Verwenden Sie „apart from“ in einem Satz
apart from Beispielsätze
apart from
1. So in that case, decision is actually the only thing that sets us apart from other
2. Apart from situations of repeated non-compliance or serious misconduct of the patient and when essential but unpleasant activity is required to be performed, rest of the time consultants should be soft spoken as talking is the main ingredient of patient-doctor relationship
3. Both doors were ripped off their hinges as they came apart from the building
4. apart from during the play, of course
5. Apart from Yoga teaching the site also contains articles on topics related to meditation and spirituality
6. This is the home site of BBC and provides links on various topics of interest apart from news and views
7. if he got that far before you both lost the plot … the rooms need a splash of paint but apart from that they are okay
8. ‘I’ve not seen anyone use it for ages … well, apart from the steam engine buffs – some of them used to use it …’
9. ‘She’s got a broken arm and is seriously concussed, but apart from that she’s okay
10. Now - apart from changing fuses and wiring plugs - electricity, I don’t touch
11. ‘Apart from that, he thinks it would enhance their studies into things like the war
12. This was why the techs were kept apart from each other off duty, so they would not know who was who and could be pitted against each other by their bosses
13. Apart from the growl of the diesel I heard nothing else, but I could feel
14. Nothing comes apart from God
15. Apart from that, this dream indicates that your movements are being watched
16. This only seems to speak all the more of the way our hearts feel apart from God
17. He will have to notify his employers that he is leaving, but apart from that, he can leave at any time so we should be able to travel soon
18. Apart from His essential character, we cannot define these words aright
19. Israel is not Israel without the Church, and the Church cannot be an entity apart from Israel
20. But Lintze, I very sensibly reply to myself, it’s not as though there is anything here that was brought from Earth … apart from my denims … I’ve not written anything down anywhere
21. From what I can see, apart from the boat, all other travelling will either be by kaht or on foot
22. Apart from that, I know his family – he was born here in Sulis Min – you can count on him
23. There were about six of us flying to Bristol and once on board I sat as far apart from the others as I could just in case they started chatting about the weather, or politics, or even worse, sport
24. Apart from the Gottesman who performed the ceremony, there was only Wiesse, a couple of people I didn’t know, and me
25. The benefits of this exercise, apart from cleansing the lungs and bronchial passages, are the toning up of the whole lung action with highly stimulating effects on the entire body
26. The whole idea is that you promise what you can … apart from anything else, it means you have a better chance of keeping your vows
27. There was the buzz of flying insects and rustling in dark parts of the undergrowth but apart from that, everything was still
28. So, apart from the fetid smell from the man, or the cabbage, and my head banging on the roof, I can't say I've ever felt more grounded
29. Towards the end of the village, sat a grove of windmills, their blades pushing at an endless sky but the highest point was the tower of a church or basilica and close to that waved the noble blue and white national flag of Greece - a part of the nation, yet apart from the nation
30. Apart from that group, there are several older men – very serious and sitting in splendid isolation – and, surprisingly, several family groups of mother, father and children
31. Apart from a few casual jobs that he managed to get during the summer season, when Britain’s residential masses poured out of their suburban homes to spend two weeks basking in the melange of weather systems that blow in across the great western seas, he spent most of the year fishing from beaches and rocky breakwaters, eking out a meagre living by selling sea bass to local restaurants and pubs
32. Apart from the discomfort caused by the occasional call from their friend to enquire on the fisherman’s health, the couple thoroughly enjoyed their new life embedded in one of the higher strata of the aspirational middle class cliff face
33. I was glad when I did because apart from a few tourists, the usual gang were there including Virgenia and Nikos and it was time to make my point
34. He tried to respond to his wife and step-daughter, but apart from the odd brief conversation he preferred to occupy his time with work, well away from the sounds of the radio
35. Apart from the tinny hiss from Lucy’s headphones the Roach household was as silent as the grave for weeks after the murder
36. Apart from Philip, there was a beefy guy called Peter and a spectacled
37. Apart from going through the service, which Peter wants to do with us quietly in church in his capacity as vicar, that is about it for the arrangements for Tuesday
38. Katie opens the door and welcomes us in - we’re the first to arrive apart from Gary and he doesn’t really count
39. well, apart from the theatre, and there’s no mention of her going with anyone else … other than that, there are only work-related events
40. Apart from a few casual jobs that he managed to get
41. Apart from those, there are the usual theatre programmes and not a lot else
42. ‘Yes, there seems to be a personal element to the whole set up which sets it apart from other charitable establishments
43. In my OS all the automatic stuff, not just the threat detectors, runs apart from the soul grant list, in parallel, on separate hardware
44. Until that happens they will be kept apart from the rest
45. respond to his wife and step-daughter, but apart from the odd brief
46. worm in her head, anyone that is apart from Alan, who stayed with
47. And so to 2003 … how old is Bunty now? Seventy two … apart from the odd recurrence of the ‘pains’ which she mentions, she seems particularly fit and healthy for her age
48. quite apart from the buying and selling of course – was to update
49. Now then … I’ll need something to wear for tomorrow at work and for the evening but apart from that, I suppose I could take over some of the clothes I won’t need here again
50. Apart from the wheat and barley, there were fields planted with