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    youth hostel примеры предложений

    youth hostel

    1. There we stayed in a youth hostel that sported a large flock of small green parrots

    2. At the far end of the main street was Toc H, a series of bomb shelter bunkers that an enterprising fellow had converted into a youth hostel

    3. We’d talked about travelling together, but he was dismissive of hitch-hiking and camping and youth hostels

    4. I always felt out of place in Youth Hostels and avoided them when possible – all that bonhomie, sharing of tales, swapping of information and addresses, promises to meet again

    5. The Duchess of Sutherland’s Victorian ‘medieval castle’ had been converted into a youth hostel

    6. Duff, whose bowels had regained a measure of self-control, had also arrived at the Youth Hostel and reckoned I should join him on the road before daybreak, because we were both heading for Tripoli in Libya and no one drove through the desert in the heat of the day

    7. Four hours later, washed, refreshed and well fed I left the youth hostel, waved to my Negro on his bicycle – now wearing a pair of shorts, and within a minute was in the front seat of a chauffeur-driven limousine, chatting over my shoulder to the Tunisian Minister for Education who was on his way to a remote desert oasis, before visiting his counterpart in Libya

    8. After cleaning up at the youth hostel we visited the construction site and my heart bled at the sight of kids as young as five or six carrying loads of stones, cement, concrete, steel

    9. The passport from her teenage years, the one filled with stamps from an eight week If-Its-Tuesday-This-Must-Be Belgium American Youth Hostels summer vacation, was long expired

    10. Further there are a number of youth hostels that offer well-organized social atmospheres and plan events such as barbeques and other fun activities

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