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    whichever примеры предложений


    1. "If it's drugs it's all part of the same trip, because that's what the crew that piloted that starship from YingolNeerie are, Angels or ghosts, use whichever word you are more comfortable with

    2. ‘I suppose it would come down to whichever of us is the more expert in whatever we are talking about … but, if we still can’t agree, I expect I shall have to say that you hold sway

    3. Whichever soldier was nearest the rope that needed hauling got that duty

    4. The next day, she was lead to a stables and lead to believe they had one more day to travel into the interior of this island or continent, whichever it was

    5. So many of them remind me of that woman in the opening of whichever of Thomas Hardy's books it is that opens with a heavily pregnant woman climbing Gold Hill

    6. And that just kept going on and on, wherever I walked, whichever way I turned, the same woman pushing the same pram would be walking towards me

    7. Whichever way it

    8. You think you can keep reminding me about Tdeshi’s sexual prowess and teaching me Tdeshi’s sexual prowess til you drive me out, or I learn Tdeshi’s sexual prowess, whichever comes first

    9. Whichever the case, Heather was more

    10. The twins answered easily to congratulations as either 'the talented gentlemen,' or as 'gifted actresses' whichever accolade might be offered by their peers

    11. sent a quick prayer to whichever patron Saint of

    12. asked, addressing her question to whichever man wished

    13. While this is a military expedition, they are not heavily armed, but they understand how small a nudge they need to give an asteroid to make it impact on whichever of us they feel threatened by

    14. No longer able to fend for themselves, they slumped on the streets awaiting whichever came first, a handout or death

    15. whichever else, opened to anybody and the criterions of

    16. Ensure that whichever split-testing system you use, sends the same customers

    17. The recipient receives whichever is appropriate so you don’t have to worry about that

    18. Whichever way it happened, he could guarantee that she would

    19. They used just one of their names, but would choose whichever name made the fighter seem more or less attractive – depending on whether they were predicted to be a crowd favourite or not

    20. Never to be used on the battlefield; those things had the potential to replicate indefinitely, using whichever surrounding material by breaking it down into its base structure

    21. Of course, apart from the archetypal gold-diggers, many of these girls derived their income from such men in whichever way was the most expedient

    22. Whichever way he turned he could not escape the sensation of burning

    23. While you don’t stop training the rest of the muscle groups while you focus on your arms, shoulders or whichever area you choose, you do decrease the intensity of your work on the rest of the body

    24. ‘Then it's checkmate whichever move

    25. The wily priest always has a pre-selected victim named in the silent revelation; one who is either rich or unpopular, and though the dead man has probably died of colic and stomach-ache, the culprit may be put to death for witchcraft, or heavily fined, whichever is deemed expedient

    26. Whichever it was, it had cost her her life

    27. Whichever crow shall hereafter hop, fly, or flop into this field during

    28. pudding, whichever you might call it, while the children laughed at the

    29. However, every visitor can relax, resting curling up in whichever pond at the confluence of the two rivers

    30. In the morning he would be getting up in the middle of the night to water whichever plants were in need, and then he would harvest those ready for the market

    31. When the opportune time arrived, they would then probably try to breach the walls in their weakest point, or storm them en masse, whichever would seem to offer the best chances of entering the city

    32. Brownie jumped off first and started walking towards an expected confrontation with whichever government agency they were

    33. At every decision point I chose whichever road seemed to slant upwards most, thinking that the stair which we had descended would be high enough for my death

    34. This solution will provide complete and continuous well-being the any human being, whichever its social class, its state physical, mental or intellectual

    35. in linked way to the production, whichever the necessary amount to act as autoinvestment, without burden payment or need of its devolution

    36. Whichever the option, the investment is low and it occurs in unique time, something around only 990 dollars per beneficiary person, without being monthly aid or complemental income

    37. customer-citizen, whichever its age, without this

    38. Link evolve from let’s say an ape, or let’s say that Australopithecus back there, whichever you want

    39. (Guide to the Deconstruction of Terms, or the Reconstruction of deconstructed terms, whichever preferred)

    40. a precious stone in the eyes of him who has it: whichever way it turns out, it prospers; he who covers a transgression seeks love; but

    41. controlled by the mind and whichever direction the mind takes, the

    42. It seemed that it was a very loose confederation of fully independent principalities that gave little more than a nod of deference to whichever of them was elected emperor

    43. M: Whichever way you put it, it comes to the same

    44. my cock into whichever hole it found first, but I didn’t

    45. The distinction ceases, whichever way

    46. monogamous with whichever guy she was with until she

    47. “We’ll keep augmenting our defenses until every wall and roof is thick steel and every building is Warded, or until the Nexus is past, whichever comes first

    48. “By the God of the underworld or the God of Moses whichever that is, I don’t either!” Moshe agreed

    49. “Honored Yazadril, and honored members of The Assembly of The Just Alliance, I therefore most respectively suggest and request that you confer upon me the authority to command our alliance for the next five days, or until Zarkog has been completely defeated, whichever comes first

    50. “By the God of the underworld or the God of Moses whichever that is, I don't either!” Moshe

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