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    1. She is the master at that, I only have her memories of it, she is living it and advancing it even now

    2. strongly and firmly for one of her advancing years and still had that bright green gaze

    3. All eyes turned towards the huge oak doors at the far end of the abbey and there, advancing down the aisle in the once famous television suit, was the beaten finalist

    4. “You are advancing very well my love,” she spun and shot out her leg catching him off guard

    5. doors at the far end of the abbey and there, advancing down the

    6. Brent looked above at the advancing hawk, who was observing the situation also

    7. They stopped advancing upon each other, and even slowly lowered their arms, transfixed as under a spell, watching the woman's waving skirt

    8. The natural price itself varies with the natural rate of each of its component parts, of wages, profit, and rent; and in every society this rate varies according to their circumstances, according to their riches or poverty, their advancing, stationary, or declining condition

    9. First, I shall endeavour to explain what are the circumstances which naturally determine the rate of wages, and in what manner those circumstances are affected by the riches or poverty, by the advancing, stationary, or declining state of the society

    10. But though in many respects dependent upon the laws and policy, this proportion seems to be little affected by the riches or poverty of that society, by its advancing, stationary, or declining condition, but to remain the same, or very nearly the same, in all those different states

    11. But though North America is not yet so rich as England, it is much more thriving, and advancing with much greater rapidity to the further acquisition of riches

    12. "Stand ready! Strike as one!" The one-armed leader shouted, his eyes as sharp as the steel in his hand while he studied the movements of the demons advancing toward him

    13. Advancing towards the choir,

    14. It deserves to be remarked, perhaps, that it is in the progressive state, while the society is advancing to the further acquisition, rather than when it has acquired its full complement of riches, that the condition of the labouring poor, of the great body of the people, seems to be the happiest and the most comfortable

    15. the wealth and revenue of the country have been continually advancing, and in the course of their progress, their pace seems rather to have been gradually accelerated than retarded

    16. The country, too, is not only much poorer, but the steps by which it advances to a better condition, for it is evidently advancing, seem to be much slower and more tardy

    17. It is with industrious nations, who are advancing in the acquisition of riches, as with industrious individuals

    18. The acquisition of new territory, or of new branches of trade, may sometimes raise the profits of stock, and with them the interest of money, even in a country which is fast advancing in the acquisition of riches

    19. Though slowly, the Undeath is encompassing the land, advancing toward the great Red Wall itself

    20. Wild tales of an undead horde advancing on the city, plus eyewitness accounts of mages and Death Guards wandering the streets

    21. advancing state, and has therefore a continual demand for new hands ; the other is in a

    22. advancing, stationary, or declining state of the society

    23. It was advancing deliberately up the handholds toward this lair

    24. therefore, be advancing in improvement and population, the demand for silver might not be at all increased by the improvement even of a large country in the neighbourhood of the mine

    25. The money price of labour is lower in Scotland than in England, because the real recompence of labour is much lower: Scotland, though advancing to greater wealth, advances much more slowly than England

    26. The proportion between the real recompence of labour in different countries, it must be remembered, is naturally regulated, not by their actual wealth or poverty, but by their advancing, stationary, or declining condition

    27. The greater part of Europe was, during this period, advancing in industry and improvement, and the demand for silver must consequently have been increasing; but the increase of the supply had, it seems, so far exceeded that of the demand, that the value of that metal sunk considerably

    28. "Hurry, Theodorous, they're coming stronger now," Bri Lynn said, plucking away at the advancing horde with a short bow while the rest of the soldiers cut down any of the advancing undead she couldn't hit

    29. They seem, however, to be advancing in all those much more rapidly than any country in Europe

    30. But it must always be late in the progress of improvement before tillage can be so far extended as to raise the price of cattle to this height ; and, till it has got to this height, if the country is advancing at all, their price must be continually rising

    31. before advancing another one, which results from the

    32. The real wealth of the country, the annual produce of its land and labour, may, notwithstanding this circumstance, be either gradually declining, as in Portugal and Poland ; or gradually advancing, as in most other parts of Europe

    33. But if this rise in the price of some sorts of provisions be owing to a rise in the real value of the land which produces them, to its increased fertility, or, in consequence of more extended improvement and good cultivation, to its having been rendered fit for producing corn; it is owing to a circumstance which indicates, in the clearest manner, the prosperous and advancing state of the country

    34. It is chiefly by discounting bills of exchange, that is, by advancing money upon them before they are due, that the greater part of banks and bankers issue their promissory notes

    35. advancing the idea of a Romanian State recently

    36. They are thus the ones who continue developing and advancing in their respective professions

    37. But it served him well on both a physical and mental level and has been an important part of keeping the 200 plus variations of his species alive and advancing themselves over the millennia

    38. Commerce and manufactures have accordingly been continually advancing during all this period

    39. The cultivation and improvement of the country has, no doubt, been gradually advancing too; but it seems to have followed slowly, and at a distance, the more rapid progress of commerce and manufactures

    40. They loaded the public revenue with a very considerable expense: they imposed a very heavy tax upon the whole body of the people ; but they did not, in any sensible degree, increase the real value of their own commodity; and by lowering somewhat the real value of silver, they discouraged, in some degree, the general industry of the country, and, instead of advancing, retarded more or less the improvement of their own lands, which necessarily depend upon the general industry of the country

    41. She is currently advancing her piloting skills and has turned out to be a gifted strategist

    42. manufacturer, by taking his goods off his hand as fast as he can make them, and by sometimes even advancing their price to him before he has made them, enables him to keep his whole capital, and sometimes even more than his whole capital, constantly employed in manufacturing, and consequently to manufacture a much greater quantity of goods than if he was obliged to dispose of them himself to the immediate consumers, or even to the retailers

    43. Having met his glance, which had shifted quickly from perplexity to amusement, she gestured with her eyes toward Carius who was still advancing

    44. Their higher position was an advantage, but not enough of one, and the enemy was advancing upon them from both sides

    45. As we moved up the ravine ready to take the next trench Lt Walter Cole was killed he had just waved at me and was advancing with his pistol held out in front of him when I saw him jerk and fall face down into the dirt

    46. I faced to my front again and I could see a skirmish line of about thirty Turks advancing towards the village and us leading them in front was a fat Officer wearing a red fez on his head

    47. In 1698, a proposal was made to parliament, of advancing two millions to government, at eight per cent

    48. “We had made our way off the beach and were advancing up the gully with your lot to attack the trenches at the top

    49. He was on the second floor, shooting down the demons that were advancing to the entrance of the Temple

    50. He sliced through advancing demons, his movements so fast Sebastian couldn’t focus on him

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    Synonyme für "advancing"

    advancing forward forward-moving more advanced earlier progressing surpassing leading preceding