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    1. What good movies has he watched lately? What is his favorite class at school? Did his team win the game last weekend? What friends does he hang out with the most? Do not criticize his friends, habits, or favorites

    2. She said that Henry can’t remember seeing the gun again after that - though she did emphasise that he didn’t get round to going through the stuff until the weekend before Joanna was shot

    3. remembering the weekend before and the chap in the bar with the rugby pectorals and

    4. ‘The idea is that I’ll go over this weekend to help with the decorating and, with a bit of luck, move in the weekend after

    5. ‘Was in a car crash on the motorway at the weekend

    6. A quick look in my diary at the weekend reminds me that my car is due to be MOT’d this week – damn! I’d forgotten that

    7. There was a very noisy week when we rehearsed to the sound of carpenters constructing the set, which made it very difficult to concentrate, followed by a weekend papering and painting the result of their labours to make it look like the interior of a house

    8. Nick rings at the weekend

    9. She let that grind for the weekend

    10. Sometimes a weekend getaway is just what a couple needs to reestablish their relationship and

    11. close to another country you may have the chance to visit another country for the weekend and

    12. Travel, whether it is domestic or international is a wonderful opportunity for a couple to enjoy a romantic weekend adventure

    13. simplistic equipment and to have only each other to occupy their time is an excellent weekend

    14. There are many weekend romantic adventure ideas that can draw a couple closer together

    15. Heading out on the weekend with friends presents some of the best flirting opportunities

    16. create the solutions to the everyday issues, such as where to go over the weekend, how to

    17. Making that would give him something constructive to do for the rest of the weekend

    18. I often remember that weekend we stole, the one when we went to the Isle of Wight … in mad moments, I’d try to picture what it would be like if we were together always and now …’ His voice is all husky and his eyes are bright with unshed tears

    19. It seems he had been visiting his sister for the weekend and only just got home

    20. I’ve been thinking about your problem with regard to getting over to see your brother’s house and wondered if this weekend would be any use for you – you really have to get up there and sooner rather than later

    21. He actually thought Ava was sexier than that cherub someone had driven into his quarters last weekend

    22. ‘Maybe we could come up for a weekend - now I know where it is it wouldn’t be such a major undertaking

    23. ‘And you have coped with all that for how long?’ he asked when I finish by explaining that Alastair had moved in at the weekend

    24. ‘That’s okay, Sally – I’ve been meaning to have a word with you about Jake and Katie since I saw them together at the weekend but it’s been a hectic week

    25. How is the weekend of the 23/24 May?’

    26. Better outline the plan for the weekend so they know what’s going on

    27. By tea time he had laid all of the remaining hardcore, covered it with gravel and soft sand, and raked it level and smooth so that he could begin laying the slabs the following weekend

    28. She listened to the story unfold with a growing sense of unease and disappointment, a sense that rapidly turned to despair and utter devastation when the pictures cut to the image of an ecstatic twelve year old from Grimsby who would be attending a gala bash in London the following weekend where the boy and his band would finally be unveiled

    29. I avail myself of his invitation, going to get coffee for us both first, and tell him all about the weekend

    30. ‘Jake was hoping to stay over at Jo’s again this weekend but because the band has a gig, Alastair has said he can’t

    31. ‘Well, we’re going up to North Wales at the weekend anyway, Katie, so you couldn’t have gone over even if he had been there

    32. ‘No, love, she’s just annoyed because she can’t see him at the weekend

    33. I tell him about Katie and her boyfriend issues (he agrees that it makes him feel old too!) and how we’re going to North Wales at the weekend to sort out the contents of David’s house

    34. He would have all weekend to worry

    35. ‘We’re getting there … but, Jo, I’m ringing to ask if you and Alastair are available at all over the weekend

    36. Chapter 52: Sally has Gary to dinner/ Weekend in North Wales

    37. Jake eventually puts in an appearance in the kitchen and Karen suggests that Katie might like to come over to her house next weekend

    38. entire weekend with his folks, much preferring the company of his

    39. I can’t get over how unbelievably good Abi has been about the whole thing – she even commented that she felt she was coming home on the way back … bless! It’s her birthday soon and I’m trying to get my head round something special for her but with memorial service at the weekend and the wedding preparations, I’m rushed off my feet

    40. ‘Mum, what’s going on this weekend – anything?’

    41. asked me out for the following weekend

    42. Sarah … this weekend

    43. I wait wondering what he has got in mind for the weekend

    44. ‘We’re all staying in the same B&B for the weekend

    45. While I cook, I give thought to what I shall do with this weekend? Typical! Easter weekend - the only long weekend of the year, and the man in my life is going to spend it with friends of his in the north of England! Still, he was very apologetic and it has been arranged for months so I can't really complain

    46. I spent most of the weekend sleeping!’ I protested, another yawn hitting me

    47. I start packing up my laptop … didn’t get as much done as I thought I would this weekend

    48. ’ He replied, launching into a detailed account of his weekend

    49. ‘It was our annual uni weekend

    50. the slabs the following weekend

    1. Maintain a regular bed and wake time schedule including weekends

    2. That is also why it is important to keep a regular bedtime and wake-time, even on the weekends when there is the temptation to sleep in

    3. She trained mostly evenings and weekends so there were plenty of daytime women she hadn’t met

    4. At weekends I even arrange friendly meetings and outings, where we are all present: Dimitri, Mandy and I; sometimes my sister comes along too

    5. all of them occupied the weekends when we should have been

    6. ‘Ben, is there anything you’ve got arranged in the next few weekends? Only, we need to go up to the house in North Wales to sort furniture and I’m trying to arrange a date

    7. If weekends are stressful for you, then it's probably not a good choice

    8. there would have been weekends and she must have had days off

    9. Over a couple of weekends he and the bricklayer

    10. I only get to see daylight properly at the weekends and feel like a pit pony at times, but the real bonus on those mornings when there is no cloud, is that I get to see the most wonderful sunrises as I travel along the railway line

    11. It almost worked, but when Kit assured her that, he’d bring the kids down on weekends

    12. the weekends, stating that whoever

    13. On the weekends you can prepare meals ahead of time and put them in microwave safe dishes

    14. “Nothing, he just stopped by, I think it was two weekends ago

    15. Then two weekends ago I came across valuable data about the working design and infrastructure of the Aquifer System

    16. weekends, he was on call and could expect to

    17. more when their paths crossed at the weekends

    18. Every time he passed the Edmunson cottage at the weekends he

    19. week and then have a lot to do at the weekends for the benefit of

    20. had only managed about four weekends together in a year and

    21. is particularly true to those who love to spend their weekends outdoors with their friends and

    22. After all, she’d been doing mornings and weekends

    23. Nathan, who often spent weekends that way but got up at dawn and didn’t get a sniff at the money that Brookes got, was not surprisingly unsympathetic, but when people shouted, and Brookes had shouted, he went into calm mode

    24. Their extracurricular activities during most of their weekends having usually, been paid for by our dear government, under the heading of Gathering Information

    25. He had mentioned that weekends were hit and miss, there were times he’d be at a sale, and not open up

    26. While the house was being built I was also building a barn and stables along with a riding arena and a dog run at night and on the weekends

    27. It had set the tone for what was going to be one of the most enjoyable weekends I’d had in years

    28. During weekends most Expats wears shorts and sandals

    29. Since the sad conclusion of a love affair, I lived alone, so my den became a second office and I worked nights and weekends because, believe it or not, it was my life

    30. He had learned that they preferred to move their product on weekends when the seniority earned by experienced cops allowed them to be home with family

    31. On weekends, he caught up on work at Battalion headquarters and the PX

    32. Whenever he started to imagine how she must be spending her weekends, he deliberately put such thoughts out of his mind

    33. A bus provided transportation to the PX and movies in Kummersfeld on weekends

    34. It was usually the twenty something’s that wore that kind of thing when they went out on the weekends

    35. The family also stayed for two weekends at the condominium of their lawyer‘s assistant

    36. We talk about our weekends

    37. Weekends my father insisted I come home, taking the train on Saturday morning and returning to residence on Sunday evening

    38. On weekends, when I went home, my father would remark darkly that he’d been unable to reach me some evenings when he’d called

    39. He gave me a silver ring that I wore on my left hand but removed when I went home on weekends

    40. Weekends we went house-hunting

    41. Afternoons and weekends, she could walk over to be with her father

    42. Weekends and holidays she visited her father

    43. Now he could visit me after work in the afternoon and on weekends

    44. On weekends, coastal New Jersians not bound for the beach often flooded the highways west in search of a change in pace and scenery

    45. He does this on weekends,” Casey said in question

    46. “Yes, I’ve been taking him up to the ski slopes on the weekends and teaching

    47. He had spent his winter weekends skiing at the many ski resorts around Mount

    48. he had gone surfing on the coast; and in the autumn, he had spent most weekends playing

    49. Marilee never saw the negatives in her daughter either, but I do know that she knew what was going on, as she started to lessen the weekends she stayed with me, and go to Portsea more

    50. I walk this street daily during the week and a little bit on weekends

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