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    arithmetic mean Beispielsätze

    arithmetic mean

    1. To find the mean or expected value of this binomial distribution, let us first note that the computation of the arithmetic mean can be simplified when there are a large number of ties by multiplying each distinct number k in a sample by the frequency fk with which it occurs;

    2. 7: What is the sum of the deviations of the observations from their arithmetic mean? That is, what is

    3. Does this mean that the arithmetic mean is more precise than any individual observation? Does this mean that the sample mean will be closer to the mean of the population from which it is drawn than any individual observation would be, that is, that it would be more accurate?

    4. Though the arithmetic mean or average is in common use, it can be very misleading

    5. When the arithmetic mean is meaningful, it is usually equal to or close to the median

    6. The Sharpe ratio (henceforth SR) is the annualized arithmetic mean excess return over cash, divided by its annualized volatility; cash can be represented by the deposit rate (here) or by the Treasury bill rate (Chapter 3)

    7. [1] Technical notes: I do not show arithmetic means, but the SRs are based on arithmetic excess returns divided by volatility

    8. Basic finance theory, including single-period Markowitz or mean variance optimization and the single-period CAPM, requires that one use arithmetic means (AM) as inputs

    9. Adding the dividend yield to this 1% gives a modest prospective real return for equities, though some claim that expected returns are better measured by arithmetic means, which exceed the geometric means (compound growth rates) used above

    10. Compound (geometric mean) and simple average (arithmetic mean) growth rates of earnings per share in the U

    11. The reason is that diversification reduces the volatility of the index; lower volatility (smoother returns) has no impact on the arithmetic mean but does boost the geometric mean

    12. For most constituents this gap is even wider, reducing the geometric means of narrow subsectors or single commodities relative to their arithmetic means

    13. equities, and the VC edge looks even better if arithmetic means are studied

    14. Presenting data on arithmetic means (which do not penalize for volatility) or gross returns (rather than net), as is often done, further enhances the sector’s apparent attractiveness

    15. 3, the arithmetic mean of a series is always higher than the geometric mean (AM > GM) except when there is zero volatility (AM = GM)

    16. When each parameter value corresponds to a constant number of utility function values (in our case, it is constant and equals 5), then additive convolution is equivalent to the arithmetic mean and multiplicative convolution—to the geometric mean (Chapter 7, “Basic Concepts of Multicriteria Selection as Applied to Option Combinations,” discusses different types of convolutions in detail

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