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    allegorical Beispielsätze


    1. Actually she thought this wording was a little more direct and not quite so allegorical in its description of what was happening here

    2. That is just the allegorical description of the Law of

    3. Some may feel that a certain sentence may convey a literal message ‘A’, while others feel that it conveys an allegorical message ‘B’

    4. It was hung with paintings from floor to ceiling—portraits, landscapes, allegorical scenes all in a great jumble, with the only breaks to make spaces for the doors that occasionally interrupted the long walls

    5. If one sees the allegorical sense of the Word, one can easily believe that the Creator created not only mankind but everything in the world, including evolution, as a means

    6. Second, there can be an allegorical sense of an account – seeing the symbolic meaning

    7. My chest was heaving from the activity, but more from the fright I harboured in my allegorical heart and I stopped short, unable to move, or breath as the wolf came up to me

    8. Again, I think there are intriguing allegorical elements to all these names, but to Zechariah’s listeners, Josiah would have made them think of the king of the same name who was one of the mightiest reformers in Israel’s history

    9. While that allegorical interpretation is not wrong per se, we have to ask

    10. Carolyn stared fixedly at the striking allegorical Bosch painting on the wall

    11. Some of those stories have got to be allegorical or make believe

    12. he now sat alone; his tablemates of greenpreneurs and the allegorical menagerie were all missing, all the chairs empty, all mirrors absent, no eyes to be seen anywhere, no faces to reflect

    13. reading the King James version of the allegorical “Garden of Eden"? To my recollection,

    14. These many conflicting loops, IT theorizes is an allegorical experience of a virtual state – a state not recognizable as one's own

    15. Otherwise, all the other many authors quoted often only allegorical,

    16. 'You're always saying things and then saying you didn't mean them,' interrupted Wemyss, vexed, for he thought that Lucy of all people should have recognised the allegorical nature of his formula

    17. — If, dear Uylluiylliiss, you ask not about the legendary heroes of religious fabrications (they have become long ago dogmas in many directions of religious faiths) that have their proper place in the fantastic dynamics of OLLAKT-DRUOTMM-systems, but about those real Forms, which, perhaps, to some extent served as prototypes for the creation of these allegorical tales, then, obviously, I will have to disappoint very much many of you by saying that these weren’t such “people” as you, in your traditional Conception of yourselves

    18. Much of Sacred Scripture needs to be interpreted from a metaphorical and allegorical literary perspective than from a literal literary perspective if we are to derive from this work its full sense of meaning and purpose

    19. However they may also have been written at a time and in a culture where they were intended to be interpreted within a genre that expresses messages through deeper metaphorical and allegorical (figurative and symbolic) meanings

    20. But these verses may also be seen to have deeper and more profound allegorical and metaphorical meanings also based on the culture, faith, spirituality and religion of the time

    21. translated from Greek (not Aramaic), tell an allegorical story about how other books were also

    22. allegorical style and philosophical focus of the narratives

    23. Fourth, that these texts are undeniably symbolic and heavily allegorical and

    24. you can see in this verse, the Gnostics clearly put those words into the mouth of an allegorical Jesus

    25. It cannot have both an allegorical and a literal meaning

    26. It cannot have both an allegorical and a literal

    27. allegorical, not real; but they make "life" real even when both are used in the same

    28. have both an allegorical and a literal meaning

    29. After sufficient time, you will dismount and find a solace on this allegorical solid ground which, prior to that moment you had neither experienced nor known to exist and both the disparate aspects of yourself have shared the experience

    30. Sesha or Ananta, "the couch of Vishnu," is an allegorical abstraction, symbolizing infinite Time in Space, which contains the germ and throws off periodically the efflorescence of this germ, the manifested Universe; whereas, the gnostic Ophis contained the same triple symbolism in its seven vowels as the One, Three and Seven-syllabled Oeaohoo of the Archaic doctrine; i

    31. That's what betrays him! Another time he will be carried away by his playful wit into making fun of the man who suspects him, he will turn pale as it were on purpose to mislead, but his paleness will be _too natural_, too much like the real thing, again he has given us an idea! Though his questioner may be deceived at first, he will think differently next day if he is not a fool, and, of course, it is like that at every step! He puts himself forward where he is not wanted, speaks continually when he ought to keep silent, brings in all sorts of allegorical allusions, he-he! Comes and asks why didn't you take me long ago? he-he-he! And that can happen, you know, with the cleverest man, the psychologist, the literary man

    32. But the narrative of Hephaestus binding Here his mother, or how on another occasion Zeus sent him flying for taking her part when she was being beaten, and all the battles of the gods in Homer--these tales must not be admitted into our State, whether they are supposed to have an allegorical meaning or not

    33. For a young person cannot judge what is allegorical and what is literal; anything that he receives into his mind at that age is likely to become indelible and unalterable; and therefore it is most important that the tales which the young first hear should be models of virtuous thoughts

    34. He saw himself struggling feebly in their midst, and Antonia, gigantic and lovely like an allegorical statue, looking on with scornful eyes at his weakness

    35. It is neither allegorical nor topical

    36. It is an essential part of the plot, foreseen from the outset, though in the event modified by the character of Saruman as developed in the story without, need I say, any allegorical significance or contemporary political reference whatsoever

    37. In discussing the extent and effects of HUAC’s activities, Miller developed the idea for The Crucible, an allegorical play in which he compared HUAC’s activities to the witch hunts in Salem

    38. Squatting upon his haunches on the table top in the cabin his father had built—his smooth, brown, naked little body bent over the book which rested in his strong slender hands, and his great shock of long, black hair falling about his well-shaped head and bright, intelligent eyes—Tarzan of the apes, little primitive man, presented a picture filled, at once, with pathos and with promise—an allegorical figure of the primordial groping through the black night of ignorance toward the light of learning

    39. This is the one drawback of my present position, and in an allegorical sense Timofey Semyonitch was right in saying I was lying like a log

    40. ‘Is that so?’ ‘Yes,’ I answered unhesitatingly, and I began to give some comments on the Apostle’s allegorical vision

    41. But if all these utterances are supposed to have an allegorical signification and are only intended as similes, then we know in the first place that all the churchmen will not agree to this—on the contrary, the majority insist on taking the Scriptures literally; and in the second place, that these interpretations differ greatly, and are supported by no reliable authority

    42. An allegorical story with an Oriental setting, telling how a cruel king was made to feel and understand the sufferings of one of his captives, and to repent his own cruelty

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    allegoric allegorical