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    acquisitive Beispielsätze


    1. Mystic and philosopher, Timothy Freke, elaborates: "Actually this sort of self-centered acquisitive attitude only generates more bad karma, because bad karma is always and only a consequence of self-orientation

    2. settled down quietly on his paternal estate, and in all probability history would never have known his name if the intolerable persecution of a neighboring Polish squire, who stole his hayricks and flogged his infant son to death, had not converted the thrifty and acquisitive Cossack husbandman into one of the most striking and sinister figures of modern times

    3. "In that case their treasures may still be gathering dust and cobwebs in there," suggested Valeria, the acquisitive instincts of her profession waking in her; prodded, too, by feminine curiosity

    4. pulsive, covetous of the fruits of action, acquisitive, pernicious, vitiated, and subject to joy and sorrow

    5. FOURTEENTH: The humanists are firmly convinced that existing acquisitive

    6. Innin had looked acquisitive

    7. I couldn’t stop staring at him, at his expensive shirt, his beady, acquisitive eyes as they scanned the flat

    8. I closed my mind to him as best I could and gave myself to the food before me, but sentences came breaking in on my happiness, recalling me to the harsh, acquisitive world which Rex inhabited

    9. This prejudice, like many others, tends to become weaker as bull markets are built up; the large and quick profits shown by common stocks as a whole are sufficient to dull the public’s critical faculty, just as they sharpen its acquisitive instinct

    10. Another strategy to help differentiate quickly whether a business is overly acquisitive, is by comparing the total goodwill plus intangibles to total assets from the most recent quarter

    11. A firm that is more acquisitive will have a higher ratio (unless they are consistently buying below book value which is highly unlikely as most businesses overpay)

    12. The biggest mistakes we ever made involved a few investments in highly acquisitive companies that had balance sheet leverage

    13. If we come across a levered acquisitive company today, we're most likely to short it, hedge it or pass on it

    14. She had a good head for business, was acquisitive, saving and careful, and by fair means or foul had succeeded, it was said, in amassing a little fortune

    15. Her position is almost feudal; the others may be jealous, most of the women are, for she is as acquisitive as she is dogmatic, and somehow she has been able to deflect nearly all the family possessions to her own line of inheritance; but, though they scold behind her back, they bend the knee, every one of them

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    Synonyme für "acquisitive"

    acquisitive greedy avaricious rapacious