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    Verwenden Sie „anachronistic“ in einem Satz

    anachronistic Beispielsätze


    1. anachronistic, we still use it today, in spite of its

    2. an anachronistic piece of junk

    3. ―Moderate‖ Republicans whose anachronistic ideas about the role of government and the people it purportedly serves has transformed their political platforms into a tireless repetition of recycled platitudes that no longer seem to meet modern requirements; especially those of working men and women

    4. What has happened, in effect, is that a college education has devolved into a cross-generational equivalent of a high school diploma; that is to say, a contemporary college education has superseded anachronistic (academic) standards of a generation ago

    5. The Motion Picture industry has enjoyed a long running fetish with strong, physically intimidating women routinely beating up on or otherwise skillfully out-maneuvering the obnoxious designs of pretentious, self-centered males filled with a heightened sense of their (own) self-importance; convenient foils portrayed as anachronistic, insensitive, chauvinistic types deserving an occasional thrashing every so often from women scorned or in response to inopportune or unsolicited (sexual) banterings or harmless wisecracks intended to make a definitive statement about strong women coming of age

    6. "You're here because of this anachronistic grave?"

    7. Children and teenagers should not be exposed to such anachronistic displays of male aggression and supremacy

    8. He was her boss and a good copper but she had little time for his anachronistic attitude towards women or his constant political manoeuvring to further his own career

    9. Structure bears about in formidably anachronistic style – begrudging the rest of the

    10. If, at this moment, you express impatience, then you will get the scenario, where there are all opportunities for the synthesis of all kinds of this Aspect; if you are furious, then, for you, there is an initially ready scenario, where you can deeply “study” (synthesize in your individual ODS) this very Aspect; if you are greedy, then the wide gate of the scenarios immediately “swing open” in front of you, which will allow you to deeply realize that greed is as anachronistic for any human being as a tail, horns and hoofs; and so on, in all Aspects of Qualities synthesized by you

    11. But he’d also been determined that would never happen again, and so the remotes in Nimue’s Cave had built the skimmer an anachronistic nose gun—a multi-barreled auto-cannon—to replace its original internal weapons

    12. Most readers are probably shaking their heads and laughing at this point, thinking that this is a quaint and hopelessly anachronistic practice, but I beg to differ

    13. The only area in which he persisted in defying time and fashion was in his somber attire, his anachronistic frock coats, his unique hat, the poet’s string ties from his mother’s notions shop, his sinister umbrella

    14. So that she maintained her connection to Florentino Ariza by means of the anachronistic thread of letters

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