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    1. The glaring academic and (civic) deficiencies of a growing number of students render it neither feasible nor desirable that any thoughtful individual should whitewash the negative impact that under-performing schools are having on our economy, not to mention the rise in anti-social behavior in general

    2. The back of our smudge pots were covered, the tops were covered, yet air came in, and the insides of the wooden angles were painted with thick coats of whitewash

    3. whitewash, and restored to a level of accuracy that would call the Law of Intensity down on them

    4. And, of course, the hull would be covered with copper sheets rather than whitewash

    5. New Westminster police and the RCMP are guilty of a "whitewash and a cover-up" in

    6. belief that there is a whitewash and a cover-up

    7. Or so Calvin gathered; the picture wasn't very clear since he was piecing all of this together from several—somewhat inconsistent—sources, and someone had gone through and done a whitewash of Gates' files, albeit a sloppy one

    8. The hurtful actions were wrong and we don’t try to whitewash them

    9. The whitewash of the house was nearly blinding in the direct beams of the sun, but you could still make out the gingerbread that lined the gables

    10. He was not pained by the peeling of the whitewash on the walls or the dirty, cottony cobwebs in the corners or the dust on the begonias or the veins left on the beams by the termites or the moss on the hinges or any of the insidious traps that nostalgia offered him

    11. Úrsula had the bills taken down, stuck to great cakes of whitewash, and the house was painted white again

    12. Someone told him that it did not belong to anyone, that in former times a solitary widow who fed on earth and whitewash from the walls had lived there, and that in her last years she was seen only twice on the street with a hat of tiny artificial flowers and shoes the color of old silver when she crossed the square to the post office to mail a letter to the Bishop

    13. from all over it, illuminating the house in a sterile whitewash, as the long barrel

    14. The outside was a worn whitewash job from decades past

    15. God’s blessed race ran away against God under the name of Fantasy, Darwinism gave the white whitewash

    16. She explained to me that the Lutheran whitewash starved her soul, and that she wanted, however clumsily, to keep some reminder with her of the manner of prayer in England

    17. She could not endure, and I, taught to see through her eyes, cannot endure either, the chilly blend of whitewash and painted deal pews in the midst of which you are required here once a week to magnify the Lord

    18. But I have gone each All Saints' Day for ten years past to church in Jena in memory of her, and tried by shutting my eyes to imagine I was in a beautiful place without whitewash, or hideous, almost brutal, stained glass

    19. No one, I thought, staring about me, could possibly have their depths stirred in the middle of so much whitewash

    20. That annoys me to my guts because all of that comes down to the conspiracy whereby they whitewash

    21. He managed to whitewash the entire corrupt Chicago City Government and the Mayor of Chicago by keeping all the names of those guilty of taking bribes out of the trial

    22. So they used the racist label of Indian to whitewash their crimes

    23. Why is toilet paper white? We whitewash our own uncleanliness everyday

    24. Are they? If you want to whitewash a spiritual leader: then why keep alive legends describing him as a cruel taskmaster, and an insane, inhuman monster?

    25. The reason for this is because the human subconscious guilt about committing the SIN of accumulation had deepened and become so bad: that humans now have, are driven to, cover up their sin, whitewash it, make it as immaculate as possible

    26. It explains the brain’s ‘Big Bang’ without whitewash, without lies

    27. Using the World’s Fair to Whitewash its stink of the millions of animals penned waiting for slaughter, its black evil of the most inhuman human souls ever to be assembled in every vice and crime known, its black grime, the dirtiest most polluted city on earth in its heyday, famous for its black crime, its black pollution, its blackened death, as the worlds largest mass slaughterhouses: killing millions of animals a year… Holding a an entirely white, whitewashed World’s Fair

    28. Their evil had not descended to the level where they needed to whitewash the evil of their hands that much

    29. The growing of white cotton, as the best way to whitewash humans by wearing a garment made of white fibers

    30. The use of white marble to whitewash everything as token abstract symbols made concrete, as floors, statues, buildings, pillars, busts, etc

    31. The combination of a deaths head icon wedded to a whitewash of human unhappiness: as a round circle-head with a smile

    32. All garbage dumps, all sewer and plumbing systems… all dumping of waste, all polluting of the Natural environment, all air pollution, all water pollution, all pollution of the Earth by civilization; is an attempt to whitewash civilization, by taking the poisonous shit that civilization creates and dumping it outside city limits, into natural rivers and Oceans, into the atmosphere… anywhere but face and deal with what civilization creates… are forms of whitewashing

    33. The dirtier they became inwardly, where their filth could not be see, the more they washed themselves outwardly, the more they whitewashed themselves outwardly, he more they whitewashed their clothes white, the more they washed their building white, the more they washed everything white…the more they tried to whitewash themselves Spiritually, Emotionally, Mentally, Physically, Culturally

    34. Using Lye to whitewash their homes with: washing their entire past and their entire culture white with lies

    35. Robber baron culture in Europe tried to whitewash their killers as much as possible

    36. The whole movie is a whitewash of what the historical truth actually was

    37. Our skies are full of whitewash

    38. Northern and Southern climates of the world whitewash the world with snow every year

    39. Nature uses water to whitewash the death created by winter

    40. America had coal furnaces and chimneys for a hundred years after England… none of them needed to employ chimney sweeps… Why is that? Why did England need to degrade an entire lower class? Why did England whitewash this filthy invention of the chimney with Father Christmas

    41. In 1937: they hired an illustrator to whitewash the black image of the Dutch SINterclaus into a white-haired jolly fat man called SANTA Claus

    42. They managed to whitewash their black poison drink, and they whitewashed the idea of Christmas, and sanctified the concept of consumption by tying it to Christmas: all in one fell swoop

    43. The entire story is designed to whitewash all rich people and all money

    44. This Myth has been used to whitewash all Oriental Rulers and all Kings and all Emperors

    45. What actually happened was so horrible: that in order to preserve any tiny part of our past: humans had to whitewash the actual horror and evil out of human memory; by adding little white lies, fairy tales, excuses, deceptions, distortions to the actual truth… and burying, and hiding and ignoring and deflecting and denying the actual, horrible truth

    46. Today: people are still using coin operated machines to whitewash themselves in Laundromats

    47. They had to whitewash their own culture more than all other cultures did

    48. They had to whitewash their own religion, their own clothes; they even whitewashed their food

    49. I have cracked both the hidden and the obvious codes, and uncovered the truth and spoken and written it explicitly and in a way that no human can possibly twist or misrepresent or cover-up or whitewash or corrupt or poison

    50. Cover it all up, whitewash it, turn it into a pack of lies and cover-ups and fantasy bullshit fairytales that not even a child believes is actually true

    1. Framed pictures of children and wildlife hung from the whitewashed walls

    2. The building is a large, square, whitewashed building in the modern style – very smart

    3. He lived in a one room cabin of roughly piled stone chinked with whitewashed mud and roofed with thatch

    4. he entered the cluster of pretty whitewashed

    5. Yassap lead them toward a whitewashed lodging-

    6. is the religious spirit that wants everything to be whitewashed

    7. were decorated with paintings (not whitewashed)

    8. Relentless, he sat before the whitewashed walls of Shao Lin Ji and demonstrated Ba Guan (wall

    9. I looked around the whitewashed room it had bars on the window but no glass in the frames but still that would keep things nice and cool

    10. and the smoke stack was whitewashed so that the vessel now

    11. Running back through the avenues of whitewashed houses and neatly trimmed gardens something else beckoned him from beneath his conscious mind

    12. After a few turns, ancient stone replaced the whitewashed concrete walls

    13. They can neither be whitewashed nor ignored if our society hopes to address and resolve such disparities and its ―root causes‖

    14. They’re whitewashed and they can be seen

    15. “Well, you and I, we talked about almost everything and in order to explain how things were, I’ve had to be honest with myself about stuff I’d whitewashed for the comfort of my memory

    16. The village consisted of a number of whitewashed peasant cottages lining an unpaved dusty street

    17. Frequent patches of dirt and specks of blood tangoed with the whitewashed walls, offering the only bit of decoration that existed in the horribly pale room

    18. The ships were carved and painted and the bottom whitewashed

    19. These modern days whitewashed

    20. be this whitewashed tomb that maintains a

    21. As I was momentarily caught up in my brain’s activities, TJ came up to me, propelling me inflexibly against her recently whitewashed wall as she had the other night

    22. The house is too far away for my eyes to see clearly, but it stands alone, kind of whitewashed

    23. conscience of those who dispose of their family dog on the street is whitewashed

    24. Many had obviously been taking their ease in simple whitewashed wood plank chairs, but they were all on their feet to offer their greeting now

    25. whitewashed tombs full of dead men's bones and

    26. The walls had recently been whitewashed and textured with a rolled-up sackcloth

    27. But the cold, whitewashed brick walls remind you of high school or jail

    28. The government mobilized the press to obtain support for the war and whitewashed the public by lying about the actions of the Germans

    29. She dreamed of lush frangipani, their little house only vague, whitewashed angles

    30. Her uncle had whitewashed the walls recently, cheerful in the green

    31. The small whitewashed building with several rocking chairs along the porch shaded by a centuries-old oak tree was situated on a dirt frontage road about one hundred feet off the two-lane road that was the main thoroughfare leading into the backwater towns and swamps of the area

    32. outside, from where they mounted a wooden staircase to a whitewashed wooden structure next to

    33. Like most of the other buildings on the base, it was a low brick building whose walls had been whitewashed and which had the minimum of amenities, the base having been built in a hurry by the British during World War Two

    34. The whitewashed house itself was huge, and reminded him at first of a Spanish hacienda

    35. Brother Francis walked through the barren woods, which were whitewashed with snow at this mid-December time of year, toward the road that he would cross over to get onto the immediate grounds of the Kripalu Center

    36. on the large, whitewashed building

    37. him with a clear view of the three whitewashed adobes

    38. given and, in unison, they began to wave their whitewashed hand into the air, as if

    39. color of the whitewashed cliff, his skin was lighter than that of the little girl’s

    40. The walls had been whitewashed and the overall effect was pleasing

    41. you are the whitewashed tombs which on the outside

    42. estate of uniform whitewashed walls and uniform red tiled

    43. wooden walls, and finished with whitewashed boulders

    44. marked with whitewashed boulders

    45. Now, they are finding out that the entire period of Hitler's regime has been mostly whitewashed and deleted from their history books

    46. Each institution keeps its actual practices and policies and methods and rationales secret… and gives the Public a whitewashed, simplistic set of lies… carefully deleting their own corruptions so people have the mistaken impression that all of these institutions are legal, above-board, ethical, moral, etc… All because knowledge is not shared, because it is kept secret

    47. The institution of science has become so sanctified and whitewashed by the propaganda of the Western media that now most people actually believe that Science is humanitarian

    48. It was whitewashed

    49. A mistrust so deep, so hidden, so rotten, so whitewashed: when Europeans came into contact with other cultures: these other cultures were simply not prepared for the sneaky, cunning, lying, layers of hidden hate and hidden fear, and hidden mistrust

    50. He has been completely whitewashed into a Legend and Myth

    1. ’ Until it makes them incapable of being honest about so many things; their selective tool-brain whitewashes, avoids, censors, deflects, changes, manipulates so much of the human psyche; that you get a twisted, stunted, deformed version of reality, of their humanity… until you get pride, arrogance, smugness, blindness, inhumanity

    2. But history whitewashes the rivers of blood

    3. Science whitewashes itself by being scientific… by observing outward, and never looking inward

    4. Nature whitewashes the Earth every year with white snow, it washes the Earth regularly with rain

    5. All the lies that whitewashes the truth about the evil of the past is evil

    6. There is no such thing as a ‘good innkeeper’ or an ‘honest innkeeper’ Stevenson whitewashes so much evil in this one book: that his magically turns every evil that was known to be evil for hundreds and thousands of years before that book was written… into a whitewashed ‘good’

    7. Every generation of humans forgets their own childhood and forgets the past, and whitewashes the entire past of human civilization… and then goes about committing worse crimes and becoming more corrupt and more evil and more weak and getting sicker and sicker and fatter and stupider and more spiritually filthy… until just being born into the filth called modern civilization makes most of the best the most sensitive to the ugly truth: commit suicide… and the worst, the stupidest and fattest the sickest of them… become the most successful…

    1. the video, might have got away with whitewashing what the judge called

    2. Whitewashing the cliff! The morons! With all this work to do in Oraibi,

    3. Is there a spirit worse or more evil than those of the devils? Is it not true that most spiritual diseases result from following the way of the devil, falling into his traps and under his spiritual influence, leading a person to turn away from Al’lah? If this way holds the benefits that they pretend, then why have medicine and science failed in treating addiction? And where are the factual examples of these supposed recoveries from all kinds of addictions?? They are but false pretenses and whitewashing, and the fact is that these people aim to destroy humanity and wreck high moral standards

    4. and whitewashing everything that didn't

    5. We will destroy ourselves and the entire earth by our own arrogance, by our power of our senseless mobility alone, by always choosing the easy way out, by continuing to live as cowards, by running away from every difficulty we are faced with, by running away, and avoiding and hiding, and burying, and covering up, and whitewashing every mistake we ever made

    6. The whitewashing of Science’s true destructiveness was cunningly reversed by Nobel creating a public relations gimmick, an award ritual that is now a household name: the Nobel Prize Awards hailing the worst inventions of hell as greatest leaps forward for the benefit of all mankind

    7. The name exists as a form of whitewashing

    8. This began the entire process of the whitewashing of European History

    9. Not whitewashing the moral sins of killing and violence as a necessary good

    10. The entire family profits from it by whitewashing themselves of all responsibility, all guilt, all shame

    11. Hiding and whitewashing the sin and crime of killing other animals by inventing idiotic myths and rationalized bullshit cultural lies to justify it

    12. They have learned how to cover their ancient Semitic greed with protestant whitewashing

    13. The symbols of that film are a fairytale whitewashing of America’s past

    14. Every road that was ever built from bricks or cobblestones, every decapitated tree, every piece of decapitated word called lumber used to build houses, every log, every decapitated branch cut off from a decapitated log… in short: all of Man’s labor, all of his sweat, his toil, his effort and time: has been devoted to only two subconscious drives buried in his collective and individual psyche: the need to decapitate, and the need to cover-up the decapitation: termed whitewashing, lying, avoiding, denial, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc, ad nauseum

    15. Little white lies are the most common forms of whitewashing

    16. But one tactic that stands out; is whitewashing

    17. Whitewashing is a symptom of human subconscious shame and guilt

    18. Some examples of subconscious whitewashing are:

    19. The whitewashing of Chicago when it became the butchering capital of America: the blackest hell-hole of a city in the throes of greed in the entire world… in its heyday

    20. The whitewashing of Rome’s guilt in crucifying Jesus by Pontius Pilate; ceremonially and ritually washing his hands of the entire affair

    21. The whitewashing of the European gentlemen

    22. All the layers of human dress over the ages… the layers of black over white, over black… red-over-white, etc… are layers of whitewashing

    23. The whitewashing of bread

    24. The whitewashing of human bodies: The white linen of the Egyptians who whitewashed their bodies with white, the white togas of the Greeks and Roman elite who whitewashed themselves into extinction as did the Egyptian elite

    25. The whitewashing of dead human bodies: burying dead corpses covered in white shrouds, the whitewashing of white marble statues

    26. The whitewashing of elite Greeks and Romans: wearing whitened, bleached robes: covering up their blackness of their intentions, their bodies, their souls

    27. The whitewashing of sick, hating killers: called Crusaders

    28. The whitewashing of evil rich aristocrats: by calling them ‘nobles’… Cunningly brainwashing the masses into believing that ‘Nobles’ were nobler not only by ancestry: by being highborn

    29. Tom Sawyer whitewashing a fence

    30. Once the defense tactic of projection becomes an instinctive reflex; then it becomes a filter, an automatic whitewashing agent that automatically filters out of your awareness, everything that threatens to penetrate your ego, your false artificial understanding and rationalization of both your inner soul and the outer world; protecting you from all unpleasant penetrations of understanding, insight, realization, etc

    31. Anything that is layered over something else… hiding what is underneath… whitewashing it

    32. The whitewashing of the entire fucking European race of dirty killers and robbers as being whiter, and therefore better than all other races

    33. The whitewashing of the entire fucking history of White Western civilization

    34. The whitewashing of 1,000 years of European history by wiping out the old histories; and replacing and replacing them with modern whitewashed fairytales and whitewashed legends

    35. The psychotic need to live inside an insulated, sterilized-whitewashed environment… is a way of whitewashing your entire environment

    36. Washing the inner and outer walls of your house, cleaning out your gutters, trimming your hedge, cutting the grass, sweeping the driveway… is a way of whitewashing your sterile, civilized environment

    37. The bleaching of flour… whitewashing it such tasteless non-nutritional dust; that even rats won’t eat it

    38. All one-sided scientific objectivity is a form of whitewashing

    39. Scientific inquiry IS whitewashing

    40. All garbage dumps, all sewer and plumbing systems… all dumping of waste, all polluting of the Natural environment, all air pollution, all water pollution, all pollution of the Earth by civilization; is an attempt to whitewash civilization, by taking the poisonous shit that civilization creates and dumping it outside city limits, into natural rivers and Oceans, into the atmosphere… anywhere but face and deal with what civilization creates… are forms of whitewashing

    41. The cultural symptom of washing and whitewashing is a classic case of how deflect the truth and deny it; by subconsciously projecting the collective guilt and shame of their culture by outward projection

    42. What Jesus did: the ritual of baptizing a person by pouring water over their head was also an example of whitewashing

    43. Except that he used the ritual of whitewashing consciously to represent a washing away of the corruption of civilization

    44. Jesus used a ritual of whitewashing as a way to actually try to make the people he baptized live cleaner less corrupt lives

    45. He did not use the symbol and significance of ritual whitewashing as a way to avoid the truth, but as a way to face the unpleasant, uncomfortable humbling truth that how you have lived all your life before he came to you: was wrong and completely mistaken

    46. White Clouds are example of Nature’s whitewashing, but there is a HUGE difference between natural and unnatural whitewashing

    47. So is Snow a natural necessary form of whitewashing

    48. Civilized whitewashing is the opposite: it poisons the Earth instead of cleansing it and keeping it clean

    49. It has been whitewashing itself into higher and higher levels of sterile, immaculate, antiseptic deadness and whiteness, and goodness, and mediocrity, and identicality

    50. As an example of Cultural Whitewashing: there is the famous movie classic: ‘How Green was my Valley’… a fairytale fantasy of a family of coal miners in England

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