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    age group Beispielsätze

    age group

    1. They are likely to look at life from many different angles and perspectives and not get frozen in certain views, typical of certain age groups or become predictable with familiarity

    2. But if you are in this age group then you would be in a bit of a dilemma: trying to catch-up on retirement planning at the same time paying/saving for your children's higher education

    3. We are of the same age group

    4. What age group are they? What country do they live in? Where in that country?

    5. As with most counter-terrorism experts of his age group he was trained by the Rhodesians as part of SAP COIN but so were thousands of others who did not become assassins

    6. Before you involve your children with your woman friend, it is a good idea to discuss with your children whatever seems appropriate for their age group about your expectations for the relationship

    7. Boys from the age group 11 to 16 are popular to recruit because they don't question orders and are easily manipulated

    8. The elderly, who had been the poorest age group in the US, are now the wealthiest

    9. leading cause of death for blacks in the age groups 15 to 19, 20 to 24 and 25 to 34

    10. age group which interacts on the online world

    11. We talked for about 15 minutes about the interests, concerns, and passions of the late teen/early twenties age group

    12. Athabaskan—a language group of tribes that at contact was found mostly on the northwest corner of the North American continent (Alaska and Central West Canada), except for the coast

    13. But how are we to achieve this? In all schools and colleges there should be trained psychologists of various age groups, well versed in educational psychology and a particular subject

    14. of these aftereffects across cultures and age groups, and – again – the fact that these aftereffects

    15. studies have been conducted in all age groups, and no ill

    16. True to form, they all won new medals, including four-year old Suni who placed third in the breast-stroke event for her age group

    17. The specific language will depend on the age group that you are targeting, the profession and interest

    18. with uncanny clarity so every age group and mental ability could grasp what he said,

    19. This affected the 16-30 age groups

    20. 1,173, of which 734 are women, and the age group with the highest number of

    21. age groups in each coverage area across the nation and in Canada

    22. “What about cross-temporial contamination? Were the travelers properly trained? Why were the travelers not chosen from a variety of age groups?” Professor Prophet had wanted to go himself, but was refused because he was too old

    23. age group is a major constituency of the AARP

    24. Since far few children in this age group wet the bed, Enuresis can be especially isolating for this age group

    25. The body or self image of children in this age group is still developing, and something like bedwetting can affect self-esteem and self-image considerably

    26. At the same time, children in this age group tend to have more mobility and tend to be away from parental controls

    27. to that age group, that industry group, and relay that back to your objective

    28. I was able to complete my triathlon with just 8 weeks of training, and I even placed in the top 20 for my 40-50 year old age group! I would never have thought that I could have made such progress in just 8 weeks, especially with the condition I was in! I can’t wait to start using your entire Fat Burning Furnace method to finally lose all of my unwanted fat for good!"

    29. age groups you’ll have there

    30. But speaking to kids of the age you would like to write for, reading books for kids of that age, watching TV shows for that age group, all of that helps with defining an age group’s language immensely

    31. This sort of thing is often specified in publisher guidelines, so these are always good to look at to get an idea of how long a story for a certain age group should be

    32. They reached the town final that year in their age group but were beaten by a team called St

    33. the age group will be a little younger than the tape idea but Ruth and I reckon

    34. It was at this venue that Matthew met up again with four other Irish lads of his age group that he knew from the other local ‘hops’

    35. age group, although isolated cases were turning up in other age groups

    36. According to “The Circle” files, the preponderance of drug usage seemed to occur amongst schoolchildren in the age group 12 and upwards and more heavily in the Cape – where “tik” (crystal methamphetamine) which is comparatively easy to manufacture and gives a “high” that lasts for three to four hours, was the biggest seller

    37. Think about how to use those games in a variety of settings, with different age groups and for different topics

    38. She wants to read, and walks miles to the city library to get books until she has read everything in the section for her age group and the librarian tells her she is not allowed to read other things

    39. Her listening audience was the 18 to 34 age group – of which I qualified – and she had an audience at that time of around 78,000

    40. And I would encourage group living environments out in the communities for this support

    41. The gap gets wider for older women (ages 55-64) who only earn 68 cents on the dollar when compared with men of the same age group

    42. By the time he was fourteen years of age (Galactic Federation time) he had already become the champion of his age group in Newnippon

    43. Its survey in January 2013, for example, had a sample size running into several lakhs and a detailed break-up of voting preferences, according to caste, community, age group

    44. No surprise then that his highest ratings were often in the below-thirty age group

    45. Even the Give and Take , with its mixed age group,

    46. products, which have been a big hit with all different age groups

    47. this, his ministers encourage groups within the Tibetan community

    48. Another report says the ratios are higher among the elderly and the mentally challenged than the twenty to fifty-year old age group

    49. and other soy products have consistently demonstrated important health benefits in this age group (e

    50. depression in other age groups

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