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    armament Beispielsätze


    1. "There is no armament, but the ship has five times the acceleration that we do

    2. She was strictly a sailing ship without steam power, built in 1843, and possessed armament of sixteen thirty-two pounders and six eight-inch guns

    3. Not much armament

    4. The first stream of tracers passed over the deck just in front of the wheelhouse, confirming for Colling that the cutter’s armament consisted of a heavy machine gun

    5. “Just concentrate your fortification and armament efforts on here, The Queen of Waves, and Winghoof Estate

    6. When it came to being controlled on a strike, except for speed and armament, Court saw little differ�ence between the capabilities of the single-seat Thud and the two-seater F-4

    7. Armament included a 40mm

    8. Officer in charge of ship"s armament: guns, gunnery, missiles, and other weapons and weaponry

    9. Weapons officer: officer in charge of ship"s armament

    10. The law enforcement armament included small arms and

    11. It was to turn a lobbyist for some armament giant of the West, and to put in place a facilitating firm for that

    12. The Russians have huge armament stocks and a few of their high ranking officers are unhappy with communist salaries and need to make a few extra bucks

    13. “It says standard armament on a 105 is two forward firing tubes with eight missiles each and four forward firing lasers

    14. The armament on the P I ships had been doubled to twenty-four internally and twenty-four externally mounted missiles and forty-eight lasers

    15. This battle line, weak though it was, would be the first Swordsman units to face any enemy that got past the lines of Federation armament

    16. All weapons of war were dismantled except for those given to the UN's Special Force that used the armament to enforce world law

    17. The difference in training and the sophistication of armament should have evened the playing field, but Rachel was not willing to accept any casualties among her forces

    18. Performances, armament and protection will be primordial for our crews, who can easily live without all that comfort

    19. That first phase will require more qualified aircrews than what we have now, including gunners qualified and ready to operate the armament of our scoutship

    20. Those directives included the rounding up of persons for deportation towards so-called work camps like Treblinka and the assignment of Jewish labor to the German-run armament factories in Warsaw

    21. However, the BABYLON has some self-defense armament and its extensive sensors suite makes it a perfect flying command post and long-range reconnaissance ship

    22. Sending cash that can translate into any kind of armament is not such a great idea

    23. with military armament helped the Saudis with the 911 job

    24. The worst part was that, contrary to their orders, the pilots of the 24th Pursuit Group had not gone after the bombers, instead entering in a series of dogfights with the escort Japanese fighters, with the nimble Ki-27s easily gaining the upper edge over the P-40s despite their light armament and lack of armor

    25. In terms of armament, the Japanese fighters generally have lighter armament than our fighters, while most Japanese bombers have no forward-firing defensive machineguns

    26. The two big armored turrets that constituted the main armament of the fort, each one housing two huge fourteen inch guns, then started pivoting to point their barrels at the three intruders

    27. Their armament of two 7

    28. Minagumo had however his doubts about the new Ki-43, which had the same weak armament of two 7

    29. Outrunning the Ki-43 fighters by a hundred kilometers per hour and the Ki-21 bombers by 160 kilometers per hour, the P-40s raced after the bombers while staying a bit below them, where the defensive armament of the Ki-21s was the weakest

    30. There are a lot or armament and chemical factories around Chicago

    31. It also had an unprecedented total of eight heavy machineguns as its main armament, a firepower that should be enough to shred to pieces about any Japanese aircraft

    32. The cockpit sits in a nacelle flanked by both engines and all its armament seems to be concentrated in that central nacelle, rather than in the wings

    33. Its armament was quite heavy as well, with four heavy machineguns and one cannon in the nose

    34. With the Japanese escort neutralized, the Marine and Navy aviators were free to engage at will the remaining bombers, but still lost three of their WILDCATs to the powerful defensive armament of the Mitsubishi G4Ms, each armed with a total of four 20mm cannons and two 7

    35. Most of the 24 rockets hit their target, either in the superstructures or against the hull, exploding with a firepower equivalent to the main armament salvo from six destroyers and chewing up the already damaged superstructures, killing a number of the anti-aircraft gunners

    36. ����������� �Damn!� There is a meeting of the land armament committee this afternoon, where they are to plan future tank design and production

    37. � Reading her latest sheet convinced him that she was no amateur about armament systems

    38. � Its main armament is to be a high velocity gun of a calibre no smaller than three inches and a muzzle velocity of at least 2700 feet per second when using armor-piercing rounds

    39. � I believe that the United States is the key to winning this war quickly, either as a source of armament or as a fighting ally

    40. ����������� �And I thought that all that armament you had added on last week would ruin its top speed

    41. � The production model will have uprated engines, a sixty-ton cargo capacity and longer range, as well as a slightly beefed-up armament

    42. � That is unfortunately preventing me and Sir Anthony Eden from passing on to your government critical technological information needed by your armament industries

    43. ����������� ��Mister President, this is a short list of recommendations made by me concerning the various existing armament programs that should in my view be cancelled in order to avoid serious wastes or resources and time

    44. � I now believe that I should let poor Sir Anthony, who is anxious to talk about joint armament production, speak before he strangles me to shut me up

    45. Designed for armed patrols and reconnaissance missions, it had on top of a very respectable armament a number of extremely sophisticated surveillance and observation equipment, apart from being able to become invisible to both the naked eye and to radar

    46. Their noses lit up when their massive nose armament of eight heavy machineguns opened fire, raining heavy slugs on the North Korean soldiers and ripping apart their ranks

    47. The ceramic masterpiece of hi-tech armament was fitted with a suppressor

    48. “Well” she countered “you could try and if you got that lucky, I am sure the president would understand that the capture of Gregor’s armament buyers was down to me; but hell, perhaps he wouldn’t, especially as you’re out of your jurisdiction

    49. All the fuel and armament will be carried internally, in order to minimize drag and attain as high a maximum speed and range as possible

    50. Bismarck was of comparable size and main armament to HMS Hood, but here the similarity ended

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    armament arming equipping