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    all sorts of Beispielsätze

    all sorts of

    1. all sorts of physical activities such

    2. Ensure that she is exposed of both men and women doing all sorts of

    3. On the walls, there were all sorts of posters of superheroes and some Indian cartoon of a monkey guy with a beard

    4. hear all sorts of creatures out here in the wilds of Gloucestershire, and the old house

    5. While we were packing boxes, we chatted about all sorts of things … she told me some stories about her childhood which were very similar to some of my own memories – not really surprising, we’re both country girls, after all

    6. We had all sorts of tats, especially Michael, that's why he's so messed up

    7. Apostle Paul went through all sorts of trials in his life

    8. Had a nasty time last year – skin cancer – she had all sorts of therapy which made her pretty poorly, but it seems to have worked

    9. It is so complicated forming relationships in middle life … people tend to have all sorts of clutter by that stage

    10. Betty is sweet and offers me all sorts of remedies for my headache, but I put her off by telling her I have taken something already

    11. Over dinner, the conversation turned inevitably to life on Errd, Kara finding herself facing all sorts of questions … embarrassingly, mostly questions she found she couldn’t answer about things she took for granted

    12. and frogs and all sorts of wildlife scuttled around the banks

    13. He had built fountains and temples and monuments and all sorts of architecture in cities that weren’t in Israel

    14. ‘Joris has a collection of paintings, sculptures … oh, all sorts of things … it’s enough for a small museum

    15. ‘She was only about seventeen; her mother had offended a small group of Welsh nationalists … the upshot was that they kidnapped the girl and stole her away to Wales, demanding all sorts of things in return for her safety

    16. Her father went berserk when he was informed that Tiffany was helping the police with their enquiries and was quite ready to give her a good thrashing and to call her all sorts of nasty names

    17. The roadway is busy here at the entry to what must count as docks … wagons piled high with all sorts of goods trundle heavily along, drawn by much sturdier ggs than my elegant Sefir

    18. There would be all sorts of programmes – plays, documentaries all sorts of things

    19. The table was laden with all sorts of food, and Mistress Sera and another man, obviously a cook, were bringing the main dish into the room and placed it in the center of the table

    20. Each time I stopped for a drink, I did my best to be casual and filled my mind with all sorts of loopy trivia to try to keep my nerves at bay

    21. He rabbits on suggesting all sorts of things and gradually normality is resumed … by the time he parks in the drive of the house I’m more or less on an even keel … if feeling totally washed out

    22. call her all sorts of nasty names

    23. Around that pen was a large space filled with all sorts of men, each holding small pieces of parchment and making a racket

    24. I’ve tried all sorts of tactics … turning it inside out and grabbing hold of the corners of the duvet through the cover and trying to get the wretched thing to turn itself back the right way; winding the cover back over my arms and then grabbing the duvet and shaking hard … nothing seems to work

    25. He looked carefully moving all sorts of crates and

    26. Claimed all sorts of pressure had been brought to bear on the committee and more or less accused Bunty of having slept with half of them … there was actually a case brought against him for slander but it fell through when he speedily retracted his statement

    27. One of the evening classes I did all those years ago, was on cooking and covered all sorts of things from the very basic to the more ambitious

    28. The young men had come across all sorts of unexpected objects in

    29. It wasn’t anything particularly fancy by any standards, but we used to put all sorts of stuff in – it always tasted wonderful

    30. ‘Been hearin’ all sorts of funny

    31. continued, “There are all sorts of safeguards, not least of which is the

    32. He grows all sorts of things in his back yard and then freezes

    33. She hesitates, all sorts of emotions flitting across her face

    34. Gradually, she tells me that they’d had a massive row and that she’d made all sorts of demands with the result that Andy stormed out of the house

    35. “It’s about celebrating the rich rewards of this year’s harvest, about collecting together the combined foods of all of Slump County and coming together to Trouble Valley to partake of a glorious feast with all sorts of delicious food and compare it with all the other tasty foods of New Zealand! My Mansion’s keeping an intake of the Granary where we’re keeping all the food,” Julia said

    36. The valley had always been a prosperous place, filled with deer, fish, and all sorts of other edible things

    37. The others contained all sorts of stuff for an office

    38. They spent the rest of the day talking about all sorts of things, such as sports, the weather, what they wanted in life, their favorite foods and drinks, and their favorite hats

    39. They sent me an additional questionnaire asking all sorts of personal questions – like how often we write? how often we phone?, do you speak English?, what do my parents think of the idea?, when we got engaged?, and would I be willing to live in Hong Kong? I answered all the questions without telling them it was none of their damn business and I resented our privacy being invaded

    40. I'm thinking hey shouldn't the home stay program that finds houses to live in for many students be able to have some kind of a link to the bus company which is called VIA in San Antonio? Wouldn't you think they would have all sorts of bus routes easily accessible and wouldn't rely on the house that the student is going to live and to find out about the bus transportation? I sure think that

    41. So instead of writing about marketing, you could write e-books on all sorts of topics

    42. After all that has been said of the levity and inconstancy of human nature, it appears evidently from experience, that man is, of all sorts of luggage, the most difficult to be transported

    43. During these ten years, the quantity of all sorts of grain exported, it appears from the custom-house books, amounted to no less than 8,029,156 quarters, one bushel

    44. Gold and silver naturally resort to a rich country, for the same reason that all sorts of luxuries and curiosities resort to it ; not because they are cheaper there than in poorer countries, but because they are dearer, or because a better price is given for them

    45. retributions, curses and all sorts of other nonsense in

    46. Any rise in the money price of goods which proceeded altogether from the degradation of the value of silver, would affect all sorts of goods equally, and raise their price universally, a third, or a fourth, or a fifth part higher, according as silver happened to lose a third, or a fourth, or a fifth part of its former value

    47. But the rise in the price of provisions, which has been the subject of so much reasoning and conversation, does not affect all sorts of provisions equally

    48. news of everyday about all sorts of thieves and

    49. The nominal value of all sorts of goods would be greater, but their real value would be precisely the same as before

    50. placed bowls of all sorts of different candy and poured the

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