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    watering hole

    1. No passenger ships had sailed since noonmeal, the next packet out was the Jemson's Luuker and she was ready to cast off so he had time for only the most cursory look but he did not find Venna or anyone answering her description on board, nor did he find her in any of the watering holes along the docks were someone would wait for a vessel's departure

    2. There was an impressive line of kegs, this must be the primary watering hole for this college neighborhood

    3. “Ah, they have it on down at the watering hole

    4. made its way into the watering hole

    5. Halfway to Carl’s watering hole—as he called it—our odd but astute friend

    6. “Lanraiht wandered the lands, tracking the monsters to their feeding grounds and watering holes and destroying them one by one

    7. We were Africans too and would spend hours in an observation post to observe the watering holes and what the tribe is up to

    8. “It’s a spa town, a watering hole for the high and mighty

    9. the neighborhood watering hole

    10. During the pits of his divorce, our 2L, Prior and his 3L roomies, and I cheered Nick up with boys’ nights out at Hyde Park watering holes

    11. There were two synagogues just south of 71st Avenue, but when I brought my wife back 2-3 years later, ALL the whites were gone, the blacks were distinctly “lower class,” and Norm’s Chappel Avenue Tap, our watering hole for watching the Blackhawks in black and white, had been fire bombed

    12. ) Bosen took us out for a hydraulic lunch that day at Lincoln’s favorite watering hole and showed us Abe’s tomb

    13. of C’s watering hole, the northern boundary of the campus between academe and black ghettos

    14. So I plopped down at a watering hole nearest the door to bus stop where I could see the bus arrive fully intending to “have only one,” then catch bus to Century Plaza Hotel

    15. dozen other Capitol Hill watering holes

    16. Now, partway through they’d come upon a watering hole where a catchment basin could be seen, constructed to trap the occasional surface water runoff, augmenting the small springwater supply at the bottom of a deep cistern

    17. Now, partway through they'd come upon a watering hole where a catchment basin could be

    18. The lead rider gave the hand signal that denoted a watering hole ahead and the two thousand riders continued to ride into the area long after the Su-Katii leader, Lord Banok had dismounted

    19. So should you go or should you stay when a tanker truck is filling up at your favorite watering hole for your car? I go! Everything shows that you should be okay, but because of my history of seeing problems back in the 70’s and 80’s I just feel better about not staying

    20. This place could not be altered by Blue Lite according to the experts and so far it served as the state of things, stratified and strictly regimented, guards have been employed to keep the layers in order at all hours around the deserts only watering hole

    21. “We’re not poisoning the watering hole,” you shade your eyes and pet her on the back

    22. Browler Hole had a large watering hole; this was where the prehistoric fish and animals were seen

    23. local watering holes, here in town, Matt knew that the young

    24. His favorite “watering hole,” which I did not frequent, was on Boulder Highway

    25. Almost everything that happened ‘back home’ surfaced in conversation at watering holes in Earls Court

    26. This had remained the last watering hole where the white tribe could still exercise exclusivity through the power of the purse

    27. You’d have to have adequate supplies and map out the watering holes

    28. the next watering hole?”

    29. formations around that watering hole,” he said with concern

    30. They stopped within twenty yards of the small watering hole, nestled

    31. They turned the corner to the watering hole and saw a small figure

    32. The lack of flashing neon lights or suggestive signage and marquee distinguished this club from other more seedy establishments that had flourished on the outskirts of the city and which were often the watering holes for transients, golfers, and motorcycle gangs

    33. Twenty above the limit and the occasional flash of siren saw him in Wellsford relieving nature and imbibing a vital supply of caffeine at a watering hole regular to him whenever he ventured north up State highway 1

    34. a few drinks over at the local watering hole, and once the sun started

    35. all-too-familiar watering hole and it had nothing to do with the

    36. ing one of his father’s favorite watering holes

    37. Ordinarily transposed arboreal watering holes – strengthened within the confines

    38. watering holes became the

    39. cowboy still thought it wiser to find another watering hole on

    40. into the inside of this watering hole for another night of

    41. watering hole the 'Bulls & Bears' - a hop, step and jump away in the Sandton Sun -

    42. a watering hole at Durban's famous Greyville Race Course

    43. The next day, we had breakfast on the patio overlooking the watering hole and saw a family of warthogs

    44. “I’m gonna have breakfast on the patio by the watering hole

    45. stations and malls, containing miles of small shops, restaurants, and secluded watering holes

    46. They were bunched at a low point in the land, like cattle pressed together at a watering hole

    47. The on-site watering hole could be seen from the hotel balcony and frequent visits by elephants, impala, kudu, cape buffaloes and other animals were made

    48. She knew for a fact that after a few drinks over at the local watering hole, and once the sun started to go down, the town’s night life would begin to trickle into the many fine and once-extravagant Western hotels featuring lobby saloons and gambling halls that ran the show here in this part of the county

    49. The concept of cooperation, of any communal social model has been corrupted ever since the tribal us-them mentality was first created by the first overpopulation of nomadic hunters clashing for the best watering holes and hunting grounds, and food sources

    50. Other animals do not seek out watering holes, or lakes, or rivers, or streams to shit-in… We do

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