    40. challenging hike to a shaking and withering patient who cannot walk on his own

    41. And the elect shall walk on them

    42. can't walk on water

    43. Trying not to fall for Jesse while being so intimate with him was a very thin line to walk on

    44. 26 And Joseph heard that the Ishmaelites were proceeding to Egypt, and Joseph lamented and wept at this thing that he was to be so far removed from the land of Canaan, from his father, and he wept bitterly while he was riding on the camel, and one of their men observed him, and made him go down from the camel and walk on foot, and notwithstanding this Joseph continued to cry and weep, and he said, O my father, my father

    45. Those days when he comes very early to catch her sleeping in her room, Krishnan would be disappointed seeing Ramasamy and Meenu taking their morning walk on the well-laid walking path surrounding the building accommodations

    46. ’It’s close, as you say, but it’s a long time since I was in a church and I’m afraid I can’t walk on water,’ said David

    47. 26 And Joseph heard that the Ishmaelites were proceeding to Egypt and Joseph lamented and wept at this thing that he was to be so far removed from the land of Canaan from his father and he wept bitterly while he was riding on the camel and one of their men observed him and made him go down from the camel and walk on foot and notwithstanding this Joseph continued to cry and weep and he said O my father my father

    48. and my very first walk on Dubai streets

    49. ” Jesus asked me to walk on the path with Him

    50. That, we all saw!” Gathering himself up for the conclusive end to his tirade, he shouted anew, “What does this tell me? Their God has fled from our land and can help them no more! Their cloud will be small comfort when they find that they will have to walk on water to reach it!”

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