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wash out
1. Jorma took the cook pot she'd mixed the batter in to the lake to wash out
2. "We have to come back thru here on the way out," Ava said, "You don't want to wash out something and have someone waiting for you
3. shaNai came out at the same time to wash out the bearings in a few pulleys
4. Instead they had put a sail across the stern so she could bathe, use the rail and wash out her underwear in privacy
5. Anyway we will be returning to the Company in five minutes this raid is a wash out and there is no point in attacking again now they know were here so get yourselves ready for our withdrawal
6. Those old boots will wash out
7. When Laino and his men were then out of sight, the others would move into the rank’s tents and drench all kinds of clothes, blankets, tent canvas, and packs with a mixture of mud, flour, crushed valerian leaves, and last, but not least, garlic which would take the men a long, long time to wash out again
8. wash out the wet stain before it dried and smelled
9. The people who ran the bath offered to wash out my clothes and give me something for my insect bites
10. some water into a glass and drank it, trying to wash out the metallic taste she had in her
11. This is because, such an activity can wash out the sperm, which has just entered your body
12. Jesse then began to wash out Jacob’s wound and took out
13. I went down to the second floor to wash out the
14. Nor all your Tears wash out a Word of it
15. “We need to get this appendix clamped off immediately, and then deal with the arterial supply which runs in the mesoappendix, while I suck out the pus and enteric contents and wash out the abdominal cavity with saline,” Carla directed
16. I feel what strength I have left wash out of me
17. The students rushed to help him wash out the oil but I have pictures of Hogen wearing a piratical black eye patch, "eye, eye, me hearties!"
18. Massage scalp with fingers and follow with a complete shampoo to wash out the oil and loosened skin
19. to wash out nozzles to keep them clear of clogging
20. For us mere mortals hugging ourselves to keep warm behind the wind breakers on the British beaches in what has again been something of an August wash out, almost mesmerized by the terrible red blink of the Blackberry, the question of “do I need to be there?” is a little more prosaic
21. Nor al thy Tears wash out a Word of it
22. Wash out your tank with water only! Do not use soap or detergents
23. She even drank more milk to please him; but though it might please him, no amount of milk could wash out the utter blackness of her spirit
24. “You can wash out the bowls
25. Do you always wash out
26. So at least I'm able to wash out the dried cocoa in it
27. Layers of bitterness seemed to wash out of her and I tried to calm her, “Easy Cat
28. Since water is considered as the universal solvent, people use this for body detoxification to wash out all the toxins caused by unhealthy lifestyle such as smoking cigarette, drinking lots of alcohol, and eating processed foods
29. The baking soda neutralizes the acids in the toxins, while the ginger and salt wash out toxins from the skin
30. He lowered the handle very carefully so as not to spill the whitewash out of the pail which was hanging from a hook under the cart, then, sitting down on the kerbstone, he leaned wearily against the wheel
31. The pale young gentleman's nose had stained my trousers, and I tried to wash out that evidence of my guilt in the dead of night
32. "And the other Montero, the 'my trusted brother' of the proclamations, the guerrillero—haven't I written that he was taking the guests' overcoats and changing plates in Paris at our Legation in the intervals of spying on our refugees there, in the time of Rojas? He will wash out that sacred truth in blood
33. The effect of Avocet’s collapse will wash out over time in the same way as if we had a big winner, but it doesn’t help nonetheless
34. I won't wash out your mouth with soap, however
35. We'll go to the bathroom and wash out that terrible color
36. Fluctuations related to business cycles and monetary policy cycles are surprisingly important, even for the prices of long-term assets, although such fluctuations could conceivably wash out over time
37. For long–short strategies (the last four rows), inflation or short rates wash out in the long and short legs
38. How unbiased or representative are surveys of the views they are supposed to be reflecting? Most individual biases wash out in the consensus view
39. The cyclical fluctuations in cash flows beyond the current cycle should largely wash out, leaving a stable anchor for stock prices if markets are rational and discount rates constant
40. Many brokers who start in the business wash out within the first two years
41. Hold the lids open and pour plenty of water over it to wash out chemicals
42. Thoroughly cleanse all animal bites, washing for at least five minutes to remove saliva and wash out any infection
43. Though seen but once, it helps to wash out State Street and the engine's soot
44. Many an ingenious traveler has stepped out of his hotel to watch this magic spectacle for a little, and brought back with him bitter remembrances that all the tears shed secretly won’t ever wash out