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    admit defeat Beispielsätze

    admit defeat

    1. had to admit defeat

    2. At last she had to admit defeat

    3. Fletcher bravely carried Lucy for the best part of a kilometre and then had to admit defeat

    4. Then we might as well admit defeat, stop fighting the inevitable

    5. Yet precisely because they were from elite backgrounds, high achievers all, they could never publicly admit defeat

    6. His confession shocked me; Bill is not one to admit defeat or weakness

    7. Men tend not to admit defeat

    8. belch, that Brumvack would admit defeat

    9. and had to admit defeat

    10. “So although we are obviously reluctant to admit defeat over this affair,” confessed van Hague, “we did rather hope that if we went through Ms

    11. Readying to admit defeat to the psychosomatic illness, in the midst of repeating that it was nonsense in his mind, he heard his urgent summoning

    12. Recall the initial effort and ingenuity required in order to get the second participant seated without injury to either party; it required a few attempts at times, indeed, yet we persisted and prevailed being too young at that point to have been taught to either accept or admit defeat and get on with our lives

    13. Thomas hated to admit defeat, but he nodded in agreement

    14. It would be better to admit defeat

    15. Summerlee was still so weak that it was an effort for him to stand; but the old man was full of a sort of surly courage which would never admit defeat

    16. This price action is then repeated several times, each time the insiders accumulating more and more stock for their warehouse, until finally the last stock holders give up, and admit defeat

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