Verwenden Sie „alias“ in einem Satz
alias Beispielsätze
1. It's an alias we think Gino Ngata is using here in Ireland
2. ’ Kara responded, using the alias closest to her name
3. It is certainly an unusual name, most likely an alias
4. I guess your friend uses an alias
5. she used an alias
6. Still, he found it impossible to believe that someone would actually select the name Truman Herrera as their alias when on a mission of murder because Truman was none other than the infamous Comandante Cobra and his name was as far from inconspicuous as could be
7. The gem merchant, alias mayor, could not be reached
8. I had an appointment with the choreographer of the club the next day; according to Bill my alias was Rose Ginger
9. Philosophy, using the word truth as an alias, has considered several belief mechanisms and
10. Junior had rented his safe deposit box with a fake alias and social security number right before the Feds seized his drugs, guns and cash at the apartment he rented in the southwest suburbs
11. “Joe Black,” I said, laughing on the inside at the triteness of his alias
12. In his current state of upset, he didn’t stop to invent an alias
13. Eileen looks over Rosa’s shoulder as she opens it, recognizing the blue passbook with a new alias
14. He also explained to Sarah that the book was written under his alias not his real name
15. I would use an alias for the book
16. Troy Riley, alias O
17. The prisoner confessed to using the alias Simon Tracey when his real name is Nicholas Henry Travis
18. Curran alias Dracos had disappeared
19. She scribbled down the alias pharmlab address and returned the file to its place, remembering to re-lock the file cabinet
20. Not willing to wait a minute longer, she tore the envelope open and sorted through the pages until she found the alias she was looking for
21. The man was asking for more information about the drug screen she had done for Brian Carter, alias Lorenzo White
22. I put my mind into overdrive trying desperately to think of a good alias
23. I had to use an alias, but there was no time to make up a
24. I gave Chief Carmella an alias
25. Joey, regardless of what alias he was using at the time
26. When the dispatcher asked for my name I used an alias for a
27. use an alias, but you really should be
28. Use a cool alias like
29. "My name is Mitchell Browner, but if that name starts to circulate as wanted, this is my new alias, get it?"
30. is an alias, one of many, for a woman named Hillary Thompson
31. Early next morning, crew from Ocean Raider towed the launch belonging to Geoff Collins (alias Stan Peters), to the nearest shore and beached it
32. Under the alias of, Kareem al-Behareen, the
33. world – all, under another alias – to live the rest of their lives under threat of exposure and
34. Gregor instructed his attorney to track down Jack Hoffer, alias Jack Stone, and Jane Tyler
35. My client returned the photo and told Stone, alias Jack Hoffer, he had not employed his son and didn’t know where he was
36. Fairmont was merely an alias derived from the corporate name, but it was unlikely that the corporation or any of its employees were involved in this situation
37. “It’s an alias, of course, but Spalding did receive some e-mail messages from him
38. “I suspect it’s an alias
39. “It’s probably an alias
40. Larry Beckett who was employed by ACCS Exports under the alias of, Lionel - I Take It Up The Bum – Bates, looks as though he may have thrown his weight around once too often
41. None more than Joseph Dewar, alias John Delmage who was looking over his shoulder as he approached hotel concierge at a half hour after midnight to take possession of the SUV
42. The further two for added measure gave her an extended warranty that would see Wolfgang Blauner alias Warwick Brooke playing no further part in her life
43. The death of Delmage could be deemed as a bad break for Blauner and Clegg, alias Adrian Clements
44. They are not aware of Delmage’s death and they don’t know we know about his new ID therefore Clegg may retain the alias Adrian Clements
45. the trio chose one for their alias
46. Like who the hell are you? ‘Mick Trubble’ sounds like an alias to me
47. Last weekend, I finished scanning in most of Bob’s papers, letters, and documents, along with what I have written, and mailed a copy of the CD to a post office box under an alias that I have in New Mexico
48. She considered posting an online singles ad under an alias
49. Please grant me a safe non-associable alias
50. Instead she would add another barrier by adopting another alias between her and Maggie Webb
1. A typical case is that of a girl aliased Debbie
2. We apply the format we created to that aliased variable (❶) to show both the original and the on-the-fly imputation alias for it
3. We leave the original date string in the variable rptdt and in line 4 we apply the format that we created to the values in the aliased column dt
4. For example, if "ls" is aliased to "ls -F", use "\ls" to execute "ls" without the "-F" option
1. a revised version of the age-old conspiracy, the Illuminati, which under various aliases was to organize, finance, direct, and control the international organizations and groups by working their agents into executive positions at the top
2. In future, he promised, he’d make sure that he didn’t mix up his temporary bank accounts with his various aliases
3. aliases that will change often
4. She and Tyler used aliases
5. She had to use their social security numbers and real names on formal records, but people in her life came to use their aliases
6. Rather, she got a laptop and used aliases over email, etcetera, but avoided social media networks
7. It is tough using aliases, especially if there are two or
8. used the aliases Paris Hilton and Megan Fox on more than one
9. you shall find all the eight pages created with aliases
10. How did they know which ones to select? How did they know that these questionable names to begin with weren’t aliases? Finally, if they concluded that these were the 61
11. Under false aliases, using false passports – only, with real names
12. The utility bills for the flat would be vital in establishing bank accounts for Max and Star under their aliases
13. Our leader Louie, he believes in aliases," she answered like it was a secret
14. Deceitfulness, as indicated by repeated lying, use of aliases, or
15. Deceitfulness as indicated by repeated lying, use of aliases or
16. All we are are pages on the web, and aliases
17. Max just had a confused look on his face while Jack explained she knew about the aliases
18. “Fine, fine, text me those aliases you mentioned, the ones that ‘fell into your lap,’ and the address you ‘got by chance,’” he says, giving in
19. Same thing with some of those aliases
20. I learned a few of her aliases from them
21. “You used one of your older aliases there
22. aliases Sayeed has before we leave
23. ‘I ran those aliases you gave me, and he has bookings in
24. The diary says Jesse was buried under one of his aliases
25. Sea Scrolls, which are characterized by numerous examples of the use of symbolic aliases, such as
26. I had debated about getting married under one of my aliases, but I knew that wouldn’t fly with her
27. Of course nobody being acquainted with his movements even before there was absolutely no clue as to his whereabouts which were decidedly of the Alice, where art thou order even prior to his starting to go under several aliases such as Fox and Stewart so the remark which emanated from friend cabby might be within the bounds of possibility
28. He was showing the jury that Rick could have aliases, that he wasn’t even truthful about his name
29. • csh Known as the C shell and originally created for use with Berkeley Software Distribution (BSD) Unix; utilizes a syntax similar to that of the C language and introduces features such as a command history list, job control, and aliases
30. The __init__() method creates two variables that are used as aliases to the method that initializes a property
31. To get a better understanding about how the two aliases are used, print their value to the output (uncomment the two commented lines in the following code):
32. Some linux distributions create aliases for ls and grep with the --color=auto option
33. Prince Chechevinski, who had already borne many aliases, showed his grief at the old Magyar's death by adopting his name and title; hence it was that he presented himself in St
1. However, sampling at the cycle peaks cannot be guaranteed, and the interference between the sampling frequency and the data frequency creates the aliasing noise
2. The improved fidelity of the sampled data means the aliasing noise is reduced at longer and longer cycle periods
3. My experience is that the systemic noise rarely is more than 10 dB below the level of cyclic information, so that we create two conditions for effective smoothing of aliasing noise:
4. A smoothing filter should have sufficient selectivity to reduce aliasing noise below the systemic noise level
5. Since aliasing noise increases at the rate of 6 dB per octave above a selected filter cutoff frequency and since the SuperSmoother attenuation rate is 12 dB per octave, the SuperSmoother filter is an effective tool to virtually eliminate aliasing noise in the output signal
6. Aliasing is the false signals that result from undersampling
7. Therefore, a decycler should not be used as a smoothing filter to remove aliasing noise
8. The large cutoff period enables the decycler to attenuate the aliasing noise because it is many octaves away from the Nyquist frequency