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    1. He looked all around trying to accustom his eyes to the dark

    2. this simple exercise is to accustom the head to being lower than

    3. Remember to chew each mouthful slowly which simple practice will gradually accustom you to taking only as much food as you need, not as much as you think you want

    4. That seems to be the acme of an herbivore’s learning ability, to accustom itself, by very slowly acquired experience, to use something other than its own senses to secure its safety and survival

    5. 9 Accustom not your mouth to swearing; neither use yourself to the naming of the Holy One

    6. On a practical level, we could accustom ourselves to thinking that in life

    7. I stepped into the cave and paused there, letting my eyes accustom themselves to

    8. Though he had attempted to accustom himself to such thinking by those with whom he did business, Preacher Cooper could never quite overcome the doubt and disdain in their eyes when he told them of his 48

    9. acostumbrar accustom, have the custom, be wont;

    10. It seems she is growing accustom to his salty type of humor

    11. He was a grave baby; and she did her best by cheery gesticulations and encouraging, humorous sounds, to accustom him to mirth, but her efforts were fruitless

    12. that we grow accustom to, and when we get new sensations, it often causes fear

    13. He should accustom himself to these unfamiliar hunting situations, because, if he intends to return home with a trophy, he'll have no other choice

    14. Turning back into the room, it seemed quite dark after the brilliance of the light outside and I paused for a moment to accustom my eyes to the lower light

    15. The practical tendency nevertheless of the Roman and Anglican doctrine is to accustom all the baptised to consider themselves 'Christians,’ requiring, indeed, additions of grace, yet not requiring that 'new creation’ which is described in Scripture as the 'second birth

    16. Nevertheless, not shrinking from what he called his mission, he returned to Bovary's in company with Canivet whom Monsieur Lariviere, before leaving, had strongly urged to make this visit; and he would, but for his wife's objections, have taken his two sons with him, in order to accustom them to great occasions; that this might be a lesson, an example, a solemn picture, that should remain in their heads later on

    17. In the whole of her subsequent manner, she traced the direction of a mind awakened to reasonable exertion; for no sooner had they entered their common sitting-room, than Marianne turned her eyes around it with a look of resolute firmness, as if determined at once to accustom herself to the sight of every object with which the remembrance of Willoughby could be connected

    18. Every means having been tried in vain to tame him, and to accustom him to the life of domestic quadrupeds, I was often forced to have recourse to the convincing argument of the whip

    19. Endeavor, then, to accustom yourself to our manner of living in these northern climes as you did to those of Rome, Florence, Milan, and Madrid; it may be useful to you one of these days, whether you remain here or return to the East

    20. You have to accustom yourself to thinking that way

    21. “You have to accustom yourself to thinking that way

    22. What! why, he objected against religion itself; he said it was a pitiful, low, sneaking business for a man to mind religion; he said that a tender conscience was an unmanly thing; and that for a man to watch over his words and ways, so as to tie up himself from that hectoring liberty that the brave spirits of the times accustom themselves unto, would make him the ridicule of the times

    23. It seemed to him something extraneous, superfluous, to which he could not accustom himself

    24. As always when she heard the truth spoken, no matter how unpalatable trying to accustom herself to the idea of Carreen as a nun

    25. That is what we must accustom ourselves to recognize with regard to your brother's family

    26. Since the common-stock investor must form some fairly satisfactory opinion of average earning power, which transcends the annual fluctuations, he may as readily accustom himself to forming a similar idea of average income

    27. soon as the Rostovs arrived and to try to accustom the old prince to her

    28. The ancients have left us model heroic poems in which the heroes furnish the whole interest of the story, and we are still unable to accustom ourselves to the fact that for our epoch histories of that kind are meaningless

    29. ‘It is very sound: one can’t permit the land to be pillaged and accustom the troops to marauding

    30. She was obliged to accustom herself to disrepute, as she had accustomed herself to indigence

    31. He was trying to accustom himself to the thought that all was over, and that he should die without having beheld "that gentleman" again

    32. You are aware that my plan in bringing up these girls is, not to accustom them to habits of luxury and indulgence, but to render them hardy, patient, self-denying

    33. Only accustom yourself to pray daily and unceasingly

    34. One must accustom oneself to this

    35. But chiefly they pass their best years in losing the habit of life, that is, of labour, and accustom themselves to consider their own position justified, and thus become, physically, good-for-nothing parasites, and, mentally, dislocate their brains and lose all power of thought-production

    36. Princess Mary told Pierre of her plan to become intimate with her future sister-in-law as soon as the Rostóvs arrived and to try to accustom the old prince to her

    37. “It is very sound: one can’t permit the land to be pillaged and accustom the troops to marauding

    1. The night was long and we were young and this was an occasion for a special bottle or two, for the saved and revered whisky, a drink that I had slowly grown accustomed to during my residence, and one that always left me feeling as though I had spent the night with my head next to a camel’s rump

    2. Sons’ eyes had grown accustomed to the darkness and it hurt to look at the

    3. The ring on her finger still felt awkward … she wasn’t accustomed to wearing things like that but all the same, it felt right and reminded her of how much Joris had cared

    4. The more I pulled myself down the more accustomed I became; the more I explored with open eyes, the more I was astonished by the unbelievable mad blueness of the sea

    5. ‘Heartless women!’ he said good naturedly, obviously accustomed to the fact that his son does not rate his practical skills

    6. Because the poor Hindu is accustomed to being ruled by someone else - 700

    7. It was only with the greatest reluctance that Burberry allowed herself to become accustomed to the brightness of this early hour

    8. By now she had grown accustomed to the weight of her mother’s old engagement ring on her finger and the Chinese style vase stood proudly in its new position on the fireplace mantelpiece

    9. And the more you listen, the easier and more quickly your brain will become accustomed to slipping into that alternate state

    10. It takes about three quarters of an hour to drive from Naples to Sorrento and was it an education … I daresay I shall become accustomed to driving over here but believe me it is crazy! The basic rule of the road seems to be ‘go for it’ and they obey this one regardless of commonsense, consideration for other drivers or even practicality

    11. friends and some of his tutors had become so accustomed to

    12. rather than having become accustomed into something that you are not

    13. become accustomed to the brightness of this early hour

    14. Boredom was never a problem; Chrissie had become accustomed to it before she reached the age of ten

    15. White Feathers strolled in to take his accustomed seat at the table in the great room

    16. After a few days the tiger gradually became accustomed to its braying and was no longer so afraid

    17. They grew stronger and more accustomed to their growing strengths as time went along

    18. It would have been suicide to go in after him – that sea was wild … but would anyone believe her? Nervously, she debated this with herself, too accustomed to being disbelieved to put any reliance on it

    19. for soldiers when they become accustomed to war

    20. “Well, I have had more sex than I’m accustomed to

    21. But then the market went bad and I couldn’t sell it for what I wanted and after awhile I got too accustomed to living here

    22. Allcock free reign of the accommodations in the cabin and allowed Harry a sense of freedom and liberty to which he was gradually becoming accustomed

    23. ‘Chrissie Hartley-Jones was accustomed to wandering around the moor according to Andy Simthwaite

    24. He can feel men he calls friends, men who he would normally rely on, men accustomed to the sights and sounds of mean lives, momentarily falling apart

    25. The whole area was untouched and much quieter than the hustle and bustle they had grown accustomed to back in the village

    26. Roman was not accustomed to seeing her in

    27. had grown accustomed to seeing

    28. They were accustomed to living in a virtual environment

    29. Gem was accustomed to her diminutive size, actually found it had advantages when fighting larger opponents

    30. And indeed bad as his clothes were and coarsely as he spoke, he seemed like a skipper accustomed to be obeyed

    31. Turtle "Oh, no! It bothers us no more than air, after we have once become accustomed to it," said the turtle

    32. "Why should I do anything? What difference will it make? After battling the Undeath for an eternity, I have grown accustomed to the fact that it cannot be defeated

    33. And so pilgrims are accustomed to kneel here in

    34. He is less accustomed, indeed, to social intercourse,

    35. being accustomed to consider a greater variety of objects, is generally much superior to that of

    36. How could they? Having shared her bed before, over and over again, he had grown accustomed to quenching his lust as soon as it arose

    37. It therefore ordains, that all servants and labourers should, for the future, be contented with the same wages and liveries (liveries in those times signified not only clothes, but provisions) which they had been accustomed to receive in the 20th year of the king, and the four preceding years; that, upon this account, their livery-wheat should nowhere be estimated higher than tenpence a-bushel, and that it should always be in the option of the master to deliver them either the wheat or the money

    38. It was pointless for him to ask how he knew that, Alec had simply grown accustomed to the fact that the One Elf knew everything

    39. she was becoming accustomed to travelling on the water

    40. her would last? He was a man accustomed to bedding beautiful women

    41. The tortoise behind me seems to be accustomed

    42. customers will become accustomed to you being that way

    43. Suddenly I was sitting out-of-body (known as OBE) in the form I’m more accustomed to and had reassumed out of habit

    44. The elegance of his dress, of his equipage, of his house and household furniture, are objects which, from his infancy, he has been accustomed to have some anxiety about

    45. A merchant is accustomed to employ his money chiefly in profitable projects ; whereas a mere country gentleman is accustomed to employ it chiefly in expense

    46. To have enforced payment of a small debt within the lands of a great proprietor, where all the inhabitants were armed, and accustomed to stand by one another, would have cost the king, had he attempted it by his own authority, almost the same effort as to extinguish a civil war

    47. Accustomed to the murky cave, the

    48. " Country gentlemen and farmers, dispersed in different parts of the country, cannot so easily combine as merchants and manufacturers, who being collected into towns, and accustomed to that exclusive corporation spirit which prevails in them, naturally endeavour to obtain, against all their countrymen, the same exclusive privilege which they generally possess against the inhabitants of their respective towns

    49. Appreciate the different experiences in your life even though they are not what you may be accustomed to

    50. Not only no great convulsion, but no sensible disorder, arose from so great a change in the situation of more than 100,000 men, all accustomed to the use of arms, and many of them to rapine and plunder

    1. But make no mistake: the Left have no real concern for our health, welfare or safety; they are slowly accustoming us to accept

    2. never really accustoming himself to the amazing duplication capability

    3. We have been accustoming ourselves to put our trust in material, technical skill, invention, and scientific contrivances to such an extent that we have come at last to believe that with these things we can overcome the immortal gods themselves

    4. That we should take counsel about what has happened, and when the dice have been thrown order our affairs in the way which reason deems best; not, like children who have had a fall, keeping hold of the part struck and wasting time in setting up a howl, but always accustoming the soul forthwith to apply a remedy, raising up that which is sickly and fallen, banishing the cry of sorrow by the healing art

    5. Accustoming himself to bus transportation following the second DUI was much easier;

    6. "And by accustoming her to that poison, you have endeavored to neutralize the effect of a similar poison?" Noirtier's joy continued

    7. All over the burrow, both the newcomers and those who were at home were accustoming themselves to each other in their own way and their own time; getting to know what the strangers smelled like, how they moved, how they breathed, how they scratched, the feel of their rhythms and pulses

    1. Paris very speedily accustoms herself to anything,—it is only a riot,—and Paris has so many affairs on hand, that she does not put herself out for so small a matter

    2. He had calculated upon her eventual love, and tried to tempt her with a lavish outlay upon comforts and luxuries, knowing too well how easily the heart accustoms itself to comforts, and how difficult it is to tear one’s self away from luxuries which have become habitual and, little by little, indispensable

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    Synonyme für "accustom"

    accustom habituate familiarize orient acclimate adapt conform