I wandered well off the track left in the grass by the other two, feeling and stroking the boulders as I passed, sometimes a long way behind but happy, whistling, and sometimes even singing in an absent-minded way; a lad again with nothing to rush home after school for, and a long time before tea
And so, with nothing left to do in the village, Tipene hurried back home to his house, absent-mindedly carrying the old teddy bear behind him
“Yeah, one of those shallow creeps who only care about making money!” The third fat-cat said, absent-mindedly fiddling with the golden penchant hanging around his neck
She looked at it, confused, and then decided that the spoon was of no use to her and she tossed it away absent-mindedly
professors, however rare that might be, is absent-minded
professors! Of course you only see me an absent-minded
thought it was his absent-mindedness in full form
Ben was scratching his leg absent-mindedly
Absent-mindedly he swept his other hand over the loose cards on the desk - they flew back into their drawer
Lewis did that absent-minded professor
She was absent-minded, and only drank a cup of tea
She knew that she and her sister had played loudly in the cellars many times without the servants knowing their location, but nervous soldiers were not absent-minded maids
Absent-minded old sot
So here I was, under Bob's absent-minded eye, struggling to keep Mystic on course
Hilderich indulged the machine, taking a couple of steps back absent-mindedly while at the same time his head was turned upwards, his stare fixed on the unbelievably ugly and misplaced metal object which seemed to be the size of a large wardrobe or closet
I’m a bit absent-minded
His face remained frozen in an almost expressionless state, as if he was absent-minded or hard at thinking
He was sitting fully concentrated on repairing and cleaning the arrows, Alaric had collected, and she helped him absent-mindedly
Elior sat next to Laino and was absent-mindedly playing with the loose handle on his knife
"Of course, your father's so absent-minded he mightn't happen to think of getting married again
Not even an absent-minded minister, who was after all a young man still, though he firmly believed he had outlived romance, could be insensible to the charm of the night and the path and the companion
"It is to be hoped that he won't be so absent-minded as to propose to Ellen by mistake," was the only malicious thing she allowed herself to say to a sympathetic sister Drew
He isn't half so dreamy and absent-minded, believe me
mumbling absent-mindedly to herself
“Pardon me?” Yazadril worriedly asked, and absent-mindedly sheathed his sword behind his back
absent-mindedly grabbed a strand of her hair to twist
He gave Povon an absent-minded cuddle, which she obviously relished
Or maybe they were just absent-minded
” Hilsith nodded absent-mindedly as she resumed casting diagnostics
The President of the United States toyed absent-mindedly with his
I tried to seem absent-minded when I asked him:
I rewarded her by absent-mindedly lifting my leg as if to inspect the sole of my foot, recreating the gap between fabric and flesh that had so excited her when I arrived, then rolled onto my stomach and asked her to apply sun lotion to back and buttocks
When Sorid found me there…” Jai trailed off, scratching his back absent-mindedly as if an old scar had begun to itch
This could be through stupidity, gambling, been extravagant, absent-minded or even through theft
I absent-mindedly look up at him
Also Jabar shows for him nervous features; he drives more absent-mindedly than usual and he even forgets to indicate direction
They were silent at first, chewing their food absent-mindedly while thinking over what Nancy had said
Tom’s smile then faded as he looked absent-mindedly through a window
Paul, his mind struck by Ingrid’s verdict, thought furiously about how to circumvent that problem, eating absent-mindedly during the rest of the meal
� The Royal Navy officer turned towards Reginald Jones, who was at the section�s tea table, preparing himself a steaming cup with an absent-minded look on his face
It was BBC2 playing light music, and he absent-mindedly tapped his foot in time to the music while considering his options
Saddlebrook's train of thought was momentarily halted by the droid's incessant pounding, and absent-mindedly, he reached out and pressed the windshield washer button
Kipling Bangura absent-mindedly put a lighted match to the small stove he had turned on moments earlier to make the tea
However, Sandhya, who wanted to share more about her beau with her mate, tried to hold her longer, and Roopa, after spending some time with her mate in her absent-minded state, could persuade her to let her go
concentration was poor and I absent-mindedly threw some sheets over the second floor
He read through the spells and eager for more, accidentally finished the book while the absent-minded enchanter was searching his robes for a better magnifying glass
He’d tried to slip some spare toast into his pocket that morning but the landlady had spotted him, causing him to pretend it was an absent-minded mistake
” He rubbed his arm absent-mindedly
He should have warned me, but he was always the typical absent-minded professor
This was the great difficulty about Dwight--always, the minute she was with him, she became absent-minded
She and the rooks were very good company; it was a perfect moment of the afternoon; and she could think of him boxed up and examined with wide-awake affection and sympathy, because she wasn't being lulled into absent-mindedness by his unceasing and curiously monotonous flow of eloquence
“Hi, Izzy,” I greeted her absent-mindedly, my eyes still searching the faces around the room
I stroked her head, absent-mindedly, while I considered how to explain what I had seen in a way Alex would understand
“Do what?” he replied absent-mindedly, as he took Astra’s lead and handed the car keys to Kaspar
“I wish you could go with me, Salem,” I said quietly as he played with my hair absent-mindedly
She used, sitting at her aunt's feet in the evenings--Wemyss never came in the evenings because he distrusted the probable dinner--sometimes to make her aunt say it again, by asking a little anxiously, 'But you _do_ think him a great dear, don't you, Aunt Dot?' Whereupon Miss Entwhistle, afraid her last expression of that opinion may have been absent-minded, would hastily exclaim with almost excess of emphasis, 'Oh, a _great_ dear
In her idea of her, too, she was absent-minded and not very intelligent; indeed, she was rather troublesomely unintelligent, doing obstinate, foolish things, and at last doing that fatal, obstinate, foolish thing which so dreadfully ended her
She gasped as he laughed quietly and looked away, absent-mindedly letting the blue sparks dance across his fingers again
The lift started up gently as he gazed absent-mindedly at the bunch of buttons lit by his companions
He was a typical professorial type: tall, thin, fiftyish, with spectacles with curly, graying unkempt hair and an absent-minded air
He was absent-mindedly moving what was left of his food around his plate
I thought I had absent-mindedly ringed the bell of another flat
Absent-mindedly I stood up and started to wander
calling for the name of Jesus Christ — though initially absent-minded —
Raskolnikov at once pretended not to have seen him, but to be looking absent-mindedly away, while he watched him out of the corner of his eye
For he would take his stick and his hat and would walk to the window, and look perfectly absent-minded and very stern too, she thought
Meg was absent-minded, shy, and silent, started when the bell rang, and colored when John's name was mentioned
Lifting his hand to his head, the absent-minded Professor gravely felt and removed the little cocked hat, looked at it a minute, and then threw back his head and laughed like a merry bass viol
Bhaer's face had lost the absent-minded expression, and looked all alive with interest in the present moment, actually young and handsome, she thought, forgetting to compare him with Laurie, as she usually did strange men, to their great detriment
"Ah! That a merchant, who has large connections, a jurisconsult, a doctor, a chemist, should be thus absent-minded, that they should become whimsical or even peevish, I can understand; such cases are cited in history
The New York Times reported as early as 1980 that his “penchant for contradictory statements, forgetting names and general absent-mindedness” were considered by some to be a sign of Alzheimer’s disease
Caris patted her black head absent-mindedly, then sat at the table in the hall, brooding
Almost absent-mindedly he said to himself, “They’re after me
On the bookshelf by the bed there was some literature which had nothing to do with his work, and both absent-minded and worried he flicked through an old novel by Stephen King, Pet Sematary
Absent-mindedly he picked up I
Among his minor peculiarities are that he is careless as to his attire, unclean in his person, exceedingly absent-minded in his habits, and addicted to smoking a short briar pipe, which is seldom out of his mouth
Then she caught herself with a sniff at her own absent-mindedness
Whether on this account, or from absent-mindedness, or from sleepiness, she did not perceive that they had long ago passed the point at which the lane to Trantridge branched from the highway, and that her conductor had not taken the Trantridge track
to examine a print curiously, as if he had been absent-minded
Garth, seeing that her absent-minded husband was putting on again the hat which he had just taken off
He looked at the ceiling in order to have a blank space on which to see the colours, thinking it was an absent-minded mistake of his own, but the shades and the shapes were the same
With apparent absent-mindedness, yet with unhesitating assurance that he was doing the right thing, Prince Vasili did everything to get Pierre to marry his daughter
He had merely understood that the woman he had known as a child, of whom when her beauty was mentioned he had said absent-mindedly: ‘Yes, she’s good looking,’ he had understood that this woman might belong to him
As soon as Prince Andrew began to demonstrate the defects of the latter and the merits of his own plan, Prince Dolgorukov ceased to listen to him and gazed absent-mindedly not at the map, but at Prince Andrew’s face
‘What?’ answered the old man absent-mindedly
But just at moments when such thoughts occurred to him, he would ask in a particularly calm and absent-minded way, which inspired the respect of the onlookers, ‘Will it be long? Are things ready?’
He was not thinking of anything, but looked absent-mindedly and cheerfully from side to side
He was gloomy and absent-minded
Princess Mary turned with absent-minded questioning look to Pierre, who hat in hand and with a smile on his face was the last of the guests to approach her after the old prince had gone out and they were left alone in the drawing room
Their congratulations very simply, and raising his eyebrows with an absent-minded smile conveyed to Natasha and Sonya his fiancee’s invitation to her wedding, and went away
The best generals I have known were, on the contrary, stupid or absent-minded men
As before he was absent-minded and seemed occupied not with what was before his eyes but with something special of his own
With Mademoiselle Bourienne’s help the princess had maintained the conversation very well, but at the very last moment, just when he rose, she was so tired of talking of what did not interest her, and her mind was so full of the question why she alone was granted so little happiness in life, that in a fit of absent-mindedness she sat still, her luminous eyes gazing fixedly before her, not noticing that he had risen
Though the most absent-minded and forgetful of men, Pierre, with the aid of a list his wife drew up, had now bought everything, not forgetting his mother- and brotherin-law’s commissions, nor the dress material for a present to Belova, nor toys for his wife’s nephews
One day one of the mother precentors intoned a psalm beginning with Ecce, and instead of Ecce she uttered aloud the three notes do si sol; for this piece of absent-mindedness she underwent a coulpe which lasted during the whole service: what rendered the fault enormous was the fact that the chapter had laughed
One Sunday, when he went to hear mass at Saint-Sulpice, at that same chapel of the Virgin whither his aunt had led him when a small lad, he placed himself behind a pillar, being more absent-minded and thoughtful than usual on that occasion, and knelt down, without paying any special heed, upon a chair of Utrecht velvet, on the back of which was inscribed this name: Monsieur Mabeuf, warden
He watched the country slide by and absent-mindedly made a gesture to the seat beside him, and stopped
Sometimes, after coming home thus late in a dark and muggy night, when my feet felt the path which my eyes could not see, dreaming and absent-minded all the way, until I was aroused by having to raise my hand to lift the latch, I have not been able to recall a single step of my walk, and I have thought that perhaps my body would find its way home if its master should forsake it, as the hand finds its way to the mouth without assistance
For nowadays, the whale-fishery furnishes an asylum for many romantic, melancholy, and absent-minded young men, disgusted with the carking cares of earth, and seeking sentiment in tar and blubber
Very often do the captains of such ships take those absent-minded young philosophers to task, upbraiding them with not feeling sufficient "interest" in the voyage; half-hinting that they are so hopelessly lost to all honourable ambition, as that in their secret souls they would rather not see whales than otherwise