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    weather-beaten примеры предложений


    1. Lmore was a tough, weather-beaten herdsman, all sunburn, dust and squint

    2. She sat below a window at a weather-beaten table with her head slumped onto her folded arms like a schoolgirl made to stay in class when all her friends had gone

    3. as if it was really necessary, by a weather-beaten sign

    4. "Give your evidence" said the magistrate smoothing his gown as Jason climbed into a weather-beaten witness box

    5. Keeping his eyes on that weather-beaten stand, he leaned against the south face of the Bee and Barb

    6. silent cruiser and two weather-beaten whalers filled with

    7. He reversed his forby and put his ski onto a weather-beaten trailer, ready for the run back over the blow, down the beach and back to their house

    8. The 2 on the left of the courtyard were ruins, the roofs had collapsed inside and some of the walls had crumbled down, weather-beaten by the elements

    9. weather-beaten but their eyes are sharp and intel-

    10. Chief Yeoman Hartson, whose weather-beaten face showed a wealth of experience and service in

    11. , Dumb and Dumber, rattled up to the dismal weather-beaten farmhouse in the Poconos

    12. theatre we entered through the weather-beaten door, went up the concrete staircase, and into a shabby

    13. She is brown and weather-beaten, yet through the brownness spread unmistakeably this deep red

    14. Fanny had taken pains, and to Conderley, used now for years to living in the country among weather-beaten, tweed-skirted women, with a wife who did nothing to her face beyond washing it, she looked definitely improper

    15. A weather-beaten sign-post with one bent arm pointed crookedly down a field-track at right angles to the road, and with a lurch and a heave they tilted round the corner

    16. And each time he went home after having been in the frugal baldness of Creeper Cottage he hated the superfluities of his own house more and more, he accused himself louder and louder of being mean-spirited, effeminate, soft, vulgar, he loathed himself for living embedded in such luxury while she, the dear and lovely one, was ready cheerfully to pack her beauty into a tub if needs be, or let it be weather-beaten on a pillar for thirty years if by so doing she could save her soul alive

    17. Then, realising that this weather-beaten figure must certainly be catching its death of cold, she dropped the poker and hurrying across the room and talking in the stress of the moment like one girl to another, she felt Lucy's sleeve and said, 'Why, you're wet to the bones

    18. His white hair was long and unruly and framed a face that was tanned and weather-beaten, creased into a lined map that traced the experiences of his past life

    19. haired, one bald, all appearing tanned and weather-beaten and

    20. and the occasional weather-beaten milestone, Elowen saw little

    21. as grubby and weather-beaten as their crews

    22. away from it, Elowen noticed an old, weather-beaten stone

    23. The carol of the birds was loud and high, and, on the weather-beaten sill of the great window of the bed-chamber of Monsieur the Marquis, one little bird sang its sweetest song with all its might

    24. Here Meg meant to have a fountain, shrubbery, and a profusion of lovely flowers, though just at present the fountain was represented by a weather-beaten urn, very like a dilapidated slop-bowl, the shrubbery consisted of several young larches, undecided whether to live or die, and the profusion of flowers was merely hinted by regiments of sticks to show where seeds were planted

    25. " The hard, weather-beaten features of the scout began to work, and when she had ended, he dropped his chin to his hand, like a man musing profoundly on the nature of the proposal

    26. Those curious and admiring eyes which had been turned again on Heyward, were finally directed to the weather-beaten form of the scout, who immediately became the principal object of attention

    27. No one would have thought in looking at this old, weather-beaten, floral-decked tower (which might be likened to an elderly dame dressed up to receive her grandchildren at a birthday feast) that it would have been capable of telling strange things, if,—in addition to the menacing ears which the proverb says all walls are

    28. I turned away and stood extra still and upright, acutely aware of myself as an object of hot and exquisite beauty, feeling Jonathan’s eyes on my 100-percent-muscle ass and thighs, my breasts held high by the sweet bra beneath my slim-fitting shirt, my extra-light hair and bronze skin, my blue eyes made even bluer by the Plum Haze lipstick—a feeling which lasted for about the length of one song, at which point it reversed itself and I realized that I was a hideous beast with tree-bark-plucked-dead-chicken flesh on my hips and a too-tan, chawed-up face and weather-beaten hair and a lower abdomen that—in spite of all the exercise and deprivation and the backpack strap that for two months had squeezed it into what you’d guess would be oblivion—still had an indisputably rounded shape unless I was lying down or holding it in

    29. The worn out steps were old acquaintances of his; he knew better than any one else how to open that weather-beaten door with the large headed nail which served to raise the latch within

    30. The Sea Rat, as soon as his hunger was somewhat assuaged, continued the history of his latest voyage, conducting his simple hearer from port to port of Spain, landing him at Lisbon, Oporto, and Bordeaux, introducing him to the pleasant harbours of Cornwall and Devon, and so up the Channel to that final quayside, where, landing after winds long contrary, storm-driven and weather-beaten, he had caught the first magical hints and heraldings of another Spring, and, fired by these, had sped on a long tramp inland, hungry for the experiment of life on some quiet farmstead, very far from the weary beating of any sea

    31. weather-beaten face, and blue eyes which were keen to the verge of fierceness

    32. The newcomer’s naturally fair complexion was darkly tanned and weather-beaten, his hands bore the calluses of hard work, and his eyes were dark brown under bushy eyebrows

    33. He was a man of thirty-four or thirty-five years of age, dressed in some grey material, sharp-nosed, alert, with a ruddy, weather-beaten face, and a small, closely cropped, black beard

    34. In it was an old woman with a lip full of snuff and a weather-beaten face under a drab sunbonnet, driving a dawdling old

    35. How his name would fill the world, and make people shudder! How gloriously he would go plowing the dancing seas, in his long, low, black-hulled racer, the Spirit of the Storm, with his grisly flag flying at the fore! And at the zenith of his fame, how he would suddenly appear at the old village and stalk into church, brown and weather-beaten, in his black velvet doublet and trunks, his great jack-boots, his crimson sash, his belt bristling with horse-pistols, his crime-

    36. He was a Tajik, a lanky, dark man with a weather-beaten face, narrow shoulders, and a long neck punctuated by a protruding Adam's apple that only peeked from behind his beard when he turned his head

    37. trembling, sickening; conscious of an aspect in the last degree ghastly, wild, and weather-beaten

    38. It was a while sight, with his thick white hair and weather-beaten face, clad in an old cord cap, overcoat and before Tom could orient himself enough to hand his ticket in

    39. At the corner of one stood an old weather-beaten pub called the Captain Morgan

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