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    with certainty примеры предложений

    with certainty

    1. He knew with certainty that death did not have power

    2. Therefore how should we ask God? With certainty that we receive

    3. Of course this was not conclusive, after all, he was an Angel and therefore virtual, so he could never know anything with certainty

    4. “She will eventually regain everything; she will probably need a considerable span of time for that, but she will return,” he concluded with certainty

    5. “I had her investigate the girl thoroughly my Queen; she believes with certainty that the young girl is totally unaware that she is being used for nefarious purposes

    6. trapped emotions for good, and know with certainty

    7. That way you can know with certainty if it is working

    8. of Thomas,' said Reynard with certainty

    9. ” Harry said with certainty and a great deal of personal appreciation for the story's good reception by others

    10. However we can affirm with certainty that our universe was born from a creation the size of a playing ball where time and space were quite different from what we now experience

    11. Now she knew with certainty it wasn’t Homer

    12. Camus disdains such answers because he cannot know them with certainty

    13. I’m going to be using a variety of factors that will confirm with certainty that a particular niche is busy, active and has people actively searching for it and buying

    14. If the measurements show a shift into the blue from the new vantage point, we know with certainty that the galaxy is in fact moving away from Earth and towards the new vantage point

    15. While we lack the ability to measure or observe certain aspects of the Universe, the only conclusion we can reach with certainty, is that we do not have the physical capability to collect sufficient information to reach any concrete conclusion

    16. How then should we treat those statements or sections from the Bible which we are unable to verify authenticity? Would it be accurate to assume that if we can prove 100% factual truth in all cases, would it be fair to treat the sections or passages for which we lack the evidence or foresight into the future, with exactly the same attitude? Would it be stretching it too far to think that we can demonstrate scientifically that the Bible as a whole is a supernatural unity and that we can accept with certainty that it contains true information on all aspects - even on subjects that we are unable to validate, due to our limitations? If we know that the information contained in this Book, predicted events that would happen in the future with 100% accuracy and continue to predict future events which we cannot assess from our point in time, should we not pay serious attention to what it says about those future events?

    17. Reese’s voice was quiet, but it rang across the room with certainty

    18. I walked up to the second floor, but aside for a number of pieces of furniture and carpets that I was able to identify with certainty had belonged to my parents, everything was different

    19. In point of fact, the declassification of certain information of the CNI (National Council of Investigation) showed with certainty that the government had not hidden any information nor lied as it had been falsely accused

    20. tell the future with certainty

    21. “He looks like the one that I saw her with before,” the hateful voice spoke with certainty

    22. Therefore, it allows that any organization of the First, Second or Third Sector participates of this great event that will change with certainty the humanity’s paths

    23. With certainty, the African Union will overcome this difficult situation, it will change its image and it will be the live example that countries in total beggary can transform in rich or prosperous

    24. New fantasies of catastrophe are probably as unlikely to be fulfilled as the old ones were, though no one can say so with certainty

    25. I can answer with certainty only after seeing the report

    26. some will say with certainty that they are going to heaven

    27. There is a way you can answer with certainty that you will go to

    28. What is indeed evident, with certainty, is that the author tries to show equilibrium and clarity as someone who teaches openness and aspires to provoke “a disposition to snatch a lesson from life”

    29. One can say with certainty that members of the Senate are a

    30. A prayer many of us can utter with certainty, knowing that Jesus heard and healed the father’s son

    31. reminds me of that when I talk with certainty about how my dad

    32. She told me that she was pregnant, that elf girls always know with certainty

    33. Thus each conspirator can name with certainty only four others at most

    34. “For that matter, I have a magecraft spell against poisoned air that should protect us with certainty

    35. Try to be sure you have the reference with certainty, that your awareness of our weights, shapes, and volumes is exact, and that you have the strength for the act, before you commit yourself to the casting of the spell

    36. We use that access to learn the identities of the guilty as individuals; those who actually took part in crimes and those who ordered it done, and to know them with certainty

    37. We have learned with certainty that those gods that do not do everything they can to help their people survive and thrive will soon find themselves without mortal people to care for, as happened to Glup of the Zurb

    38. I could not think of any other plausible explanation for it being there, due to the isolation of our home from neighbors and knew with certainty that no earthly vehicle had entered our driveway during our walk

    39. *Just what this “alloy/tin-stone” is can’t be known with certainty, but most translators take it to be a tool for building

    40. Josh knew with certainty that something was wrong now

    41. sensed the presence of God and knew with certainty that he was in

    42. I think I am closer to knowing the origin of the concept than I was before, but I cannot report it with certainty

    43. with certainty that only by doing so could we build upon a foundation that

    44. But this I can tell you with certainty, with every attempt you

    45. Zoroastro looked at him with certainty, did not have intentions of revealing the secret

    46. Nor could I share, with certainty, the evidence of what exists within Folk Space, beyond the realms of earthly and suspended time

    47. “After I had realized that both materialism and asceticism are self-indulgent, I went to contemplate all that I had learned, to logically sort out what could and could not be known with certainty

    48. I cannot with certainty predict his next move

    49. I had done this enough by this time that it only took five seconds before I knew with certainty this was true

    50. ―On average about a year into your cocoon time, based on the many successful results of your first-hand experiences using Robert‘s process, you will know with certainty there is no out there out there; that your 3D holographic total immersion movies aren‘t real; that your ‗Infinite I‘ is creating all your experiences for you, down to the smallest detail; that you cannot be a victim of anyone or anything at any time; that if you feel any discomfort, it is solely the result of your reactions and responses to your movies, and you can run the process in a matter of minutes (even seconds sometimes) to locate and let go of any remaining judgments, beliefs, and opinions; and that you live mainly in a state of awe and appreciation for the game and all the players you encounter

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