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actuation Beispielsätze
1. ( user04) The Project’ mission is to form multidimensional teams for each area of actuation and to train them so that together we can agree, to workout and to congregate the organizations of the Third Sector for area of actuation
2. The Project with its actuation form avoids that 80% of the resources get lost in the means (processes) and it guarantees that these resources are utilized fully in its ends (result)
3. No matter how tentative the nations do to solve the problems, these more and more become worse, even with the tireless actuation of the Third Sector and of well-intentioned governments
4. Therefore, they sin because each one wishes to solve a determined local problem as if the problem is only yours, without there to be actuation together
5. problems with actuation in an integrated
6. its actuation to end
7. The ciphers are powerful and ambitious; they only depend on the speed of the creation and actuation of diverse Bank3Sector
8. Each organization in its area of actuation already accomplishes the total advantage of the wealth existent and of the potential wealth to generate the abundance of products and services in any country
9. Emphasize that in that astronomical value was not yet incorporated the value of the existent wealth and the potential wealth that will be computed by the Coordenational Structure with the mensuration of the wealth and actuation activates or passive of the beneficent people and beneficiaries
10. Finally, the Project does with that there are the involvement and the social agents’ compromising (individuals) and economic agents (corporations) so that in the future the beneficiary becomes beneficent person and the beneficent person becomes sponsor with the effective actuation of the Third Sector that truly solves the problems in a definitive way, without there is only removal of symptoms, besides accomplishing the social inclusion of billion of human beings, to propitiate the preservation of the species and to avoid the chaotic destruction of the elements of the planet for the unbridled consumerism
11. The result of this actuation is to obtain the total circulation of the wealth in continuous flow to solve in definitive the great social problems and economic, without there are the need of the definitive possession of goods, products and services that don’t belong to the agents social or economic, because they are usufruct or wealth production
12. This will be made through the adhesion and actuation of nonprofit organizations that will indicate members for its administration according to Social Statute always through the criteria of the utilized methodology for creation and operation of these organizations according to the Systemic Theory of Usuarism
13. and political power of actuation
14. of actuation so that these accomplish all
15. It builds its operational base through the dynamical interaction of the activities with its diverse actuation levels and visions of reaching
16. All its actuation occurs without using the deposited physical money that will stay under the guard of the Central Bank of the Country in that is juridically constituted, this avoids that there are deviations, robberies or fraudulent action
17. Those monetary masses act in an independent way, according to the double actuation of the Virtual Coin, without being inflationary and without there to be speculation with prices or stocks
18. This solution maintains the Coordenational Structure with effectiveness and it reinforces the power of actuation of Bank3Sector in Brazil, Japan and USA when giving safety in the process of implantation of the new systematics
19. 5 To implant Usuarist Projects with actuation of the organizations in the Areas of Activities 5
20. Below, the Figure-07 exhibits how the definitive solution of problems happens anywhere in the world with the integrated actuation of Bank3Sectors
21. ( user17) PARTNERSHIPS AND ALLIANCES: The goal is the union of forces to reach all the sectors of the human society through the actuation of the organizations of the Third Sector
22. Know that our Project has total transparency, inclusive in relation to actuation of each Bank3Sector
23. The amount of counted money will guarantee the creation and actuation of 1,000 Bank3Sectors
25. Rules of actuation of the individuals
26. recognized social actuation when they turn
27. actuation area in the Coordenational Structure with
28. its Actuation Level and Reaching Vision
29. III - actuation in interconnected network with other existent
30. systematics so that it generates the power of actuation of the
31. Its principal characteristic is the double actuation, that is, when it is utilized by the individual it has the function of usufruct of the wealth; when it is utilized by the corporation it has function of production of the wealth
32. It is important to elucidate the concept of double actuation of the Virtual Coin, as we will see soon after:
33. The first actuation happens when the value is objective, that is, the system valorizes, it measures and it guarantees the power of the real and potential wealth, without letting that loses its value with the oscillation of prices in the market
34. The second actuation happens when the value is subjective, that is, the system generates income that guarantees the usufruct of the total wealth of a country for any citizen or person, without generating inflation independently that the prices oscillate according to law of the supply and demand
35. This card has similar actuation to credit card operator’s flags, however with other functions that avoid transforming those virtual monetary resources in drafts or right of receipt in physical money