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    air flow Beispielsätze

    air flow

    1. The cool air flowing through the open casement carried an alluring tang of salt

    2. her hair flowing into bracken, of this dew

    3. A chiseled craggy profile, big hair flowing around his high forehead and from his lips and chin, all a flowing white swirl

    4. As she danced, her hair flowed around her, black as the night and soft as satin

    5. Her long red hair flowed freely, hanging down her back and curling at the ends to frame her shoulders and waist

    6. To the side of him, the woman lay in the confined space clad in similar white outerwear to his self, supporting her head and with long blond hair flowing down onto a styro-mattress

    7. In the centre General Hawkins, his white hair flowing loosely in the breeze, led forward his infantry brigade

    8. If this one was, that would mean flues in the walls and crawl spaces beneath the floor where hot air flowed

    9. The radiator was protected by armour vents which opened up in the form of a hinged door so that it (and the radiator) could be cleaned of grass (a killer for radiators for the seeds blocks the air flow and may cause a fire if dry enough)

    10. Staring into her green eyes, seeing her red hair flowing around her face, he said softly, “Read my mind, now

    11. Before it thundered and lightened, or ever the foundations of paradise were laid, 3 Before the fair flowers were seen, or ever the

    12. chest, her golden hair flowing onto my thighs as she laved up and down my shaft--

    13. shut again as freshly oxygenated air flowed in

    14. 1 And he said to me in the beginning when the Earth was made before the borders of the world stood or ever the winds blew 2 Before it thundered and lightened or ever the foundations of paradise were laid 3 Before the fair flowers were seen or ever the moveable powers were established before the innumerable multitude of angels were gathered together 4 Or ever the heights of the air were lifted up before the measures of the firmament were named or ever the chimneys in Sion were hot 5 And ere the present years were sought out and or ever the inventions of them that now sin were turned before they were sealed that have gathered faith for a treasure: 6 Then did I consider these things and they all were made through me alone and through none other: by me also they shall be ended and by none other

    15. “Forgive us, First Elder,” the oldest man spoke, his long grey hair flowing back over his shoulders, the sign of a theatrical

    16. At the entrance stood the clown, red hair flowing from the sides of his top hat

    17. He could see Nikole’s beautiful hair flowing over her shoulders, her smooth skin with the golden tan

    18. at his lovely wife whose long red hair flowed down over her

    19. Her long black hair flowed in the wind, her cherry lips made her face look so innocent and friendly

    20. hair flowed loose around his face, which was caked in blood

    21. From a thicket on the edge of the crest came a somber old woman in peasant garb, her hair flowing over her shoulders, a great gray wolf following at her heels

    22. Her long straight blonde hair flowed over luscious watermelon breasts

    23. Well tanned, her hair flowed down her back

    24. Massive air flows surrounded the ship

    25. Daisy went from being a cartoon blond hillbilly to being a slinky sophisticate, her dark hair flowing to her waist, wearing a glittering red gown with an air of mystery

    26. Kim removed her helmet and let her hair flow down her back

    27. Glistening like a mountain stream in the sunlight as it filtered through the foliage, her long auburn hair flowed over her shoulders

    28. Her hair flowed over her shoulder, fluttering behind her as she started to spin around

    29. Long auburn hair flowed to his shoulders

    30. ” Joey smiled at Lezura, seated across him with her bright hair flowing down her shoulders

    31. air flow to or from any of the tunnels, but sadly the air

    32. When the filter is dirty, the amount and quality of air flowing into the cylinders is very poor, and

    33. " Her long hair flowed back with the ocean's fresh breeze, as she watched Frosty toy with the retracting water

    34. Hopefully, that will provide enough fresh air flow to dissipate the poison and push it outside

    35. Lady Jane, whose light grey silk gown with high, ruffled collar and pillbox hat that greatly complemented Lord Ashburn’s pin-striped, three-piece grey suit and dark grey silk shirt with bow tie, stood regally by her husband’s side with a steady but confident air; her entire appearance, with her hair flowing to her shoulders and her makeup coordinated with her attire, contrasted starkly with that of her counterparts, and her perpetual sense of superiority further alienated her from them

    36. pillows, her long chestnut hair flowing everywhere

    37. As Dana continues to charge after the deer, she suddenly jumps up on a log and stands with her legs and feet spread apart as her hair flows around her shoulder! She points and aims the rifle right at the three deer again! She then shoots at the three deer!

    38. She finished up by turning a small stainless steel handle on the top of each canister and verifying air flow

    39. Her long black hair flowed around her with bright blue streaks throughout it

    40. The Sirens wore plain white frocks, cut low at the front, and their hair flowed loose over their shoulders

    41. O’Brien no doubt was confused by the sound of air flowing over the open communicator, but his heart was no doubt passing through his

    42. He lowered his head to the Vulcan’s mouth to listen for air flow with his left ear and watched for the Vulcan’s chest to rise

    43. The device is going to be very efficient as the energy of the hot air flow is going to be used directly

    44. The torque resulting from the hot air flow is not so large so that the blades should be a large number and positioned at a large angle relative to the rotation plane [14]

    45. As for our case V = V of the hot air flow and if we assume V≈0

    46. The hot air flowing through a pipe forms an airflow moving up from the heat source

    47. The compressed air flow running out of a nozzle and expanding outwards exerts reactive pressure on the nozzle’s bottom

    48. 12 The compressed air flow running out of a nozzle and expanding outwards exerts

    49. When 1 heats the liquid in 4 it evaporates and once a certain pressure is reached the air flows out of the valve 5 along the pipes 6 and 10 towards the reactive nozzles 9 expanding and flowing out of them

    50. The horses that they rode upon were also large, clad in similarly imposing armor from the top of their equine heads to the bottom of their hooves, where hair flowed on their legs in the same way as it did from their mane and tails; taking a quick peek himself, Timonus had never before seen horses that looked as they did

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