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    and then Beispielsätze

    and then

    1. don't have it first and then do what's necessary to keep it, in order to be what it is you want to be

    2. You don’t have the luxury house and lifestyle, do what you need to do to keep it, and then be who you need to be in order to keep it

    3. Do you see how those four words: can't, always, never, and try, start out as thoughts in your head and then they become real because you say them, you declare them and you bring them into existence

    4. Somehow it seemed much more real, knowing this body had actually been born under a different sun and he wasn't some dubious translation from dead flesh to electricity and then back to the flesh of a good friend's hot-box daughter

    5. And then that he mauled some EMTs and wandered off

    6. “You see those two by that evergreen? The rocks stacked and then the one with the collar?”

    7. It would infect people in different ways: some formed boils under their armpits, some on their genitalia, and then some had pneumonic plague which gathered in the lungs

    8. There was still a good chance that her packet hadn't even left Sinbara and Jorma struggled up the path to the house and then down the street to the town side of north island

    9. She hesitated a little, and then added,

    10. Vera looks at me and then at Micah and stumbles back into the doorjamb

    11. You have to be honest with yourself and then be honest with them

    12. Tom could feel the first impact and then hear a sharp snap as he hit the ground a second time

    13. 'Why did she have to be haunted by that Yingolian ghost?' he thought, and then had the epiphany

    14. on your intuition, you can make the choice on what you are going to do and then you take action

    15. · Look carefully for the cause of pain and then search for a way to deal with the cause

    16. First, you will learn the information, and then you will do the work

    17. Before you move on to The Next Level, I’m going to ask that you set, and then achieve one goal for yourself

    18. will first rub His peace on you, and then infuse

    19. Apply again in a week and then apply every month until the problem disappears

    20. “I turn it on first thing in the morning, and then it’s up and running just before lunch time

    21. Henry waved weakly and then sat back down on his hard chair

    22. Compost should be raked into lawn and then watered well

    23. Think about what you need most, and then do it

    24. And then he turns around and I see those rows of loathsome eyes just leering at me, and I just want to coil that sucker up and inject all my venom sacs straight into his face!

    25. Men need to learn to deal with stress through mental shielding which involves developing the ability to disengage from hostile comments and remain in control, first by achieving a calm, relaxed state, and then creating a mental shield between yourself and person responsible for causing stress

    26. “Are you going to stand in the elevator all day? We have important things to discuss,” Ackers chastised them, and then, without waiting for their response, he turned and started walking down the hall

    27. Establish a regular, relaxing bedtime routine such as soaking in a hot bath or hot tub and then reading a book or listening to soothing music

    28. It dragged its small body out and then came up to stand before the three of them, looking tentatively up at Ackers

    29. Bread Crumbs started wagging her tail and then bounced off to find more food

    30. Accept what comes to you, appreciate it, learn from it and then let it go

    31. the soil before planting, and then applied every year after that

    32. And then Ackers started up again right where he left off, completely oblivious to the tension in the room

    33. Johnny looked uneasily at Silence, who only smirked back at him in a self-confident stare, and then made his way slowly over to Nancy

    34. Vinnie was sliding the glove around the door in small circular motions, every now and then he would tap one of the fingers of the glove against the door in alternating rhythms

    35. Big Petey strained all his muscles and then pulled

    36. Big Petey quickly shook his head, and then realized there was no point in hiding it

    37. He was on a roll and then that little brat, and that woman…

    38. “Yes, you’re probably right,” The Operator said as he cautiously poked the keyboard and then jumped back quickly

    39. "Po-knees! Po-knees! Po-knees!" At "po," she would rise up as far as her seatbelt would let her and then at "knees," crash down into her seat as hard as she could

    40. “Normally this kind of procedure would take hours of time and then even more hours to make the hack harder to trace,” The Operator explained

    41. “First we get the Chip, and then these will help us get away,” she said

    42. He actually caught her in the air, held her up for a moment, and then threw her to the ground at his feet

    43. Big Petey kicked them off and then reached back over his shoulder to lift the guard off his back and launch him through the air

    44. The grenades all landed on the floor, gave out a harsh, high-pitched sound, and then a white light shot out in all directions

    45. And then she started shaking all over

    46. Basically you apply a small amount of the boric acid onto the rug and then you brush into rug removing any left over dust with a broom

    47. Maybe there’s a way… and then you do it

    48. He entered some commands on the holographic keyboard and then waited a moment while Ackers’ flustered face appears

    49. “Have a good day,” father and son said at the same time, and then, “Thanks,” also in unison

    50. Ackers carefully inserted the device into the crack on the door, and then he squeezed what looked like the blue mercury down the tube, out of the device and into the door

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