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    Verwenden Sie „approachable“ in einem Satz

    approachable Beispielsätze


    1. She had been more approachable lately and there had been no more incidents of nasty cherubs

    2. more attractive and more approachable, since she worked in TV production, and at least TV was

    3. He pulled his shoes on quickly and looked at her with a smile, friendly and approachable, trying to re-establish that connection

    4. Such programs often featured a traditionally strong-minded, however loving, thoughtful father who was firm yet approachable

    5. expanding in proportion to (spiritual) phenomena that becomes (increasingly) receptive to (intuitive) logic and reason, a refined (spiritual) awareness that neither compromises nor inhibits the One constant at once approachable however ―inaccessible‖ to the mind, a (seemingly) moving target within (the) reach of a receptive imagination however evading the limited scope of rational thought, whose mysteries eventually become apparent through a strengthening of Faith and Divine Trust, alone…

    6. This appalling vision of a god so uncaring eventually led to a kinder gentler representation that progressed through a chimera of previous animal versions, finally leading to a more humanlike, then more approachable human stand-in

    7. We couldn’t see from this angle, but it was likely more approachable from the northwest

    8. as he was the most approachable of their neighbours and in an

    9. Work towards a communication style that is friendly, genuine and approachable

    10. The man who made silhouette cut-outs was more approachable

    11. With that, if you are interested in a person, you should smile, so that you would appear approachable and ready for a conversation

    12. As police waited for the smoldering pile to reach approachable temperatures, yellow tape was used to section off and barricade the area

    13. children are more easily approachable than others and are more

    14. I have a contact in the Company who is much more approachable

    15. You are thoroughly candid without being brusque; on the contrary, you are soft, open, and approachable

    16. teach that He is totally approachable, no matter what condition our souls are

    17. He could be warm and approachable in private conversation, with a sharp sense of humour

    18. So that if a moment did exist in the twenty-four hours when she could be described as approachable, that moment was this one

    19. appeared to be the most approachable

    20. He could gather that the Boss was probably bit more amicable and approachable;

    21. She was approachable, too

    22. ” She grinned at that, twiddling her fingers in the air like she was relating a ghost story, and it turned her haughty expression into a more approachable mien

    23. Your teachers are more approachable, and you can talk to them during their office hours

    24. Make sure your subordinates and coworkers know that you are someone who is approachable

    25. This Keeper seemed a lot more approachable

    26. The right side of his mouth gnashed its teeth, while the other stayed fixed in a friendly, approachable smile

    27. But Hoover had a rather lordly view of the importance of his office and wasn’t good at appearing open or approachable to ordinary people

    28. Apart from the rest, on the top of a rock, stood a cottage, which, unlike others, was constructed entirely of large blocks of stone, and only approachable by a small path cut in the rock

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    Synonyme für "approachable"

    approachable reachable accessible agreeable congenial friendly attainable