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    weathering примеры предложений


    1. But most of the tiles were cracked and chipped by weathering

    2. I went ahead and entered the forest intent on weathering

    3. Most were craggy, carved and battered with weathering, then covered up with a dressing of plants, but Joey could make out one with the painted sculptures of animals and people in some sort of dance

    4. us that judging by the weathering of the rock it was

    5. Good luck in weathering this storm

    6. Although stone is use as a foundation, and at times, these tribulations can bring about change, it is also resistant to weathering with its hardness, and some say coldness

    7. Disgusted by such ferocious resistance and apparently temporarily leaderless, the mass of surviving Ryuzoji cavalrymen retreated out of range after weathering a third harquebus volley from close range that fell a further fourteen of them

    8. You also need to understand Confucian classic, the weathering process, the forces of nature, the magnetic fields and how these all influence us

    9. Mechanical weathering? Or could it be chemical?”

    10. After more than 60 years of desiccation and weathering, that much was

    11. are weathering a wicked storm

    12. In the face of the stony wall there was something like a stair: natural perhaps, and made by the weathering and splitting of the rock, for it was rough and uneven

    13. Old ice is bluish and has rounded edges, caused by weathering

    14. Next to the shack there was a little tent, gray with weathering, but neatly, properly set up; and the boxes in front of it were placed against the tent wall

    15. Besides, this idea of Jonah's weathering the Cape of Good Hope at so early a day would wrest the honour of the discovery of that great headland from Bartholomew Diaz, its reputed discoverer, and so make modern history a liar

    16. This is due to the greater indestructibility of the quartz pebbles, and the weathering away, or denudation, of the sandstone face

    17. "On the island side of the channel there are a good many inscriptions which are shown by the weathering of the hieroglyphs to be older than the age of the XI dynasty

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