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    week примеры предложений


    1. "No, I rented out the cabin and have a cash crop in the field that I've got to get in next week

    2. There was always a fire on the hearth in the main house for Dawnsleep, every week of the year

    3. Afternoonday began delightfully warm, as warm as any week in mid summer

    4. Can a fireman who wants to build a great cavern do that by blasting a solid rock with a fire hose for a week straight, staying up with every bit of energy that he has, holding the hose blasting it at full power

    5. We had a big party here last week

    6. and bring it into school the next week

    7. minute; that was Casualty last week

    8. He called the packers for Raw Sex Object, even though it wasn’t due to leave the gallery for a week or two, and contentedly surveyed the gallery

    9. Studies have suggested that walking at a brisk pace for three or more hours a week can reduce our risk for coronary heart disease by 65 percent

    10. This was a week to let the garden take care of itself and it was going to be at least another hour before the snow melted anyway

    11. Ava's week had started on a sad note when she saw Kulai off on the Flying Northwind just before Morningday lunch

    12. He won't be back till next week at the earliest

    13. The courtyard was shaded by the trees above, many people were out on their balconies now that they were getting into the warm part of the week

    14. The next week went pretty much as normal

    15. Water several times per day for about one week

    16. Ask a friend, neighborhood teen or college student if they would be willing to shop for you, in exchange for sharing a meal with friends at your house later in the week

    17. hours a day 7 days a week to suggestively sell your shoppers additional products and services, but the Kick Start System can

    18. A huge study that tracked thousands of nurses found that those who ate just an ounce of nuts or peanut butter five times a week lowered their risk of Type 2 diabetes by at least 20%

    19. Even though the flesh she currently inhabited was born on this world, and she had lived here in this flesh a complete mortal lifetime, her mind was still not used to one sleep period of every week being brilliant daylight

    20. Apply again in a week and then apply every month until the problem disappears

    21. This is about the woman I fell madly in love with for about a week and a half

    22. "Actually, she latched onto Jorma when I moved a couple cabins down the hall where I could maintain a once a week schedule

    23. And, he is away in henarDee till next week

    24. He'd been acting weird since he'd been bitten by that dog the other week

    25. Yes, the whole native data system is shut down for the forty or so hours of dark every week, no messages can be sent or picked up on the old crystals or the new

    26. Venna and Jorma had been in that house almost a year now, another week would not make a difference

    27. She dimly remembered how long the interconnects were, it took a whole additional week of driving almost nonstop

    28. In the first glow of dawn in week Imnotn they finally reached Zharvai

    29. Venna was beat from a party the week before and missed breakfast altogether, then went up to shower

    30. Afternoonday can be quite warm, even as winter begins in the north, so for one day of the week lowland clothing can be worn

    31. It was half a week later, she was in the cabin again on a late Afternoonday, their shifts had stretched thru the light

    32. She had promised Kulai she would be back by the end of next week but if she was taken down to Gengee it would be several more weeks, especially if she had to book passage on a commercial ship to get home

    33. The larva then becomes a pupa by spinning a cocoon and emerges in about a week as a hungry adult

    34. Ava was right about the fuel, it didn't reach to the tunnel, and they weren't there yet as the light of the next week came to an end

    35. By the time Herndon woke it was deep in Nightday, she thought it was week Voratainin but she wasn't too sure

    36. This wasn't even once a week, she had turned it up during her travels, especially her time with Jorma

    37. Emma witters on, fussing about coming to see me later in the week while I half listen, my thoughts on the letter lying just out of reach

    38. We leave it that I’ll ring her later in the week and let her know for definite then; after a few more minutes of general conversation, she rings off

    39. They had been weeks in the boat driving around the week, but she had never been more than twenty hours without rest during those weeks

    40. If there is a drought, it is better, rather than sprinkling lightly, to water twice a week, soaking the soil to a minimum of 4 inches, or not at all, for shallow watering causes roots to spread out near the top where they will be baked by the sun, becoming unable to withstand drought

    41. "Now go do yer panhandlin' exercises! Y'only got a week 'til your 13th birthday and then ye'll be a real panhandler

    42. ‘My mother is friends with Henry’s wife and got chatting to her over coffee earlier this week

    43. For a while after that, she still came to visit once a week

    44. Hey, one week on the beach

    45. Up until fairly recently, I have seen him at least once a week … he loves his old gran

    46. After a week passed and doostEr had not heard from Tahlmute, he figured that he probably was trying to steal the cargo and had given up the game when his original ruse failed

    47. A week passed in what seemed like a day

    48. EndsWaving wanted his done, very thoroughly, once a week near dusk

    49. that’s just it, Molly, my tenants have given notice … they’re moving out next week, in fact

    50. Allow a week for results

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