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    alive and well

    1. That Amalekite spirit is alive and well

    2. After twenty years of evolution in club land white stilettos and plastic handbags may have given way to belly button piercings and porthole dresses, but the ritual stand-off between groups of rhythmic girls and leery boys is alive and well

    3. ‘But he was alive and well when

    4. Rumours and speculation were alive and well

    5. Another form of democratic expression was at least alive and well in Alleghenia

    6. Johnson remained alive and well

    7. ” My heart soared just too know that at least two of my friends were alive and well and were willing to bat for me and show me they cared

    8. On the other hand, if money was moving around, and it truly was two million dollars, then I was sure Felix was alive and well, but wasn’t going to be found anytime soon

    9. The father felt only happiness that his son was alive and well and had come back to him

    10. Well, this isn’t so bad, he thought, we’re alive and well, that’s the main thing; but if we’re going to be stuck here for a day or two, a decent energy supply would make life more pleasant

    11. Your mother is the only person who knows you're sitting here with me alive and well

    12. Phil K Swift the best breaker in the world,“ and by the way she had said that, I knew that the grapevine was alive and well at our school

    13. Plunder and pillage are alive and well when it comes to asbestos litigation

    14. ” She was still having trouble separating the Sierra who had fallen off the cliff from the Sierra who stood before her, very much alive and well

    15. There were goals I still wanted to accomplish, and I put my faith in being alive and well

    16. Now, aside from a broken heart, Sierra was alive and well, and her baby was safe

    17. Being alive and well, for one thing

    18. I don’t know how, but they are all alive and well

    19. I stand before you today, alive and well

    20. Free sex they thought to be sufficiently deep and abiding to keep their movement alive and well, and did not know how enormous a void their revolution had created

    21. The social gospel is alive and well today

    22. He is spiritually dead, although physically still alive and well

    23. the Exbrus Corporation was alive and well

    24. living on time that was stolen, how I was alive and well because I

    25. still alive and well today, and not just a story that has to do with the past

    26. If they went to check Jimmy would be alerted that she was alive and well

    27. “She’s alive and well,” revealed the Captain

    28. Fates know what wouldn’t have happened to her- she would be alive and well and we’d be home in Dejon with our parents where we belong

    29. In his best-selling collection of therapy cases, Love's Executioner, the psychiatrist Irvin Yalom (1989) demonstrates how alive and well this tradition is in psychotherapeutic

    30. Somewhere the German bastard was alive and well without a care in the world and Ruth wanted to kill him and send him to damnation forever

    31. If Beck, as Sam Ferris believes, is alive and well why has the British Government closed the file on him?”

    32. Clarke shook his head, “I think we should head to South America where the former Nazi movement is alive and well

    33. "No need, I'm alive and well, sore but well

    34. hard that the rest of Kansas was the alive and well; full of

    35. One minute my husband, Sir Richard Third, was alive and well and about to discuss business matters with some of his colleagues, and the next, he was dead

    36. was still alive and well could return home

    37. The sweet sound that meant she was alive and well

    38. After discovering that she was still alive and well, there

    39. ‘’God, please, make Nancy come out of this alive and well

    40. “And you say that she is alive and well now, probably in the future

    41. I thus should assume that she is alive and well

    42. “Chivalry is alive and well… long as it does not involve physical harm

    43. � Another aide was then tasked by Reinholdt to personally call the families of each man and woman on the list of prisoners and advise them that their loved ones were alive and well

    44. “But it is the same fallacy in logic that is alive and well to this

    45. Immense relief came to Ingrid at those words: her plan was going to have much better chances of succeeding now with the Emperor alive and well

    46. Philippe had been monitoring the local news and was incensed when he heard everyone had been rescued, alive and well

    47. We had met no one on the trail as we walked at a slow pace; just reminiscing about all that God was doing since He’d sent forth His disciples to tell this good news of his Son, and Him alive and well, still walking upon the earth in the presence of His people

    48. It is possible that Max is alive and well, stranded on Dom Island

    49. That would mean Carla and the old fool could still be alive and well

    50. “Anna short is alive and well

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